
Showing posts from February, 2021

Charles Stanley (February-27-2021) Daily Devotional: Resurrection: Our New Body

Charles Stanley (February-27-2021) Daily Devotional: Resurrection: Our New Body : Charles Stanley (February-27-2021) Daily Devotional: Resurrection: Our New Body 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 - 13 But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope. 14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him tho se who have fallen asleep in Jesus. 15 For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord. 18 Therefore comfort one an...

Proverbios 9:10 RVR1960; El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría, Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia.

Proverbios 9:10 RVR1960; El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría, Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia.: Proverbios 9:10 RVR1960 Proverbios 9:10 RVR1960 10El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría, Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia.

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria: sábado, 27 de febrero de 2021 La resurrección: Nuestro nuevo cuerpo 1 Tesalonicenses 4.13-18 Las Sagradas Escrituras describen de manera hermosa el regreso de Cristo. El pasaje de hoy, por ejemplo, dice que al grito del Señor y al sonido de una trompeta, los “muertos en Cristo” se levantarán de sus tumbas y se elevarán al cielo (1 Ts 4.16). Muy cerca de ellos estarán los creyentes que aún no hayan muerto. Serán cambiados al ser “arrebatados... para recibir al Señor en el aire” (1 Ts 4.17). La carne y los huesos terrenales envejecen, pierden vitalidad y sucumben al pecado. Por tanto, Dios prometió que el cuerpo de cada creyente se transformaría en uno glorioso como el de Cristo después de su resurrección. En el cielo, ya no tendremos que lidiar con las tentaciones o limitaciones de nuestra existencia temporal. Tal vez ni siquiera nos limite el espacio, ya que Juan 20.19 señala que para el Señor Jesús resucitado las puertas no eran ningún obstáculo. Nuestros nuevos ...

Six Characteristics of a Holy Life |

Six Characteristics of a Holy Life | Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness Psalm 27:1-6 How do you live a life without fear? David had plenty of reasons to be afraid. He was surrounded by ‘vandals’, ‘bullies’ and ‘toughs’ (v.2, MSG). Yet he said, ‘I’m fearless, afraid of no one and nothing’ (v.1, MSG). ‘I’m calm as a baby… I’m collected and cool’ (v.3, MSG). How can you be confident in the face of opposition and attack? The focus of his life was worship. He focused on ‘one thing’ (v.4). This was his number one priority. Don’t try to fit God into your plans. Make your plans around the priority of worship. David gives a wonderful description of worship. What he wants to do more than anything is ‘to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple’ (v.4b). There he will ‘sacrifice with shouts of joy; [he] will sing and make music to the Lord’ (v.6b). I love the expression ‘the beauty of the Lord’ (v.4b). The Greek word for ‘beauty’ (kalos) is the...

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria: viernes, 26 de febrero de 2021 La buena noticia acerca de la muerte 1 Corintios 15.50-58 La Biblia enseña que la muerte es solo el comienzo para los creyentes. Dios ha preparado un hogar eterno para nosotros, y la condición para entrar es clara: creer que Cristo murió por nuestros pecados para recibir su perdón. Hay quienes consideran que esto es fanatismo e injusto. Pero el Padre celestial estableció esa condición por una razón. En el huerto del Edén, el Señor estableció una regla para proteger su creación: “no me desobedezcan”. El pecado era un asunto tan serio a sus ojos que decidió que merecía la pena de muerte. Sin embargo, desde la transgresión de Adán y Eva hemos seguido el camino del pecado porque somos seres humanos imperfectos. Y Dios lo sabía. Así que, para salvarnos de las consecuencias del pecado, envió a su Hijo a morir en nuestro lugar. Jesucristo cumplió la ley mientras recibía nuestro castigo, y tres días después resucitó. Dios prometió en su Pala...

2 Tesalonicenses 3:3 RVR1960; Pero fiel es el Señor, que os afirmará y guardará del mal.

2 Tesalonicenses 3:3 RVR1960; Pero fiel es el Señor, que os afirmará y guardará del mal. : 2 Tesalonicenses 3:3 RVR1960 2 Tesalonicenses 3:3 RVR1960 3Pero fiel es el Señor, que os afirmará y guardará del mal. 2 Tesalonicenses 3:3 RVR1960 2 Tesalonicenses 3:3 RVR1960 3 Pero fiel es el Señor, que os afirmará y guardará del mal.

