
Showing posts from September, 2024

Watch Jonathan Cahn Special - The Mystery Of The Destroyer

Watch Jonathan Cahn Special - The Mystery Of The  Put Off, Put On September 16, 2024 Today's Scripture …that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind. Ephesians 4:22–23, NKJV Today's Word When you gave your life to Christ and were born again, the Scripture says, “You became a new creation. The old has passed away.” However, that doesn’t mean that you’ll never have any more carnal desires or never want to be jealous, rude, or complain. No, the old man may have died, but sometimes he’ll resurrect. Your old nature will rise from the dead. Even though you’re a new creation, you have to put off the old. Every day that old man is trying to get back up and run your life. Peter was a faithful, strong, committed disciple who took up his sword when Jesus was arrested, but a few hours later he denied he knew Jesus. As with Peter, we all have these two people inside, the old man

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Kevin Zadai Died. What Jesus Showed Him Will Amaze You!

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! Kevin Zadai Died. What Jesus Showed Him Will Amaze You 16 de septiembre: Alabanza real “  Porque tu amor es mejor que la vida, mis labios te alabarán. Te alabaré mientras viva, y en tu nombre alzaré mis manos   ” Salmo 63:3-4 En su forma más auténtica, la alabanza verdadera es un acto profundamente personal, casi íntimo. No se trata de declaraciones públicas ni elogios; es una comunión privada, un susurro sincero de gratitud y asombro compartido en los momentos más personales de nuestras vidas. Imagínese a una madre, con el corazón palpitando de miedo, al ver el metal retorcido de un accidente de coche. Luego, imagínese su alivio y agradecimiento silencioso cuando entra al hospital y ve a su hijo, sano y salvo, saliendo caminando. Esa es la alabanza verdadera. Nace en momentos de profundo alivio y gratitud, donde las palabras a menudo son innecesarias y el corazón habla por sí solo. La alabanza verdadera es lo que llena su alma cuando los resultado

Jack Hibbs is Live Now: Sunday Service (September 15, 2024) Live Stream | Watch Jack Hibbs Sunday Service

Jack Hibbs is Live Now: Sunday Service (September 15, 2024) Live Stream | Watch Jack Hibbs Sunday Service

Sermon "Step In & Step Up" Your World with Creflo Dollar Youtube Ministries online

Sermon "Step In & Step Up" Your World with Creflo Dollar Youtube Ministries online

This Is Glory (feat. Lizzie Morgan) by Red Worship, Naomi Raine & Trinity Anderson

This Is Glory (feat. Lizzie Morgan) by Red Worship, Naomi Raine & Trinity  Proverbs 22:17–27 Thirty Sayings of the Wise Saying 1 17  Pay attention and turn your ear to the sayings of the wise;    apply your heart to what I teach, 18  for it is pleasing when you keep them in your heart    and have all of them ready on your lips. 19  So that your trust may be in the LORD,    I teach you today, even you. 20  Have I not written thirty sayings for you,    sayings of counsel and knowledge, 21  teaching you to be honest and to speak the truth,    so that you bring back truthful reports    to those you serve? Saying 2 22  Do not exploit the poor because they are poor    and do not crush the needy in court, 23  for the LORD will take up their case    and will exact life for life. Saying 3 24  Do not make friends with a hot-tempered person,    do not associate with one easily angered, 25  or you may learn their ways    and get yourself ensnared. Saying 4 26  Do not be one who shakes hands in

Open to Rebuke - Holy Land Moments Devotional

Open to Rebuke - Holy Land Moments  Open to Rebuke Yael Eckstein   |  September 13, 2024 A rebuke impresses a discerning person     more than a hundred lashes a fool.  — Proverbs 17:10 We continue with devotional thoughts from the Book of Proverbs every Friday. One of the 11 books in the  Torah  known as the  Ketuvim,  Hebrew for “writings,” Proverbs is part of the “wisdom tradition,” which also includes Job and Ecclesiastes. As a mother, one of the most important lessons that I try to teach my children is to  learn from mistakes  and not deny responsibility. Kids sometimes feel that they need to be perfect or there is something wrong with them. When confronted with something that they’ve done, their natural reaction is to get defensive and avoid blame. I try to teach them that mistakes are a good thing. We learn from them, but only if we’re willing to do so. If we deny responsibility and always insist that we’ve done nothing wrong, we can never grow. The truth is that this may be even

Sermon Killing Sacred Cows - Week 1, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth by Andrew Wommack online

Sermon Killing Sacred Cows - Week 1, Day 4 - The Gospel Truth by Andrew Wommack  Just Watch September 13, 2024 Today's Scripture Then the LORD said to Moses, “Has my arm lost its power? Now you will see whether or not my word comes true!” Numbers 11:23, NLT Today's Word When the Israelites were in the desert, they complained bitterly to Moses that they were sick of manna and wanted meat to eat. There were no grocery stores out there, no meat markets, no Uber Eats to feed the two million people. God responded, “Moses, just watch. I’ll give them meat for a whole month.” From a logical perspective, Moses stated that it was way beyond impossible, but God is not limited by what limits us. God shifted the winds and millions of quail flew into their camp, enough for a month in the middle of the desert. If you take the limits off God, He’ll cause opportunity to find you. Good breaks and the right people will chase you down. Don’t do as Moses did and tell God all the reasons why you can

en vivo Iglesia Lakewood

en vivo Iglesia  Salmos 27:14 Salmos 27:14 RVR1960 Share Aguarda a Jehová; Esfuérzate, y aliéntese tu corazón; Sí, espera a Jehová. RVR1960: Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Read Salmos 27

