
Priscilla Shirer - Sunday Service online service - Hillsong Church Online (March-13-2022)

Priscilla Shirer - Sunday Service online service - Hillsong Church Online (March-13-2022) : Priscilla Shirer - Sunday Service online service - Hillsong Church Online (March-13-2022)

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Your BIG Purpose in "Little" Moments

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Your BIG Purpose in "Little" Moments : Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Your BIG Purpose in "Little" Moments. This week on Better Together, Victoria Osteen discusses walking in your purpose. Join the conversation as Laurie Crouch, Stephanie Ike, Jeannie Munsey, and Jamie Kern Lima join Victoria Osteen to discuss how to trust God&#...

Pastor Otoniel Font - Haz lo que Él te Diga - YouTube

Pastor Otoniel Font - Haz lo que Él te Diga - YouTube : Super Fe 1BHas tambaleado en tu compromiso porque han faltado a tu confianza, pero en cuanto a Dios, confía y haz lo que Él te diga porque vez tras vez Él va.. Never, Never, Never Mar 11, 2022 Today’s Scripture Hebrews 13:5, TLB For God has said, "I will never, never fail you nor forsake you." Today’s Word In today's Scripture, God put such an emphasis on His faithfulness because He knew how easy it is to give up on our dreams, to let our circumstances and how long it's been taking to talk us out of His best. You may be facing a situation that looks impossible today. The odds are against you, and you've had some setbacks. Let me encourage you, it's coming together. God is not going to fail you. The breakthrough is already in your future. Maybe you think you can never get out of debt, never live in a nice house, never be successful in your career. You've gone as far as your education allows. No, don...

Total Forgiveness | Bible in One Year

Total Forgiveness | Bible in One  Wisdom Psalm 32:1-11 Of David. A maskil. 1  Blessed is the one ||whose transgressions are forgiven, ||whose sins are covered. 2  Blessed is the one ||whose sin the Lord does not count against them ||and in whose spirit is no deceit. 3  When I kept silent, ||my bones wasted away ||through my groaning all day long. 4  For day and night ||your hand was heavy on me; my strength was sapped ||as in the heat of summer. 5  Then I acknowledged my sin to you ||and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess ||my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave ||the guilt of my sin. 6  Therefore let all the faithful pray to you ||while you may be found; surely the rising of the mighty waters ||will not reach them. 7  You are my hiding place; ||you will protect me from trouble ||and surround me with songs of deliverance. 8  I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; ||I will counsel you with my lo...

Su devocional diario - Cómo vivir sin ansiedad

Su devocional diario - Cómo vivir sin ansiedad : Cómo vivir sin ansiedad Si ponemos a Dios en primer lugar, la ansiedad no se afianzará en nuestras vidas. March 10, 2022 Filipenses 4.4-9 Vivimos en un mundo inundado de ansiedad y temor, en el que la gente tiene el hábito de preocuparse porque eso le proporciona una falsa sensación de control. Pero los cristianos no tienen que ceder a estos sentimientos, pues tenemos un Salvador que nos ha prometido su paz “que sobrepasa todo entendimiento” (Fil 4.7). A Dios gracias, podemos evitar la ansiedad. Primero, debemos tener cuidado con lo que permitimos que llene nuestra mente: escuchar a los numerosos proveedores de fatalidad y pesimismo puede conducir al miedo, la ansiedad o el pánico. Si usted se agita después de oír las noticias, escuchar podcasts o leer las redes sociales, es hora de tomar un descanso. Más bien, haga lo que Pablo recomienda en el pasaje de hoy: piense en todo lo que sea verdadero, honesto, justo, puro, amable, de buen n...

Watch Bill Winston's Sunday Service Live Stream - Living Word Christian Center (March-13-2022)

Watch Bill Winston's Sunday Service Live Stream - Living Word Christian Center (March-13-2022) : Join Sunday Service with Bill Winston, Live Stream (March-13-2022). Are you a lover of Jesus Christ? What does it means to be a Christian? Is Jesus Christ one of the ways or He is the only Way to the Father? Is my salvation eternal or I can lose my salvation? I know many of us are asking these quest...

Holy Land Moments | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Holy Land Moments | International Fellowship of Christians and  Serve God with Our True Essence March 8, 2022 We must serve God with our own true essence. Our worship must be “salted” to bring out our unique gifts. Honey, which masks and conceals, should have no place in our relationship with God.