
Showing posts from June, 2022

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you A Work in Progress Jun 29, 2022 Today’s Scripture Philippians 1:6, NLT And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Today’s Word Everyone has something they're dealing with. You are a work in progress. God has His own timetable. While He's changing you, you need to feel good about who you are, knowing that God will get you to where you're supposed to be. Most people say, "I would feel good about myself if I were more patient, less jealous, and hadn't blown that relationship." There will always be some reason why you won't feel good about who you are. The accuser will make sure to remind you of something you're not doing right, some way that you failed. If you're going to live in vi...

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: When Will I Change?

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: When Will I Change? : Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: When Will I Change? How does spiritual growth happen in our lives? Today Joyce shares how to stay encouraged while God changes you one day at a time June 29: Tomb Invasion “ Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord." 1 Corinthians 15:58 The book of Revelation is the apocalypse of John. The word revelation or apocalypse is the unveiling truth of Jesus. That is what Paul meant when he spoke of mysteries, the unveiling of truth. God reveals the truth to His children in many areas for life. When you know the purpose of the ending of a thing, it gives meaning to the cause. Paul tells the Corinth church that at the end of our lives we, shall live forever, receive a glorified body, go to heaven, live with God, and never have to repeat the cycle. “Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, ...

The River of His Delight - YouTube

The River of His Delight - YouTube: The River of His Delight 132 views 26 Jun 2022 Jesus loves being with you and flowing His goodness out of you.

Join us with guest speaker Jimmy Njino - 24th June

Join us with guest speaker Jimmy Njino - 24th June 405 views Streamed live on 24 Jun 2022 We trust you'll be blessed by this service. If you have given your life to God during this service, please email us! We'd love to get in contact with you and encourage you in your journey with God, and see you experience the joy and wonder it is to have a relationship with the King of Kings.

5 Common Mistakes Made in Prayer (And How to Fix Them) - W/ Guest TJ Malcangi - YouTube

5 Common Mistakes Made in Prayer (And How to Fix Them) - W/ Guest TJ Malcangi -  5 Common Mistakes Made in Prayer (And How to Fix Them) - W/ Guest TJ Malcangi 30,721 views Streamed live on 22 Jun 2022 Do you wonder why your prayers aren’t answered or why you feel stuck when it comes to your prayer life? It’s time to break through those barriers and go to deeper places in the spirit. Join David Diga Hernandez and guest TJ Malcangi, as they reveal 5 common mistakes made in prayer. If you want to go to the next level in prayer, watch this livestream.

Proverbios 9:10 RVR1960; El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría, Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia.

Proverbios 9:10 RVR1960; El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría, Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia. : El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría, Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia Proverbios 9:10 RVR1960 Proverbios 9:10 RVR1960 10 El temor de Jehová es el principio de la sabiduría,   Y el conocimiento del Santísimo es la inteligencia.

Ron Carpenter Daily - Whatever You Need - YouTube

Ron Carpenter Daily - Whatever You Need - YouTube : Exodus 3:14And God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you.’ ”Today’s DevotionalW.. Encourage Them All Jun 16, 2022 Today’s Scripture Acts 11:23, NIV When he arrived and saw what the grace of God had done, he was glad and encouraged them all to remain true to the Lord with all their hearts. Today’s Word Even though some people look like they're doing fine and don't need encouragement, the truth is that everybody needs somebody cheering them on, somebody who sees the best in them, somebody who believes in them and supports them. You can be that person for the people in your life. Many times, you can see things in other people that they can't see in themselves. Your words of encouragement, your words of blessing can help them step up to who they were created to be. You can be the one they can count on, because you're not going to find fault with ...

Jesse Duplantis | June-15-2022 - Faith the Facts: Don’t Get Bitter…GET BETTER!

Jesse Duplantis | June-15-2022 - Faith the Facts: Don’t Get Bitter…GET BETTER! : Faith the Facts: Don’t Get Bitter…GET BETTER! - Jesse Duplantis | June-15-2022. It’s time to put away BITTERNESS and become BETTER! Be strengthened by this message from Jesse and start walking in forgiveness.