(3) Pastor Otoniel Font - Tu Éxito, tu Plataforma - YouTube

(3) Pastor Otoniel Font - Tu Éxito, tu Plataforma - YouTube: Mil Veces +33Tu éxito no es para tu satisfacción, aunque hay satisfacción en alcanzar el éxito. Tu éxito no es más que tu plataforma para honrar a Dios y se...

Mujer Crea Webinar

Mujer Crea Webinar: ¡ACOMPÁÑANOS EN ESTE EVENTO GRATUITO! Participa en VIVO del evento de lanzamiento de mi nuevo libro “Mujer, Crea”. Durante el evento tendrás la oportunidad de aprender al despertar tu capacidad creativa. Tu creatividad viene directamente del Creador por excelencia, Dios. Es por eso, que Dios usa tú creatividad como un instrumento para bajar sus diseños a la tierra. Sabiendo que la creatividad necesita colaboración y entorno creativo, en compañía de 5 increíbles mujeres creativas, disfrutarás de una experiencia de aprendizaje sin comparación. Al inscribirte recibirás un correo electrónico con tu confirmación. Es indispensable que lo tengas a la mano la fecha y el día del evento para accesar a la conferencia virtual. Durante el evento tendrás la oportunidad de recibir tu copia del libro GRATIS. Junto con tu copia, tengo otros regalos para ti. ¡Nos vemos el 15 de marzo! ¡No puedo esperar a compartir todo lo que tengo para ti esa noche!

Priscilla Shirer (February-26-2021) The Power of Yielding to God's Spirit - Elijah Bible Study

Priscilla Shirer (February-26-2021) The Power of Yielding to God's Spirit - Elijah Bible Study: Priscilla Shirer (February-26-2021) The Power of Yielding to God's Spirit - Elijah Bible Study. Join Priscilla Shirer on this 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries: Today’s Scripture Luke 15:20, NLT And while he was still a long way off, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him. Today’s Word The prodigal son took his father's inheritance and wasted it all on wild living and partying. Yet when he finally came home, notice that his father was waiting for him. Despite what his son had done, I can imagine the father walking to the end of the driveway several times a day and looking for him. And seeing his son, the father ran out and hugged and kissed his son. Then he told his staff to throw a party and celebrate his son's return. Never once did the father bring up the son's faults. He didn't condemn him as undeserving. He was full of compassion, love, and restoring mercy. Sometimes we think we have to tell people everything they're doing wrong and change their mind, but the Holy Spirit is the one who convicts. Our job is to...

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria: miércoles, 24 de febrero de 2021 Confiar en Dios en los tiempos difíciles Salmo 46 Si usted sigue las noticias, sin duda se habrá enterado de historias aterradoras de agitación política, amenazas mundiales y catástrofes naturales o provocadas por el hombre. Aunque las personas que le rodean pueden estar temerosas y estresadas, no hay razón para que un hijo de Dios se sienta así. Para los cristianos, el Señor es un refugio y una ayuda muy presente en las tribulaciones (Sal 46.1). Aunque el pasaje de hoy describe una variedad de desastres, la intención del escritor no fue, sin duda alguna, causar temor. Más bien, estas palabras son un recordatorio de la supremacía de nuestro Padre celestial sobre todo lo que sucede, de su protección, y de la victoria final que resultará en el gobierno de su reino en la Tierra. A la luz de esto, se nos exhorta a que dejemos de preocuparnos y de afanarnos por protegernos; que en vez de eso, confiemos en Él. Nuestra serenidad y segurida...

