Joyce Meyer (December-30-2020) Daily Devotional: Nothing Satisfies Like God
Joyce Meyer (December-30-2020) Daily Devotional: Nothing Satisfies Like God: Joyce Meyer (December-30-2020) Daily Devotional: Nothing Satisfies Like God Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie that there was something outside of God’s provision that would satisfy them (see Genesis 3:1–7). We each make this same mistake until we learn that nothing can deeply, truly satisfy us except the presence of God. For years, I wanted my ministry to grow. When it didn’t, I became frustrated and dissatisfied. I fasted, prayed, and tried everything I knew to get more people to come to my meetings. I remember complaining when God wouldn’t give me the increase I wanted. I would go to a meeting, and everybody would be late, nobody would be excited, and sometimes the attendance would be half of what it was the time before. Then I would leave the meeting questioning, What am I doing wrong, God? Why aren’t You blessing me? I’m fasting. I’m praying. I’m giving and believing. God, look at all my good works, and You’re not moving on my behalf. I was so frustrated. I even asked, “God! Why are You doing this to me?” He said, “Joyce, I am teaching you that man does not live by bread alone.” I knew God had spoken to me from the Bible, but at that time I wasn’t familiar enough with it to
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