Today's Word DEVOTIONAL Today’s Scripture “...Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms...” (1 Peter 4:10, NIV) Titles Not Required Too often we pursue titles and positions, thinking we’ll feel good about ourselves when we have them. “When I make it to sales manager, when I get on the varsity cheerleading squad, when I’m the head usher, the senior partner, the lead supervisor…” That’s fine. But you don’t need a title to do what God has called you to do. Don’t wait for people to approve you, affirm you, or validate you. Use your gift, and the title will come. If David would have waited for a title, we wouldn’t be talking about him today. When he went out to face Goliath, David wasn’t a general, a corporal, or a sergeant. He wasn’t even enlisted. He didn’t have a title, a name badge, a uniform, or a single credential. He went out knowing God had called and given him the gift to defeat Goliat...