
Joel Osteen Daily Devotional (September 10, 2024) How Great Is He?

Joel Osteen Daily Devotional (September 10, 2024) How Great Is He Today's Scripture “LORD, the God of our ancestors, are you not the God who is in heaven? You rule over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in your hand, and no one can withstand you.” 2 Chronicles 20:6, NIV Today's Word Many times when the people faced a big challenge in the Old Testament, they started their prayer by talking about the greatness of God. In today’s Scripture, King Jehoshaphat had three armies surrounding Judah. He gathered the people at the city square in Jerusalem to seek God. He didn’t say, “God, where are You? We’re about to be captured.” He said, “Lord, You alone are God. You are the ruler of the nations. You are powerful and mighty. No one can stand against you. We remember how you brought us through war, through famine, through disease. Now we’re asking you, O great God, to deliver us from these mighty armies.” When you remind yourself of who you’re dealing with, you won’t p

Joyce Meyer (September-10-2024) Daily Devotional: Time to Be Bold

Joyce Meyer (September-10-2024) Daily Devotional: Time to Be  Prayer Points Psalm 34:4 I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. During this time of war in Israel, we are reminded how much we rely on each other, and how much we depend on God to sustain us. Looking at the world, sometimes we only see chaos. But how grateful we must be when we remember that when we seek the Lord, He will answer, and deliver us from all our fears! In a spirit of gratitude for God’s divine hand upon our lives, let us bring our cares and concerns before Him in prayer, secure in the knowledge that He is listening. On September 1, IDF soldiers found the bodies of six Israeli hostages who had been murdered by Hamas just hours before. Pray that the loved ones of these innocent victims will be comforted in their loss, that the remaining hostages will be released unharmed, and that the perpetrators of this horrendous act will be brought to justice. “ As a mother comforts her child,

Gloria Copeland Sermon: Look to the Lord: Your Provider

Gloria Copeland Sermon: Look to the Lord: Your Provider

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Walk In Your Heavenly Father's Shoes

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Walk In Your Heavenly Father's Shoes

Watch Priscilla Shirer, Joyce Meyer, Lisa Harper - When God Walks WITH You

Watch Priscilla Shirer, Joyce Meyer, Lisa Harper - When God Walks WITH You

2024 08 25 RCM DEVOs 1 - YouTube

2024 08 25 RCM DEVOs 1 -  The Power of the Blood “And when I see the blood, I will pass over you; and the plague shall not be on you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:13 Did you notice that before the Passover, God promised that when He saw the lambs’ blood on the Israelites’ doorposts, they would be saved from destruction? When the angel of death passed through the land, anyone among the children of Israel who was quaking in fear did so needlessly. They were saved not because they were Israelites and not because of their good behavior or anything they did. They were saved just because of one thing—the blood of the lamb. You might be feeling anxious because doctors have detected some abnormalities in your recent health check. Or perhaps a few of your relatives have succumbed to a particular disease and you are fearful you might be next. My friend, I want you to know  you do not have to be afraid , for  you  have been saved by the shed blood of the true Lamb of

Steven Furtick Sermon - Struggling To Trust God?

Steven Furtick Sermon - Struggling To Trust God 2024 Atonement Offering I Declare  ALL Seven Blessings of the Atonement  Will Be Released in Your Life!  October 12 th  is God’s Most Holy Day…  The Day of Atonement ! For your Atonement offering of $125 or more , we will send to you Paula’s anointed 2-Discs on “The Ark of the Covenant” and “When Mercy Meets Your Mess.”  In addition, you will also receive Paula’s Atonement Devotional “Atonement: God’s Divine Appointment With You ”, PLUS the gorgeous Alabaster Box with Frankincense and additional Spikenard Anointing Oil! For your Atonement offering of $500 or more, in honor of His Grace and Mercy,  in addition to all these great resources,  we will also rush to you this beautiful, brand new Ark of the Covenant statue on stand !  This is an incredible symbol, distinctly demonstrates that God Almighty, the maker of heaven and earth, chose to dwell among us. His mercy is ever-present for you, and it will be a daily reminder for your home or o