

New from Joel - Rebooting: A Fresh Start
God Is Preparing You for More
There is encouragement stirring in my heart for you and I’ll share it in a few different ways throughout this month . . .
When you go through a difficult season, when something doesn’t work out, don’t get discouraged.
As a child of Almighty God, I want you to hold on to this promise today:
God doesn’t close a door without opening a better door of divine opportunity!
Today, I want to help you see it all with new eyes: God is doing a new thing in you! He is positioning you for a brand-new season, A FRESH START!
When it seems like life has been put on pause, know that God is rebooting the program and preparing you for more. Abundance, breakthroughs, and favor are coming your way—this is for you today!
I hope you’ll request the new devotional we put together to help you begin your fresh start. Thank you for reading this email, for forwarding it on, for supporting the message of HOPE. God has good things coming your way!

Believing with you,
Joel Osteen
PS: Request Joel’s new resource, Rebooting: A Fresh Start, featuring an inspiring 7-day devotional, audio messages, and daily declaration cards! This resource will propel you into your new season. And we’d love to send it to you with your gift of any amount to the ministry today.


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