Joyce Meyer (February-24-2021) Watch Sermon: The Mouth, Part 2

Joyce Meyer (February-24-2021) Watch Sermon: The Mouth, Part 2: Joyce Meyer`s sermon "The Mouth", Part 2. Your words are making a noticeable impact on your life. Today, Joyce shares scriptures to inspire positive changes in the words you say every day. Joyce Meyer: bring your conversation into agreement with God's word instead of just talking out of how you feel and what you think all the time, and I can guarantee you that you will begin to see changes in your life. Matthew 12:34 says, "you offspring of vipers! How can you speak good things when you are evil (wicked)? For out of the fullness (the overflow, the abundance) of the heart the mouth speaks." In other words, for it to come out of us, it's gotta be in us, floating around in there somewhere. So, nothing reveals more about the real us than our words. You can learn so much about yourself by listening to yourself. Ooh, I learn things about myself I would just assume that I wouldn't have known. ...

(1) Sarah Cheesman - 21st of February - YouTube

(1) Sarah Cheesman - 21st of February - YouTube: Sarah Cheesman - 21st of February 541 views•Streamed live on 21 Feb 2021 19 0 SHARE SAVE Glory City Church

Notas_Devocionales_anteriores_Filipenses _4_.pdf

Notas_Devocionales_anteriores_Filipenses _4_.pdf 1:VIVAMOS GOZOSOS. INTRODUCCIÓN A LA CARTA A LOS FILIPENSES.El apóstol Pablo escribió esta carta mientras era prisionero en una celda en Roma cerca del año 62 de nuestra era. La escribió a la iglesia en Filipo, un puerto en donde la había fundado durante su segundo viaje misionero (Hechos 16). Epafrodito era uno de los miembros de la iglesia y había sido enviado por ellos con una ofrenda especial y para ayudar al apóstol (Filipenses 2:25-30; 4:10-20). Esta carta es una especie de carta de agradecimiento, pero es mucho más. Tiene que ver con el secreto del gozo en la vida de Pablo. Por lo menos 19 veces se usan las palabras gozo, regocijarse y alegría durante este documento. Eso es lo interesante y poderoso de su escrito, porque Pablo es un prisionero en espera de juicio, podría ser dejado libre muy pronto o podría ser decapitado. Hechos 28: 30-31 nos deja saber que estaba confinado a casa por cárcel, tenía un soldado romano vigilándolo 2...

(1) Experience the Fullness of His Love - Victoria Osteen - YouTube

(1) Experience the Fullness of His Love - Victoria Osteen - YouTube: Experience the Fullness of His Love - Victoria Osteen

Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-23-2021) Keep Yourself Free from Idolatry! Part 2

Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-23-2021) Keep Yourself Free from Idolatry! Part 2 : Keep Yourself Free from Idolatry! Part 2 - Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-23-2021 Keep Yourself Free from Idolatry! Part 2 - Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-23-2021

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria: martes, 23 de febrero de 2021 La pasión por obedecer Hechos 5.17-42 Ayer hablamos de lo que significa la obediencia apasionada, y cómo se desarrolla con el tiempo. Los apóstoles llegaron a la cima de la obediencia. Sin ser motivados por el miedo o la esperanza de recompensa, enfrentaron la vergüenza, el dolor y la muerte. ¿Por qué? Porque su amor por Cristo era tan grande que no podían mantenerse callados. Las personas que reciben la salvación y después se cruzan de brazos, contentas de que irán al cielo cuando mueran, no han entendido el asunto. La salvación no se trata solo de ir al cielo; también nos permite ser usados para la gloria de Dios en este mundo. El Señor vive a través de nosotros para que podamos tocar la vida de otros. Las limitaciones autoimpuestas y la pasión por obedecer a Dios no pueden coexistir. La vida puede parecer más fácil si elegimos cuándo vamos a obedecer al Señor, pero esa clase de vida nunca será satisfactoria. La pasión por obedecer...

Proverbios 21:3 RVR1960; Hacer justicia y juicio es a Jehová Más agradable que sacrificio.

Proverbios 21:3 RVR1960; Hacer justicia y juicio es a Jehová Más agradable que sacrificio.: Proverbios 21:3 RVR1960 Proverbios 21:3 RVR1960 3Hacer justicia y juicio es a Jehová Más agradable que sacrificio.

(1) God Has Great Purpose For Your Life | Victoria Osteen - YouTube

(1) God Has Great Purpose For Your Life | Victoria Osteen - YouTube: I want to encourage you today that God has great purpose for your life. You hold meaning, you hold potential, you hold everything you need to make this earth...

