
Showing posts from December, 2021

Primeros frutos - Paula White Ministries

Primeros frutos - Paula White  Wouldn’t it be nice to know where you’re going in life, have the abundant means to get there and enjoy the journey? I believe you can. God has a perfect design and purpose for your life. And He wants you to have the ability and resources you need to accomplish that divine destiny. You may be thinking, “Wait a minute, if that is so then why is my life so chaotic? I never have enough energy, emotional stamina, associations or finances. I feel like I’m at my wit’s end struggling to survive. And how do I even find God’s plan for my life?” A simple principle from God’s Word holds your answer. It’s found in the book of Matthew,  “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”  (Matthew 6:33). “Seek first” is a foundation principle that has changed my life. And it can transform yours, too! Keep first things first, and God will take care of the rest. When you put God first by obeying His principl...

Joyce Meyer (25 de diciembre de 2021) Devocional diario: El regalo más asombroso

Joyce Meyer (25 de diciembre de 2021) Devocional diario: El regalo más  Querido ruben dario , Quiero desearles a usted y a su familia una muy Feliz Navidad. Jon y yo, junto con nuestra familia, estamos pensando en ti hoy y estamos orando por ti hoy. ¡Te queremos mucho! Quería compartir contigo un sermón de Navidad. Mateo 1: 18-25,   "Así es como se produjo el nacimiento de Jesús el Mesías [d]: Su madre María se comprometió a casarse con José, pero antes de que se juntaran, se encontró que estaba embarazada por el Espíritu Santo. Porque José, su esposo, era fiel a la ley, y sin embargo [e] no quería exponerla a la deshonra pública, tenía en mente divorciarse de ella en silencio. Pero después de considerar esto, un ángel del Señor se le apareció en un sueño y le dijo: “ José, hijo de David, no temas tomar a María por esposa en casa, porque lo que en ella ha sido concebido es del Espíritu Santo. Ella dará a luz un hijo, y le pondrás por nombre Jesús, [f] porque salvará a su puebl...

Isaías 7:14 Por tanto, el Señor mismo os dará señal: He aquí que la virgen concebirá, y dará a luz un hijo, y llamará su nombre Emanuel. | Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960) | Download The Bible App Now

Isaías 7:14 Por tanto, el Señor mismo os dará señal: He aquí que la virgen concebirá, y dará a luz un hijo, y llamará su nombre Emanuel. | Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960) | Download The Bible App Now : saías 7:14 Isaías 7:14 RVR1960 Por tanto, el Señor mismo os dará señal: He aquí que la virgen concebirá, y dará a luz un hijo, y llamará su nombre Emanuel.

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, December 22: Reaping a Harvest “ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 So many Christians are uninformed about God’s instructions. Once you know and understand the spiritual laws of sowing and reaping put in motion by a sovereign God, you cannot stay bound by poverty and failure. 2 Corinthians 8:9 says, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich.” I want to encourage you to live the life of a faith-filled believer. All the promises of God are yea and amen to them that believe. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 in the Amplified Version says, “Remember this: He who sows sparingly and grudgingly will also reap sparingly and grudgingly; and he who sows generously, and that blessings may come to someone, will also reap generously and with many blessings.” If you are struggling, ask yo...

God's Hand is On You | Bible in One Year

God's Hand is On You | Bible in One Year : Hands are very important. On her wedding day, I took hold of our daughter’s hand and passed it over to the minister (who happened to be our son). His hand (for these purposes) represented God’s hand. He, in turn, joined her hand to that of her husband... mmunion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen" Here we are given the opportunity to learn from the instructions given to the Corinthian Church. They were told to be perfect and to be in good comfort because our best example is Christ. He went on to say they should be of one mind and live in peace. Our unity as believers is very important because it has spiritual significance. Apostle Paul told them if they are able to do the above then the peace of God and the love of God shall be with them. He told them to greet one another, this shows the strong connection between them and the friendliness. In some churches there is no connection between members, and in some cases churches fight ...

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: The Purpose of Commitment

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: The Purpose of Commitment : Victoria Osteen - Sermon: The Purpose of Commitment. What is it that you want to accomplish? Proverbs 16:3 says, “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and He will establish your plans.” You can’t do it on your own, but you’re not on your own. You can commit those important things in your life to the...

