The Passion Translation – The Bible For A New Generation

The Passion Translation – The Bible For A New Generation: The Bible For A New Generation
I Hear His Whisper . . .
I want every part of you to be free.
I want you to be one with me—living in union with me. Allow yourself to be fully consumed with me—spirit, soul, and body. I want you to sense my presence in your spirit, your soul, and your body. I am as close as your next breath.

I want every part of you to be free. When your mind is consumed with your problems, you’re not experiencing the fullness of my love. I want you to find true freedom in complete oneness with me. So focus your thoughts and your mind on me. Trust me and completely resign your will to mine. Release your cares into my hands. I want to take your burdens and worries from you. Let me have control, and you will finally experience the freedom and unity in me. Let me give you the peace you long for and desire.
Romans 8:6
The Passion Translation
The mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.
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