
Showing posts from January, 2022

Does God Answer All Your Prayers? | Bible in One Year

Does God Answer All Your Prayers? | Bible in One Year : Wisdom Psalm 17:13-15     13 Rise up, Lord, confront them, bring them down;         with your sword rescue me from the wicked.     14 By your hand save me from such people, Lord,         from those of this world whose reward is in this life.     May what you have stored up for the wicked fill their bellies;         may their children gorge themselves on it,         and may there be leftovers for their little ones.     15 As for me, I will be vindicated and will see your face;         when I awake, I will be satisfied with seeing your likeness. Commentary God says ‘yes’ What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? David sets us a great example: ‘As for me… I shall be fully satisfied when I awake to find myself beholding your form and having sweet communion with you’ (v.15, AMP). Start each day seeking God’s presence and finding satisfaction in him. This is the heart of what prayer is all about. It is not just ...

Robert Morris - Watch Sermon: It's just for looks, not to use!

Robert Morris - Watch Sermon: It's just for looks, not to use! : Robert Morris - Sermon: It's just for looks, not to use!

Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Show: Want to Know the Holy Spirit More? Watch This Video! | Perry Stone -

Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Show: Want to Know the Holy Spirit More? Watch This Video! | Perry Stone - : Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show: Want to Know the Holy Spirit More? Watch This Video! | Perry Stone - February-03-2019. Perry Stone says Holy Spirit adventures run in his family, and he shares from his lessons in the supernatural and Hebraic studies for over 42 years! Perry was men...

Daily Devotional (January-29-2022) It’s Worth Waiting for God’s Miracle

Daily Devotional (January-29-2022) It’s Worth Waiting for God’s  El amor de Dios y nuestra conducta ¿Por qué el Señor tiene tantas reglas? January 29, 2022 Mateo 7.7-11 El amor de Dios no tiene límites, pero eso no significa que nuestro comportamiento no tenga límites. Aunque algunas personas pueden argumentar que las reglas son asfixiantes, cualquier buen padre sabe que los límites son esenciales para criar bien a los hijos ( He 12.6, 7 ). Y también lo es seguir amándolos cuando rompen las reglas. Esto puede traer dos preguntas a la mente: ¿Por qué el Señor tiene tantas reglas?  Están diseñadas para protegernos y traer paz. Pero Dios no fuerza la obediencia. La Biblia no dice ni implica que tengamos que vivir de acuerdo con los Diez Mandamientos o el Sermón del monte para ser amados. (Véanse  Ex 20.1-17 ;  Mt 5–7 ). Sin embargo, obedecer las reglas de Dios es el camino hacia el gozo y la seguridad. ¿Qué pasa cuando peco?  Nadie puede pecar más allá del alcance ...

Enlace+ Podcast: Pr. Luis Yegros | Lo que terminó y lo que inicia

Enlace+ Podcast: Pr. Luis Yegros | Lo que terminó y lo que inicia : Lo que terminó y lo que comienza 🚫🔜❤️‍🔥 Pr. Luis Yegros Nuestro primer mensaje del año fue desafiante! ¿Como deberíamos terminar un año y comenzar otro? ✨Abandonando el pasado ✨Levantándonos ✨Aferrándonos a las promesas de Dios ✨Entendiendo que necesitamos de Su ayuda ✨Poniendo en práctica las escrituras. Si no pudiste estar, te animamos a que veas la prédica completa en YouTube 🖥💻 ¡Nuestro lema como fam

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you No Withholding Jan 28, 2022 Today’s Scripture Psalm 84:11, NLT For the LORD God is our sun and shield. He gives us grace and glory. The LORD will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right. Today’s Word God not only knows everything you need in the future, but He knows when you're going to need it. He's the Source. He knows where all the good things are. He has already lined up everything you'll need. He's not going to withhold the finances, the health, the ideas, or the connections. Quit worrying about how it's going to work out. God is in control. He has unlimited resources. He knows how to get you to the right place at the right time. He can give you one idea that will catapult you to a new level. He can cause one person to come across your path who will help you accomplish a dream that see...

Su devocional diario - La razón de nuestras convicciones

Su devocional diario - La razón de nuestras convicciones : La razón de nuestras convicciones ¿Por qué Jesucristo es el único camino para ser salvo? January 26, 2022 Colosenses 2.1-8 Una planta necesita nutrientes y tiempo para convertirse en un árbol alto y robusto. De la misma manera, nuestras convicciones se desarrollan por medio del estudio de la Biblia y la oración. Estar plantados en la verdad bíblica, no consiste en sostener la Biblia y afirmar que creemos cada palabra. Necesitamos saber por qué estamos convencidos de que las doctrinas básicas de la fe son verdaderas. He aquí algunas preguntas que le ayudarán a empezar: ¿Por qué considera que la Biblia es verdadera y digna de confianza? ¿Por qué Jesucristo es el único camino para ser salvo? ¿Cuál es el papel del Espíritu Santo en la vida de los creyentes y de los no creyentes? ¿Qué dice la Biblia sobre la mayordomía de la tierra? ¿Cómo debe usted pensar y actuar con respecto a las cuestiones de justicia y opresión? Espero que ...

