Joseph Prince Daily Devotion: REJOICE, O BARREN!

Joseph Prince Daily Devotion: REJOICE, O BARREN!: Joseph Prince  Daily Devotion: REJOICE, O BARREN! Galatians 4:27 …“Rejoice, O barren, you who do not bear! Break forth and shout, you who are not in labor… Barrenness. What a painful and frustrating condition. Yet, in Isaiah 54, God’s Word to those who are experiencing barrenness is to rejoice—“Sing O barren”! Why? Because in the previous chapter, it tells us that the chastisement for our peace fell upon Jesus (see Isaiah 53:5). The word “peace” here in Hebrew means completeness, soundness, health, safety and provision. In other words, all these benefits are yours today because Jesus has already been punished at the cross for your peace. That is why you can start rejoicing. So God wants you right now, in whatever area you are barren, to start rejoicing as if the fruit or yield you want to see has already come. He wants you to start thinking, speaking and acting as if the barrenness is no more. If you are financially barren, start planning for what you would do when your finances increase. I am not saying that you go out and spend recklessly, but start making plans for increase. The time to do this is when you are still in what your natural eyes see as a barren stage. You maWisdom

Psalm 119:89-96

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89 Your word, Lord, is eternal;
        it stands firm in the heavens.
90 Your faithfulness continues through all generations;
        you established the earth, and it endures.
91 Your laws endure to this day,
        for all things serve you.
92 If your law had not been my delight,
        I would have perished in my affliction.
93 I will never forget your precepts,
        for by them you have preserved my life.
94 Save me, for I am yours;
        I have sought out your precepts.
95 The wicked are waiting to destroy me,
        but I will ponder your statutes.
96 To all perfection I see a limit,
        but your commands are boundless.


Enjoy reading the Bible

The eighteenth-century philosopher and critic of Christianity, Voltaire, said, ‘Within a hundred years the Bible will be obsolete and will have gone out of circulation altogether.’ A hundred years later the Bible was more popular than ever. When you hear attacks on the Bible, it is good to remember that this is nothing new.

God’s word is ‘eternal’ (v.89). In spite of all the attacks on the Bible it has survived. ‘What you say goes, God, and stays, as permanent as the heavens. Your truth never goes out of fashion; it’s as up-to-date as the earth when the sun comes up. Your Word and truth are dependable as ever’ (vv.89–90, MSG).

The Bible is a delight. The psalmist describes the Scriptures he has read as ‘my delight’ (v.92).

It is fitting that this, the longest psalm in the psalter, should be all about the Scriptures.

When you are under attack, meditate on God’s word: ‘The wicked lie in ambush to destroy me, but I’m only concerned with your plans for me. I see the limits to everything human, but the horizons can’t contain your commands!’ (vv.95–96, MSG). God’s commands are there to protect you, and remembering God’s words will help keep you from harm: ‘I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life’ (v.93).


Lord, help me each day to meditate on your eternal words and find delight in reading the Bible.y


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