
Showing posts from December, 2023

Su devocional diario - Cómo nutrir nuestra fe

Su devocional diario - Cómo nutrir nuestra  Your Blessing Doubled for God's People There have been unimaginable atrocities committed against the Jewish people. Over a thousand Israelis murdered, thousands more injured and communities decimated.  Israel needs YOUR help now! Your end of the year gift today will save lives and provide emergency essentials to those in need. When you make your holy gift today, your impact will be DOUBLED up to the first $250,000 received by December 31st

Su devocional diario - Cómo nutrir nuestra fe

Su devocional diario - Cómo nutrir nuestra  Your Blessing Doubled for God's People There have been unimaginable atrocities committed against the Jewish people. Over a thousand Israelis murdered, thousands more injured and communities decimated.  Israel needs YOUR help now! Your end of the year gift today will save lives and provide emergency essentials to those in need. When you make your holy gift today, your impact will be DOUBLED up to the first $250,000 received by December 31st

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - Kevin Zadai: URGENT Prophetic Update

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - Kevin Zadai: URGENT Prophetic  December 27: Crib Death "And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, “Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me that I may come and worship Him also." Matthew 2:8 The Grinch is not the first to attempt to steal Christmas. Herod sought to kill the Christ child and stop the crowning of this up and coming king. It was a crib death devised by the devil. When Herod couldn’t find him, he attempted to cut off his future. It’s no different today. The devil has come to rob, kill and destroy your destiny. He will scheme to find your source of strength and resources and prevent you from reaching your destiny in God. But he will not succeed. He is defeated, and you have been destined for greatness. God will hide you in the cleft of the rock. He will protect you in every attack, and He will show you a way of escape! You will not die prematurely. Where you are going is p...

Joyce Meyer (December-20-2023) Daily Devotional: Develop Self-Control

Joyce Meyer (December-20-2023) Daily Devotional: Develop Self-Control

Charles Stanley (December-20-2023) Daily Devotional: Jesus, the Light

Charles Stanley (December-20-2023) Daily Devotional: Jesus, the Light

Joel Osteen (December-19-2023) Daily Devotional: Peace and Unity

Joel Osteen (December-19-2023) Daily Devotional: Peace and  Joel Osteen (December-19-2023) Daily Devotional: Peace and Unity. Today's Scripture: And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness. - James 3:18, NLT Today's Word: today, more than ever, peace and unity are so important because we have an enemy who targets our families and relationships and brings division. Adversity comes. Disagreements happen. We have to do whatever we can to stand together. One of the most powerful ways you can strengthen your relationships is by being a peacemaker. Think about a campfire. It can only burn as long as someone is throwing logs on it. Maybe you feel as though you have a fire of strife and confusion in your home or in your workplace. If you stay focused on your differences, there is going to be division. However, if you change your focus and look for the common ground of peace, you can bring harmony into your relationships again. If you ask ...

Daily Devotional (December-18-2023) SUBDUING THE 4 HORNS

Daily Devotional (December-18-2023) SUBDUING THE 4  December 18: Travailing Prayer "But Hannah answered and said, “No, my lord, I am a woman of sorrowful spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor intoxicating drink, but have poured out my soul before the Lord." 1 Samuel 1:15 The travailing prayer of Hannah was so intense, her husband, Eli, thought she was in a drunken stupor. She cried out with her whole being for the birth of a child. You need to have the same relentless passion for the spiritual birth of your loved ones. Hold on to the “horns of the altar” and pray until you have reached heaven. Stand on the promises of God. Give seed faith offerings to the Lord, believing for their salvation and watch God bring it to pass. The only limitations God has are the ones that we place on Him. If we question His willingness; if we doubt His ability or even our own worthiness, we are hindering the flow of His miracle-working power. Command the spirit of doubt to go from you. Be loosed ...

Give Bibles for $5 | American Bible Society

Give Bibles for $5 | American Bible Society : Every $5 you donate will place a Bible into the waiting hands and open hearts of: an orphan or at-risk child, patient Chinese Christians, people suffering for their faith, or a U.S. military member who is defending our freedom December 14: The Wind of God "And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so as to go by day and night." Exodus 13:21 Throughout the Bible God distinguishes Himself by wind. God’s wind and breath in the Hebrew language are used interchangeably representing the giving of life (Ezekiel 37:9). We were created from the dust of the ground, made into living beings by His breath so that life might be sustained in our earthen vessels (Genesis 2:7). The refreshing wind of God blows in your life to bring you across every barrier. His wind sweeps away all ritualism, legalism, religion and vain attempts to please man. His wind brings gen...

Holy Land Moments | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Holy Land Moments | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Benny Hinn Daily Sermon (December-12-2023) The Exceeding Greatness of His Power Toward You!

Benny Hinn Daily Sermon (December-12-2023) The Exceeding Greatness of His Power Toward You Healthy Pressure | Joel Osteen Joel Osteen 3.34M subscribers <__slot-el> <__slot-el> Subscribed 4.2K Share Clip Save 89,096 views 11 Dec 2023 #JoelOsteen 89,096 views • 11 Dec 2023 • #JoelOsteen Don’t fight the pressure; embrace it. Use it as fuel to go further, to believe bigger, to trust that God is in control. 🛎 Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel! Follow #JoelOsteen on social Twitter: Instagram: Facebook: Thank you for your generosity! To give, visit