Daily Devotional (September-07-2021) THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT
Daily Devotional (September-07-2021) THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT: Daily Devotional (September-07-2021) THE LEADING OF THE SPIRIT
Scripture Reference: Matthew 25:14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.
The parable of the talents continues the theme of being ready for the Lord’s return, but it also makes a strong point that we are accountable to the Lord for the gifts He has given us. The Lord intends us to use these gifts to further His kingdom – not keep them hidden.
This parable also shows the Lord dealing with His servants according to their own individual gifts and abilities. The servants who doubled their Lord’s money were praised equally, even though one had produced two and one-half times as much revenue for His Lord than the other. Every man’s work shall be judged as to what sort it is – not what size it is.
Most people today are preoccupied with quantity of ministry instead of quality of ministry. The Lord is going to reward us based on how well we did, not on how much we did. Those who are not governed by the Holy Spirit in their actions will see all their good works burned up on the day we stand before the Lord and He tries our works. Tho
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