
Showing posts from October, 2024

David Jeremiah Daily Devotional (October 31, 2024) The Living Bridge

David Jeremiah Daily Devotional (October 31, 2024) The Living 

Watch Jack Hibbs: Pastors Are Key to Saving America - Frank Turek

Watch Jack Hibbs: Pastors Are Key to Saving America - Frank Turek 31 de octubre: La herencia de nuestra filiación «   Hay seis cosas que el Señor odia, y siete que son detestables para él: los ojos altivos, la lengua mentirosa, las manos que derraman sangre inocente, el corazón que maquina planes perversos, los pies que se apresuran a correr al mal, el falso testigo que derrama mentiras y la persona que provoca conflictos en la comunidad.   » Proverbios 6:16-19 Proverbios 6:16-19 presenta una lista clara de cosas que el Señor desprecia, y entre ellas está el que siembra discordia entre hermanos. ¿Por qué un lenguaje tan fuerte? Porque el corazón de Dios late por la unidad: unidad en la iglesia, unidad en el hogar, unidad entre las naciones. Él sabe que cuando Su pueblo se mantiene unido, se mantiene fuerte, listo para recibir la plenitud de Sus bendiciones. La iglesia no es un edificio; es un cuerpo, vivo, interconectado, y cuando un miembro sufre, todo el cuerpo lo siente. Es...

Losing is Winning. Part 3 - Jonathan Evans

Charles Stanley (October 29, 2024) Daily Devotional: Free From Guilt

Charles Stanley (October 29, 2024) Daily Devotional: Free From Gui A Man Under Grace Sees and Appreciates His Blessings Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength . . . For he shall be like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see when good comes. Jeremiah 17:5–6 One of the saddest things about a man who trusts in his strengths and self-efforts—“who . . . makes flesh his strength”—is that he cannot see good when it comes his way. As a pastor, I have seen, down through the years, people who don’t put their trust in the Lord when it comes to their marriages, finances, and other areas of weakness. They are determined to trust in their own efforts, and tend to be rather arrogant and frustrated with the people around them. Many a time, when you observe people like that, you realize that they cannot see the good things that are right under their noses. They don’t appreciate their spouses, neglect their children, and even when other blessings come their way,  they mi...

Benny Hinn - The Joy of Answered Prayer, Part 1

Benny Hinn - The Joy of Answered Prayer, Part 1

Priscilla Shirer Watch Motivation: Raising Kids in the Midst of Technology

Priscilla Shirer Watch Motivation: Raising Kids in the Midst of Technology Priscilla Shirer ( Watch Motivation: Raising Kids in the Midst of Technology. Priscilla Shirer and her mother, Lois Evans, join Laurie Crouch on TBN's Praise (2018) to discuss raising children in the world today. Listen as they discuss the different challenges that come along with raising children in the midst of technology, and how parents can intentionally set boundaries and be present in their children's lives.

Day 302: Do Good (Psalm 119:113–120, Titus 3:1–15, Lamentations 1:1–2:6)

Day 302: Do Good (Psalm 119:113–120, Titus 3:1–15, Lamentations 1:1–2:6 Exceedingly Abundantly Above Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20–21 In Ephesians 3:18–19, we see that when we know the love of Christ, we will be filled with the fullness of God! That is amazing! But notice in today’s scripture that Paul didn’t stop there. God becomes big in your life when you know His love. He will give you not just exceedingly, not just abundantly, but exceedingly abundantly above  all  you can ask or think! So when you know His love for you, you can  ask big  and  think big ,  and God will still exceed all that you ask or think! It’s all about  His  love for you and me. Yet, there are people today who continue to boast in  their  love for God, believing tha...

Watch Touré Roberts Sermon: Yours For The Taking

Watch Touré Roberts Sermon: Yours For The  28 de octubre: Todas las cosas ayudan a bien. "   Y sabemos que en todas las cosas Dios trabaja para el bien de aquellos que lo aman, quienes han sido llamados de acuerdo a su propósito.   " Romanos 8:28 Pablo presenta una verdad profunda con el peso de la convicción: “Y sabemos que en todas las cosas Dios trabaja para el bien de aquellos que lo aman, quienes han sido llamados de acuerdo a su propósito”. Saber aquí no se trata de un asentimiento intelectual; se trata de una comprensión profunda y experiencial. Pablo había pasado por tormentas y naufragios, persecución y prisión, y fue a través de estas pruebas que obtuvo una seguridad inquebrantable en la soberanía de Dios. Esta promesa no es una declaración general de que todo siempre saldrá bien para todos. Es una seguridad dirigida a aquellos que aman activamente a Dios y están alineados con Sus propósitos. Es para aquellos que someten su visión a Dios, permitiéndole recalibr...