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you! Beginnings and Endings Dec 20, 2021 Today’s Scripture Revelation 1:8, NLT "I am the Alpha and the Omega--the beginning and the end," says the Lord God. Today’s Word We get excited about new beginnings. We talk a lot about God being the Alpha and doing new things, but we don't hear much about how He, the Omega, brings things to an end. It could be a relationship, a broken dream, a business that didn't make it, or a loved one who passes away. This is hard for us because an ending can feel like a setback, and often it feels like a failure. But just as God opens a door, He closes doors and brings things to an end. The reason He closes a door is because He has something better. Instead of being sour and losing your joy, the best thing you can do is to just say goodbye to the hurt, the questions, the disappointm...

Todd White - Watch Sermon: More than Conquerors

Todd White - Watch Sermon: More than Conquerors : Todd White - Watch Sermon: More than Conquerors Scripture Reference: Acts 20: 22-24 - And now, behold, I go bound in the spirit unto Jerusalem, not knowing the things that shall befall me there: Save that the Holy Ghost witnesseth in every city, saying that bonds and afflictions abide me. But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God. Have you ever been at the Castle in Oslo and seen the Guards? It is the same at the Tomb of the unknown soldier in USA. The Guards are marching back and forth, and standing unmoved, and unaffected. They stand in rain, and they stand in cold weather. Sometimes down to -20 C in the winter, and up to +30 C in the summer. They are not affected by anyone trying to talk to them, or disturb them. They will not receive anything from y...

John Hagee December-20-2021 Daily Devotional: Micah 5:2

John Hagee December-20-2021 Daily Devotional: Micah 5:2 : John Hagee December-20-2021 Daily Devotional: Micah 5:2 - But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting. The prophet Micah uttered these words...

Watch Bill Winston's Sunday Service Live Stream - Living Word Christian Center (December-19-2021)

Watch Bill Winston's Sunday Service Live Stream - Living Word Christian Center (December-19-2021) : Join Sunday Service with Bill Winston, Live Stream (December-19-2021). Are you a lover of Jesus Christ? What does it means to be a Christian? Is Jesus Christ one of the ways or He is the only Way to the Father? Is my salvation eternal or I can lose my salvation? I know many of us are asking these qu...

#cuento #historias #carloscanalccs #bienpienso #piensapositivo #saludmental #crecimientopersonal #dios #mindset #inquebrantables #leydeatraccion

Gran lunes de reflexion antes de christmas escuchar detenida mente god bless you. #cuento #historias #carloscanalccs #bienpienso #piensapositivo #saludmental #crecimientopersonal #dios #mindset #inquebrantables #leydeatraccion : 22.9K me gusta, 558 comentarios. Video de TikTok de Carlos Canal (@carloscanalccs): «#cuento #historias #carloscanalccs #bienpienso #piensapositivo #saludmental #crecimientopersonal #dios #mindset #inquebrantables #leydeatraccion». Entrevista a Dios | Parte 1 de 2. sonido original.

🔴 SERVICIO EN VIVO - 19 Diciembre 2021 - YouTube

🔴 SERVICIO EN VIVO - 19 Diciembre 2021 - YouTube : We can look at our circumstances, or we can lift up our eyes and look beyond to the greatness God has in store.This is Message "Lift Up Your Eyes" by Victori...

Watch Sermon: Beauty in Life - by Victoria Osteen

Watch Sermon: Beauty in Life - by Victoria Osteen

650 Victoria Osteen | Beauty in Life - YouTube

650 Victoria Osteen | Beauty in Life - YouTube : Don't let the ordinary become ordinary.

Ron Carpenter Daily - On Assignment - YouTube

Ron Carpenter Daily - On Assignment - YouTube : Ron Carpenter 82.8K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Today’s Devotional God has you on assignment! He wants to do something in the church—in whatever city you might be in. He wants the world to see that if He could do something miraculous in your city, He can do it anywhere in the world! Today, know that you are being mobilized for the Kingdom. Infiltrate the world and show them the light of Christ. Show them His tenderness, mercy, and love. If we want to see a revival, it has to first start in us! Reflection Are you ready to complete your assignment? Revival is within us, now let’s display that to the world around us! SHOW LESS Ron Carpenter 82.8K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Today’s Devotional God has you on assignment! He wants to do something in the church—in whatever city you might be in. He wants the world to see that if He could do something miraculous in your city, He can do it anywhere in the world! Today, know that you are being mobilized for...

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : Be Amazed Dec 17, 2021 Today’s Scripture 2 Kings 6:18, NIV As the enemy came down toward him, Elisha prayed to the LORD, "Strike this army with blindness." So he struck them with blindness, as Elisha had asked. Today’s Word The king of Aram was so angry with the prophet Elisha that he sent an army to capture him. Elisha was only one man against an army, but he knew how to pray bold prayers. He had seen God open blind eyes, and now he prayed for the reverse. Not only were the soldiers struck blind, but Elisha led them into Samaria where the king of Israel captured them before their eyes were reopened. When you know that God is with you, you'll see God do amazing things. He can protect you, guide you, and make things happen that you could never make happen. Don't go around feeling weak, intimidated, and afraid of what you're up against. Just as with Elisha, you are so powerful and full of favor that even when the enemy do...