The Anointing of Esther - City of Destiny

The Anointing of Esther - City of Destiny: The Anointing of Esther You have been raised up "for such a time as this!" Pastor Paula White-Cain This Is From A Prophetic Place! Dear RUBEN D, We are approaching a  joyous time of celebration  in Israel called “ Purim ”, where God’s chosen people celebrate to this day their deliverance as a nation 2500 years ago by the courage of a little Hebrew girl in your Bible named Esther, which  begins at sundown this Thursday, February 25th, and ends at sundown Friday, February 26th !! And now  I declare this is a time of prophetic deliverance for you!  There Will Not Be A Spirit of Destruction That Brings Down Your Family ! I am writing to you today from a prophetic place of power. I have a NOW Word for you on  the “position” of Esther , the beautiful young Hebrew girl empowered of God with favor to save the Jewish nation from extermination.  And I feel this right now- I come against everything that has held you back...

River Church | Dante Gebel | Servicio 11:00am | Zona 166 - YouTube

River Church | Dante Gebel | Servicio 11:00am | Zona 166 - YouTube : There’s a scripture I love that says, “Those who hope in the Lord shall renew their strength.” Think about that for a moment. We all need strength. Have you ...

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word. February 21: To Live is Christ “For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain. " Philippians 1:21 The apostle Paul lived his entire life attempting to fulfill what God had called him to do (Acts 9:15). He continued to proclaim and boldly proclaim the saving grace of Christ. With each passing day, Paul disciplined himself by setting his goals and priorities to glorify God. Every one of us has the same amount of time afforded us to determine how far we will go in the things of God. If we do not fulfill what God has purposed for us, then we cannot say we have really lived. Each of us is responsible for how far we are willing to go and how much we are willing to sacrifice for the cause of Christ. We will not be ready to die until we have lived. Set your sights on living for God, as Paul did, by magnifying Christ in every...

Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show February-21-2021 Why Socialism Will Never Work

Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show February-21-2021 Why Socialism Will Never Work: Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show February-21-2021 Why Socialism Will Never Work Dr. Jennifer Clark shares the irrefutable truth about why socialism will never work. Jennifer Clark says the fall from innocence in the Garden of Eden wasn’t God’s plan. That hasn’t stopped satan from saying he has a better idea—POVERTY! Today you rarely hear how Israel, India and the United Kingdom each tried socialism, and failed. Or how richer EU nations are struggling with food banks…while socialists lobby for food mandates? Don’t buy it, Jennifer says. Her new 3-part audio series, God’s Plan to Prosper, will help you understand why free enterprise and compassion represent God’s heart. He is able to bless the work of your hands! Jennifer’s book, Satan Is a Socialist, brings more clarity to what is both a spiritual and political issue. She examines how the Bible and history demonstrate w...

Watch Sunday Service with Benny Hinn (February-21, 2021) Live Stream

Watch Sunday Service with Benny Hinn (February-21, 2021) Live Stream: Join Sunday Service Live Stream with Benny Hinn (February-21, 2021).

Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-19-2021) A Special Word from Pastor Benny just for You!

Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-19-2021) A Special Word from Pastor Benny just for You!: A Special Word from Pastor Benny just for You! - Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-19-2021) A Special Word from Pastor Benny just for You! - Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-19-2021)

Joseph Prince (February-19-2021) The Rapture—Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times

Joseph Prince (February-19-2021) The Rapture—Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times: Joseph Prince (February-19-2021) The Rapture—Your Blessed Hope In Dark Times.  Look up with joyful expectation because Christ our bridegroom is coming back for us! In this uplifting message, Joseph Prince expounds on the rapture of the church, distinguishing it from the Second Coming of Christ and showing from Scripture why believers will not go through the seven years of great tribulation on earth. Understand clearly also what qualifies you for the rapture and how having this blessed hope of Jesus’ promised return purifies you to live a life that honors Him. Even as the world darkens, find your heart untroubled as you hold on to the liberating truths shared in this pivotal message!