Watch Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Don't Be a Complainer

Watch Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Don't Be a Complainer

Sunday Service - BILL JOHNSON at Bethel Church - October 27, 2024

Sunday Service - BILL JOHNSON at Bethel Church - October 27, 2024

The Power of Imagination | It's Supernatural! School of Ministry

The Power of Imagination | It's Supernatural! School of Ministry

Joyce Meyer (October-25-2024) Daily Devotional: Chosen and Adopted

Joyce Meyer (October-25-2024) Daily Devotional: Chosen and  Message read Type a message

Day 299: Your Most Valuable Possession (Psalm 119:97–104, 2 Timothy 4:1–22, Jeremiah 51:15–64)

Day 299: Your Most Valuable Possession (Psalm 119:97–104, 2 Timothy 4:1–22, Jeremiah 51:15–64 Psalm 119:97–104 מ Mem 97  Oh, how I love your law!   I meditate on it all day long. 98  Your commands are always with me   and make me wiser than my enemies. 99  I have more insight than all my teachers,   for I meditate on your statutes. 100  I have more understanding than the elders,   for I obey your precepts. 101  I have kept my feet from every evil path   so that I might obey your word. 102  I have not departed from your laws,   for you yourself have taught me. 103  How sweet are your words to my taste,   sweeter than honey to my mouth! 104  I gain understanding from your precepts;   therefore I hate every wrong path. Commentary Love God’s words Without God, our lives make no sense. As we read his word we understand the meaning and purpose of our lives: ‘With your instruction I understand life’ (v.104, MSG). N...

Inspiration - Today's Word

Inspiration - Today's  God’s Heart Revealed “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” John 14:9 How do you know it is God’s will to heal you? Just look at what Jesus did during His earthly ministry. When we look at Jesus, we see our heavenly Father’s heart for us, for Jesus said that anyone who has seen Him has seen the Father. Throughout the Gospels, what do we see Jesus tirelessly doing? And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sick- ness and all kinds of disease among the people. Then His fame went throughout all Syria; and they brought to Him all sick people who were afflicted with various diseases and torments, and those who were demon-possessed, epileptics, and paralytics; and He healed them. —Matthew 4:23–24 Then great multitudes came to Him, having with them the lame, blind, mute, maimed, and many others; and they laid them down at Jesus’ feet, and He healed them. —Matthew 15:30 When the su...

Bill Winston - Watch Sermon: Your Source of Wealth - Planting the Heavens Vol. 2

Bill Winston - Watch Sermon: Your Source of Wealth - Planting the Heavens Vol.  25 de octubre: Tu corazón se alinea con Su latido "   Y pido que, arraigados y cimentados en el amor, seáis capaces, junto con todo el pueblo santo, de comprender cuán ancho, largo, alto y profundo es el amor de Cristo.   " Efesios 3:17b-18 Estar arraigados en el amor de Dios significa sumergirnos diariamente en Su Palabra, dejando que las verdades de las Escrituras impregnen cada aspecto de nuestras vidas. Es en Su Palabra donde encontramos las revelaciones de Su amor, las garantías de Sus promesas y la fuerza para enfrentar cada día. Establecernos en Su amor implica una comunicación constante con Él a través de la oración. Es un diálogo que fortalece nuestra relación, profundiza nuestro entendimiento y solidifica nuestra confianza en Él. Recuerda, cuando estás arraigado y cimentado en el amor de Dios, otros lo verán en tus acciones. Hacemos esto extendiendo gracia, mostrando compasión y expr...

Mountain Majesty Puzzle | Joni and Friends

Mountain Majesty Puzzle | Joni and  This 500-piece puzzle features the stunning “Mountain Majesty” artwork by Joni Eareckson Tada. Inspired by Joni’s early experiences visiting the mountains with her family, this image of the snowy Rocky Mountains reflects the grandeur of God’s creation. As Joni says, “I have always been enamored by mountains. They display the majestic beauty and splendor of our Creator God… I chose a distant mountain scape to provide an expansive view of one of God’s masterful achievements: the Rockies in wintertime.” Enjoy the challenge of this 21.5″ x 15″ puzzle with family and friends, and watch Joni’s inspiring art come to completion before your eyes. Stock up on this perfect holiday gift while supplies last. And check out Joni’s 2025 Planner, also featuring her “Mountain Majesty” art, along with fresh devotionals, hand-picked Scriptures, and encouragements to deepen your faith throughout the year.

Bill Winston - Watch Sermon: Essential For Every Believer

Bill Winston - Watch Sermon: Essential For Every  24 de octubre: Primero ata al hombre fuerte "   Por otra parte, ¿cómo puede alguien entrar en la casa de un hombre fuerte y saquear sus bienes si antes no le ata? Entonces podrá saquear su casa   "  . Mateo 12:29 Jesús habló del “hombre fuerte” para ilustrar la autoridad espiritual y la victoria. Nunca etiquetó a Satanás como este hombre fuerte; en cambio, usó el término para describir a alguien con poder y fuerza sobre su casa, simbolizando influencia y dominio sobre una esfera, ya sea una vida, una familia o una situación. Cuando Jesús dijo: “Primero ata al hombre fuerte”, reveló una clave para el avance espiritual. Atar es restringir o afirmar una fuerza mayor. Se trata de una guerra espiritual, de tomar autoridad sobre las fuerzas que reclaman un dominio al que no tienen derecho. Se trata de reclamar lo que se ha arrebatado injustamente. Atar al hombre fuerte inmoviliza la fuerza que se interpone entre nosotros y ...