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: The Pursuit of Peace - Enjoying Everyday Life

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: The Pursuit of Peace - Enjoying Everyday Life

Daily Devotionals | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Daily Devotionals | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews Hambre y sed de Dios ¿Se siente vacío por tratar de satisfacer su alma con algo que no sea el Señor? December 15, 2021 Salmo 63.1-11 El amor de David por el Señor nos inspira a desear esa misma clase de relación. Pero ¿de dónde viene esa pasión por Dios? No se fabrica ni se crea mediante el esfuerzo o la fuerza de voluntad, ni podemos esforzarnos por alcanzar un estado emocional genuino de anhelo. El amor a Dios viene solo de Él, como un regalo para quienes pertenecen a Cristo ( 1 Jn 4.19 ). Esto significa que los únicos que en verdad pueden tener hambre y sed de Dios son los creyentes. El resto de la gente anhela riqueza, seguridad, control o prominencia —cosas que creen erróneamente que les dará lo que su alma necesita. Muchos van por la vida tratando de establecer todo tipo de conexiones interpersonales, con la esperanza de satisfacer deseos que ni siquiera entienden. Con mucha frecuencia, el resultado son relacione...

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : It’s a Faith Walk Dec 14, 2021 Today’s Scripture 2 Corinthians 5:7, NKJV For we walk by faith, not by sight. Today’s Word In the Scripture, the life of a believer is compared to an eagle. It's interesting that day after day, parent eagles sit on their eggs to keep them warm, unmoved by what's not changing. They never feel the baby eaglets kick, and the eggs never grow any bigger. There's no sign of life. But on day thirty-five, suddenly the eaglet starts pecking on the shell and is hatched. While you're waiting for a promise from God to happen, some things have to develop in the dark, in secret. God is bringing it all together in secret. You have to believe when there's no sign on the outside that what's inside is really alive. That promise God gave you, that egg so to speak, is not going to move or grow. You may not see any sign of life until suddenly the egg cracks open. God is saying, "Go sit on it. It's s...

1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-18 RVR1960; Estad siempre gozosos. Orad sin cesar. Dad gracias en todo, porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para con vosotros en Cristo Jesús.

1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-18 RVR1960; Estad siempre gozosos. Orad sin cesar. Dad gracias en todo, porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para con vosotros en Cristo Jesús.: 1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-18 RVR1960 1 Tesalonicenses 5:16-18 RVR1960 16Estad siempre gozosos. 17Orad sin cesar. 18Dad gracias en todo, porque esta es la voluntad de Dios para con vosotros en Cristo Jesús.

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : In the Desert Dec 13, 2021 Today’s Scripture Matthew 4:1, NLT Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted there by the devil. Today’s Word In Matthew 3, when Jesus came up out of the water after His baptism, God spoke from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son." It was a glorious moment, signaling the beginning of His ministry. You would think Jesus would immediately start teaching and healing, but instead He was led by the Spirit into the desert. If you had seen Jesus there, you could have thought it didn't make sense. Why the silence? Why alone in the desert? There will be times when God takes you into a silent season, into things that you don't understand--a door closes, a person walks away, a contract is lost. You could be down on yourself thinking, "What did I do wrong, God? I was honoring You." How do you know that isn't the Spirit leading you there? Quit being discouraged over w...

Chris Dupré on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! (December-13-2021) The Wild Love of God

Chris Dupré on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! (December-13-2021) The Wild Love of God : Chris Dupré on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! (December-13-2021) The Wild Love of God . On this episode of Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, it took dreams, visions and personal encounters with God, but Chris DuPre got a profound revelation of the “wild love of God.” With it comes spiritu...

The Benefits of Being Rebuked | Bible in One Year

The Benefits of Being Rebuked | Bible in One Year : Wisdom Psalm 141:1–10 Psalm 141 A psalm of David.     1 I call to you, Lord, come quickly to me;         hear me when I call to you.     2 May my prayer be set before you like incense;         may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice.     3 Set a guard over my mouth, Lord;         keep watch over the door of my lips.     4 Do not let my heart be drawn to what is evil         so that I take part in wicked deeds     along with those who are evildoers;         do not let me eat their delicacies.     5 Let a righteous man strike me—that is a kindness;         let h...