Enlace+ En Vivo

Enlace+ En Vivo : Disfruta de la programación en vivo de Enlace TV y más en esta  Daily Devotional (January-26-2022) Enlarge! Scripture Reference: Isaiah 54:2 - “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;” 2King 4:3 Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. 2 King 3:16 And he said, Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches. 17For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts. Faith is planning for something you do not see. We enlarge before the growth. We collect the pots before we have the oil. We dig ditches before we see any water. As a church leader, we must have a vision. And we must enlarge, build and make plans according to that vision. We must keep on bringing in em...

Don't Faint In Your Mind - Watch Sermon by Joel Osteen

Don't Faint In Your Mind - Watch Sermon by Joel  Daily Devotional (January-26-2022) Enlarge! Scripture Reference: Isaiah 54:2 - “Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes;” 2King 4:3 Then he said, Go, borrow thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, even empty vessels; borrow not a few. 2 King 3:16 And he said, Thus saith the LORD, Make this valley full of ditches. 17For thus saith the LORD, Ye shall not see wind, neither shall ye see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, that ye may drink, both ye, and your cattle, and your beasts. Faith is planning for something you do not see. We enlarge before the growth. We collect the pots before we have the oil. We dig ditches before we see any water. As a church leader, we must have a vision. And we must enlarge, build and make plans according to that vision. We must keep on bringing in empty vessels. We must dig ditches,...

1 Timoteo 6:12 RVR1960; Pelea la buena batalla de la fe, echa mano de la vida eterna, a la cual asimismo fuiste llamado, habiendo hecho la buena profesión delante de muchos testigos.

1 Timoteo 6:12 RVR1960; Pelea la buena batalla de la fe, echa mano de la vida eterna, a la cual asimismo fuiste llamado, habiendo hecho la buena profesión delante de muchos testigos 1 Timoteo 6:12 RVR1960 1 Timoteo 6:12 RVR1960 12 Pelea la buena batalla de la fe, echa mano de la vida eterna, a la cual asimismo fuiste llamado, habiendo hecho la buena profesión delante de muchos testigos.

First Fruits - Paula White Ministries

First Things First Devotional Understanding God’s Principle of First Fruits Dear ruben dario, Walk out Your Faith Philippians 2:12-13  “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.” This faith walk is day by day living. The more we practice our faith, the greater it becomes. As we step out in faith and see God move on our behalf, our faith increases, so that the next time we are able to believe for greater things. The disciples learned to believe and trust as they walked with Jesus for three years. We too should expect our faith to be developed as we walk with Him. He led me into the knowledge of first fruits step by step as I responded in faith and obedience. Like many revelations that have transformed my life, it has been a progression, more than a suddenly. (Paula White - First Things...

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen  Today’s Scripture 1 Corinthians 10:13, ESV God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it. Today’s Word There are times when we feel overwhelmed by a loss, by a sickness, or by being treated unfairly by someone, and we say, "I can't take the stress, the worry, the demands. It's too much to handle." But God wouldn't be a just God if He didn't design you with exactly what you need. The apostle Paul says that God will never let you face more pressure than you can handle. He will make a way of escape so you can bear it. Now you can choose in your mind to give up and think, "I can't do this," or you can choose to "not faint in your mind" (Hebrews 12:3). Your inner design is strong enough, now get your mind strong enough. Quit telling yourself, "It's too big. It's been this wa...

Billy Graham - Watch Sermon: Loneliness

Billy Graham - Watch Sermon:  Be a blessing to someone today You are  KEY  to sharing the good news of Jesus with the world! When you join us as a JPM Partner, you are taking the love of Jesus and gospel of grace into homes everywhere. Whether it's through the television broadcast, online channels, or humanitarian outreaches—real lives will be transformed by the love of Jesus, and because of your faithful generosity! Join us today. Advance the gospel of grace. Together, let's make an eternal impact!

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : Today’s Scripture Psalm 31:19, TLB Oh, how great is your goodness to those who publicly declare that you will rescue them. For you have stored up great blessings for those who trust and reverence you. Today’s Word When you look back over your life, you can see the goodness of God. There were the times when He made a way when you didn't see a way. You were at the right place at the right time. Your health didn't look good, but somehow it turned around. You made mistakes that should have held you back, but God in His mercy covered you. He brought you out, and now you're blessed and fulfilling your purpose. You didn't get to where you are by yourself. It was the hand of God. He's been working behind the scenes in your life, pushing back forces of darkness. What has God done in your life? Are you recognizing it, are you living amazed, filled with gratitude? Take time every day to acknowledge how great His goodness has been in...

Watch Bill Winston's Sunday Service Live Stream - Living Word Christian Center (January-30-2022)

Watch Bill Winston's Sunday Service Live Stream - Living Word Christian Center (January-30-2022) : Join Sunday Service with Bill Winston, Live Stream (January-30-2022). Are you a lover of Jesus Christ? What does it means to be a Christian? Is Jesus Christ one of the ways or He is the only Way to the Father? Is my salvation eternal or I can lose my salvation? I know many of us are asking these que...