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - I Saw a Red Dot Over America, Then an Explosion…

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - I Saw a Red Dot Over America, Then an Explosion 13 de septiembre: Latido del corazón de lo divino «   Pero el Paráclito, el Espíritu Santo, a quien el Padre enviará en mi nombre, él os enseñará todas las cosas y os recordará todo lo que yo os he dicho.   » Juan 14:26 El Espíritu Santo: es el latido del corazón de lo divino, una parte integral de la Santísima Trinidad. Es el poder divino, el arquitecto de los milagros, el aliento de la creación. Él encarna la verdad, el consuelo, la sabiduría y el entendimiento. Este Espíritu de gloria, omnipresente, omnisciente y omnipotente, es la esencia misma de Cristo dentro de nosotros. El Espíritu Santo obra dentro de nosotros para moldear la mente de Cristo, iluminar las profundidades de la sabiduría divina y enseñarnos y guiarnos en la voluntad perfecta de Dios. El Espíritu Santo convence, ordena, ayuda y se extiende a través de nosotros para tocar a un mundo necesitado. Es crucial comprender su personali

Benny Hinn, Daily Message - How To Receive A Fresh Anointing of The Holy Spirit In These Last Days

Benny Hinn, Daily Message - How To Receive A Fresh Anointing of The Holy Spirit In These Last Days

La verdad oculta de la escalera de Jacob

La verdad oculta de la escalera de  La historia de Jacob, contada en su idioma original   Jacob, obligado a huir de la Tierra de Israel, se queda dormido una noche y sueña con una imagen misteriosa. Una imagen sobre la cual, incluso hasta hoy, los estudiosos debaten el significado. El sueño de ángeles que suben y bajan una escalera al Cielo, algo profundo y lleno de sentido. El valor de una base sólida El sueño de Jacob puede tener muchas interpretaciones. Para nosotros, la más significativa es: puede ser que nuestras vidas espirituales sigan un patrón, a veces arriba, a veces abajo, pero siempre alcanzando el Cielo finalmente.  Nuestras vidas espirituales, así como la escalera de Jacob, necesitan «estar apoyadas en la Tierra». Ese es el fundamento que necesitamos para ascender en nuestra conexión con el Cielo. La palabra hebrea en este versículo para «apoyar» es mutzav (מֻצָּב). Proviene de la raíz «para ser firme, inquebrantable».  El texto original significa que nuestra espiritualid

Creflo Dollar Wednesday Service ( September 11, 2024) Midweek at World Changers Church

Creflo Dollar Wednesday Service ( September 11, 2024) Midweek at World Changers Church

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional (September 10, 2024) How Great Is He?

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional (September 10, 2024) How Great Is He Today's Scripture “LORD, the God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you.” 2 Chronicles 20:6, NIV Today's Word Many times when the people faced a big challenge in the Old Testament, they started their prayer by talking about the greatness of God. In today’s Scripture, King Jehoshaphat had three armies surrounding Judah. He gathered the people at the city square in Jerusalem to seek God. He didn’t say, “God, where are You? We’re about to be captured.” He said, “Lord, You alone are God. You are the ruler of the nations. You are powerful and mighty. No one can stand against you. We remember how you brought us through war, through famine, through disease. Now we’re asking you, O great God, to deliver us from these mighty armies.” When you remind yourself of who you’re dealing with, you won’t p

Joyce Meyer (September-10-2024) Daily Devotional: Time to Be Bold

Joyce Meyer (September-10-2024) Daily Devotional: Time to Be  Prayer Points Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. During this time of war in Israel, we are reminded how much we rely on each other, and how much we depend on God to sustain us. Looking at the world, sometimes we only see chaos. But how grateful we must be when we remember that when we seek the Lord, He will answer, and deliver us from all our fears! In a spirit of gratitude for God’s divine hand upon our lives, let us bring our cares and concerns before Him in prayer, secure in the knowledge that He is listening. On September 1, IDF soldiers found the bodies of six Israeli hostages who had been murdered by Hamas just hours before. Pray that the loved ones of these innocent victims will be comforted in their loss, that the remaining hostages will be released unharmed, and that the perpetrators of this horrendous act will be brought to justice. “ As a mother comforts her child,

Gloria Copeland Sermon: Look to the Lord: Your Provider

Gloria Copeland Sermon: Look to the Lord: Your Provider

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Walk In Your Heavenly Father's Shoes

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Walk In Your Heavenly Father's Shoes

Watch Priscilla Shirer, Joyce Meyer, Lisa Harper - When God Walks WITH You

Watch Priscilla Shirer, Joyce Meyer, Lisa Harper - When God Walks WITH You

2024 08 25 RCM DEVOs 1 - YouTube

2024 08 25 RCM DEVOs 1 -  The Power of the Blood “And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:13 Did you notice that before the Passover, God promised that when He saw the lambs’ blood on the Israelites’ doorposts, they would be saved from destruction? When the angel of death passed through the land, anyone among the children of Israel who was quaking in fear did so needlessly. They were saved not because they were Israelites and not because of their good behavior or anything they did. They were saved just because of one thing—the blood of the lamb. You might be feeling anxious because doctors have detected some abnormalities in your recent health check. Or perhaps a few of your relatives have succumbed to a particular disease and you are fearful you might be next. My friend, I want you to know  you do not have to be afraid , for  you  have been saved by the shed blood of the true Lamb of