Five Ways God Guides You |

Five Ways God Guides You | Promise of guidance Psalm 48:9-14 God promises to guide us all the way through our lives: ‘he will be our guide even to the end’ (v.14). But how do you receive this guidance? The secret is a close relationship with God. It involves spending time in his presence meditating on his ‘unfailing love’ (v.9). Counsel of the Saints Guidance is not an individual activity. It is significant that the psalmist says, ‘Within your temple... we meditate on your unfailing love’ (v.9). The temple was where the people of God came together to worship God. We receive guidance in the context of community. On our own, we can sometimes get things very wrong (Proverbs 12:15). God can speak to others, as well as to us, and it is always wise to seek advice about major decisions. Lord, thank you for your promise to be my guide and that you guide me in the context of the community of your people.


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