How Long, O Lord? | Bible in One Year

How Long, O Lord? | Bible in One  Wisdom Psalm 13:1-6 For the director of music. A psalm of David.      1  How long, Lord? Will you forget me forever?         How long will you hide your face from me?      2  How long must I wrestle with my thoughts         and day after day have sorrow in my heart?         How long will my enemy triumph over me?      3  Look on me and answer, Lord my God.         Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death,      4  and my enemy will say, “I have overcome him, ”         and my foes will rejoice when I fall.      5  But I trust in your unfailing love;         my heart rejoices in your sa...

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: The Power of Remembering

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: The Power of  COURSE DESCRIPTION Have you been fascinated by the Book of Revelation, but felt that something must be missing in modern interpretations of this anti-Roman, Jewish document?  This course will equip you to reread the Book of Revelation in its original, first-century context and then apply its ancient meaning to your own setting. You will be introduced to other ancient Jewish literary texts that will help you to understand the concepts behind passages that routinely mystify readers. Last chance to join our 2021 Jewish Context and Culture Online program. You will discover the missing links and reference points, unearthing the ancient message of the sacred text from beneath the rubble of history.  You will begin to see beyond the artificially imposed (and mostly western) traditions that make it one of the most confusing and misunderstood texts in the entire Bible. Enroll now and discover the original meaning of this fascinating bo...

Walking In The Favor Of God – Part 1 - Charles Stanley Weekly Saturday sermon In Touch Ministries

Walking In The Favor Of God – Part 1 - Charles Stanley Weekly Saturday sermon In Touch Ministries Joseph Prince (January-21-2022) Daily Devotional: No Condemnation “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned.” John 3:17–18 My friend, if you’ve been living in the abyss of fear for as long as you can remember, it is time for your liberty. You can begin on this journey of freedom today by believing that God’s heart is full of love, grace, and mercy toward you. Listen to your Father’s heartbeat in today’s scripture. Do you believe in Jesus? There is no condemnation for anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus! All who call on Him and believe in Him are not condemned but saved. That is the good news of the gospel.

Todd White Poor Vision restored while touring at Capernaum

Todd White Poor Vision restored while touring at Capernaum Provision is coming for your year! ACTIVATE IT NOW 2022 is a Year of Supernatural Abundance and “NEW” Blessing for you! It all begins with God’s First Fruits. Dear ruben dario , The Hebrew year 5782, on our calendar year 2022, is what is called a “Shmita year" -  the seventh sabbath year of rest . We are literally witnessing an end of something old and a beginning of something new…  Keep reading! Right now as we are in the FIRST month of 2022, ruben dario, I declare you are walking into a season of “new” in your life, as you set apart what is holy- It all begins with  honoring God with His First Fruits as instructed in His Word . HERE ARE JUST A FEW BIBLE VERSES ON "FIRST FRUITS": “When you come into the land which I gave you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the first fruits of your harvest to the priest”  (Leviticus 23:9-10)… “Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfrui...

Su devocional diario - Una razón para confiar en Cristo

Su devocional diario - Una razón para confiar en Cristo Una razón para confiar en Cristo Como hijos de Dios, tenemos razones de sobra para confiar en Él. January 19, 2022 Proverbios 3.21-26 La negatividad nos afecta tanto en lo espiritual como en lo físico. Incluso el simple hecho de pasar tiempo con una persona pesimista puede afectarnos. Por otro lado, la positividad —en especial la relacionada con la confianza en el Señor— nos permite vivir como nuestro Padre celestial desea. Como hijos de Dios, tenemos todas las razones para confiar en Él. Su presencia está siempre en nosotros, y nos ha concedido su paz, que sobrepasa todo entendimiento ( Fil 4.7 ). Además, promete proveer para nuestras necesidades y capacitarnos para obedecerlo y servirle. Sin embargo, a veces se nos dificulta aceptar y vivir estas bendiciones espirituales. Cuando ese es el caso, debemos tomar medidas para desarrollar la confianza en nuestro Dios todopoderoso. Esto comienza con la meditación en su Palabra y el ace...

The Revelation in a Jewish Context I - Israel Bible Center | Largest Library of Courses in Jewish Studies for Christians

The Revelation in a Jewish Context I - Israel Bible Center | Largest Library of Courses in Jewish Studies for Christians : The Revelation in a Jewish Context I Professor Dr. Eli Lizorkin-Eyzenberg LOGINLOGIN ENROLL NOWENROLL NOW Take this course Description Video-Lessons Audio-Lessons Instructors COURSE PREVIEW COURSE DESCRIPTION Have you been fascinated  The Revelation in a Jewish Context I Professor DR. ELI LIZORKIN-EYZENBERG   LOGIN     ENROLL NOW   Description   Video-Lessons   Audio-Lessons   Instructors COURSE PREVIEW COURSE DESCRIPTION Have you been fascinated by the Book of Revelation, but felt that something must be missing in modern interpretations of this anti-Roman, Jewish document?  This course will equip you to reread the Book of Revelation in its original, first-century context and then apply its ancient meaning to your own setting. You will be introduced to other ancient Jewish literary texts that will help you to understand t...