Stephanie Ike (February-19-2021) Watch Sermon: The Power Of Consistency - Sarah Jakes Roberts Ministries

Stephanie Ike (February-19-2021) Watch Sermon: The Power Of Consistency - Sarah Jakes Roberts Ministries: Stephanie Ike (February-19-2021) Watch Sermon: The Power Of Consistency - Sarah Jakes Roberts Ministries

Joyce Meyer (February-18-2021) Watch Sermon: Overcoming Discouragement - Part 2

Joyce Meyer (February-18-2021) Watch Sermon: Overcoming Discouragement - Part 2: Joyce Meyer (February-18-2021) Watch Sermon: Overcoming Discouragement - Part 2. God loves us through every mistake we make. If you're feeling discouraged, get encouraged as Joyce shares truths from God's Word.

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word. February 16: A Sweet Aroma “For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing. " 2 Corinthians 2:15 When the woman came to Jesus with an alabaster box and anointed His feet, the fragrance of the perfume filled the room. It was so strong that it probably lingered for days. Those who were present carried the scent on their clothes after they left the house. When we are in the presence of God, His sweet aroma lingers on us – our actions, attitude, and speech. Not only can other Christians sense His presence when they are with us, those who are not saved can as well. They know there is something different about us. When was the last time someone commented, “There’s something different about you; what is it?” Good question. What is it? In what ways does your life carr...

Salmos 40:1 RVR1960; Pacientemente esperé a Jehová, Y se inclinó a mí, y oyó mi clamor.

Salmos 40:1 RVR1960; Pacientemente esperé a Jehová, Y se inclinó a mí, y oyó mi clamor.: Salmos 40:1 RVR1960 Salmos 40:1 RVR1960 1Pacientemente esperé a Jehová, Y se inclinó a mí, y oyó mi clamor.

Joseph Prince (February-16-2021) The Rapture And End-Time Tribulation Explained—Part 3

Joseph Prince (February-16-2021) The Rapture And End-Time Tribulation Explained—Part 3: Joseph Prince  (February-16-2021) The Rapture And End-Time Tribulation Explained—Part 3.  Behold, your Bridegroom is coming! Join Joseph Prince for another exciting study on the soon-coming rapture of the church by Christ Jesus. Understand why of all the times in church history, we live in such a “day” where the rapture can happen anytime. See from numerous scriptural references the significance of the “third day,” and how it points to the days we are living in as the time the Lord will come for His bride, the church. Discover also why the Bible exhorts us to live in hope of His return and how to occupy our time until then. Rejoice! Your Bridegroom is coming!

Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-15-2021) Gold in the Making!

Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-15-2021) Gold in the Making!: The Faith of God! - Benny Hinn Live Stream (February-15-2021)

Giving to God’s Purposes - Holy Land Moments Devotionals | IFCJ

Giving to God’s Purposes - Holy Land Moments Devotionals | IFCJ: Giving to God’s Purposes Credit:©2018 IFCJ/Nir Kafri The LORD said to Moses, “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from everyone whose heart prompts them to give.” — Exodus 25:1-2 Each week in synagogue, Jews read through the Torah from Genesis to Deuteronomy. The Torah portion for this week is Terumah, which means “contributions,” from Exodus 25:1–27:19. When my kids were small, they would sometimes ask if they could “help” me with cooking or cleaning. Now, of course I didn’t need their help and I knew that they would likely make these tasks harder for me, but I always accepted their offers anyway. I knew that they would get so much out of doing these things with me — they would learn new skills, get used to pitching in, and feel good about their accomplishments. I let them help me because I understood how much it would benefit them. In this week’s Torah portion we read...

Joyce Meyer (February-15-2021) Watch Message: Pleasing Other People is Exhausting

Joyce Meyer (February-15-2021) Watch Message: Pleasing Other People is Exhausting: Joyce Meyer (February-15-2021) Watch Message: Pleasing Other People is Exhausting . This week on Better Together, Joyce Meyer discusses the realities of people pleasing. Join the conversation as Laurie Crouch, CeCe Winans, Lisa Harper, and Elisabeth Hasselbeck join Joyce Meyer to discuss how people pleasing will only lead you to exhaustion.