Holy Land Moments | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Holy Land Moments | International Fellowship of Christians and  Continuing the Revelation Yael Eckstein   |  June 14, 2022 On the day the tabernacle, the tent of the covenant law, was set up, the cloud covered it. From evening till morning the cloud above the tabernacle looked like fire. —  Numbers 9:15 Each week in synagogue, Jews read through the  Torah  from Genesis to Deuteronomy. The  Torah  portion for this week is  Behaalotecha , which means “when you raise up,” from Numbers 8:1–12:16. By now you probably know that in Jewish synagogues, we read the  parshah , the weekly  Torah  portion on  Shabbat . It’s how I’ve been writing and sharing these devotions with you. But now, let me share the experience with you. The  Torah  scrolls are stored in a closet at the front of the synagogue called an  Aron  — an ark.  Usually, the ark is covered with a beautifully decorated curtain...

ViaKeto Apple Gummies

ViaKeto Apple  POWERFUL NEW FORMULA TRIGGERS FAT-BURNING KETOSIS! Burn Fat for Energy Release Fat Stores Increase Energy Naturally! Enjoy Fast Weight Loss Love the Way You Feel!

Peace Be Still - City of Destiny

Peace Be Still - City of  Paula White delivers an inspiring two-part message taken directly from the Gospel of Mark 4th chapter, in which Jesus spoke to the storm and commanded, "Peace, be still." In this series, Paula teaches how you too can have peace in the midst of your storms. This download will surely loosen the shackles of your spiritual life and propel you to a life of peace in the midst of chaos.‎/////// Paula White entrega un mensaje inspirador en dos partes tomado directamente del Evangelio de Marcos 4to capítulo, en el que Jesús habló a la tormenta y ordenó: "Paz, quédate quieto". En esta serie, Paula enseña cómo tú también puedes tener paz en medio de tus tormentas. Esta descarga seguramente perderá los grilletes en tu vida espiritual y te impulsará a una vida de paz en medio del caos.‎///

Joyce Meyer (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional : Loving One Another

Joyce Meyer (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional : Loving One Another: Joyce Meyer (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional : Loving One Another Hate is an extremely strong and harsh word. Any discussion among believers about hating other Christians would lead most of them to say, "I don't believe I have ever hated anyone." If we think about these words of John, how...

Encounter God's Heart...Come

Encounter God's Heart...Come: Encounter God’s Heart... Come   First love intimacy with the Lord must continuously be cultivated. Holy zeal for the Lord doesn’t burn brightly for a season, only to be snuffed out once we become mature. We don’t forsake our relationship with him in order to work for him. Studying his Word, evangelizing, and all your godly duties are good. But there is nothing like stepping away from it all and enjoying him. Your entire life—all that you think, do, and say—must flow from a place of abundant overflow. Don’t become so busy serving that you get dull and dry. The days of overwhelming encounter should never become a faint memory. It’s your responsibility, not the church’s, to pursue God’s presence. You must stir your holy hunger and refuse to be satisfied by anything other than him. Cry out for him to come closer! God is always willing to manifest his love, but sometimes we’re too distracted to notice when it’s here. Lord, so many things fight for my atte...

Joyce Meyer (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional : Loving One Another

Joyce Meyer (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional : Loving One Another: Joyce Meyer (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional : Loving One Another Hate is an extremely strong and harsh word. Any discussion among believers about hating other Christians would lead most of them to say, "I don't believe I have ever hated anyone." If we think about these words of John, how...

John Hagee (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional: Isaiah 52:7

John Hagee (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional: Isaiah 52:7 : John Hagee (June-09-2022) Daily Devotional: Isaiah 52:7 - How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns!" The Gospel message – the Good News a...

Su devocional diario - Cómo convertirnos en un pueblo generoso

Su devocional diario - Cómo convertirnos en un pueblo  Cultivating Self-control Yael Eckstein   |  June 8, 2022 They must be holy until the period of their dedication to the LORD is over… —  Numbers 6:5 Each week in synagogue, Jews read through the  Torah  from Genesis to Deuteronomy. The  Torah  portion for this week is  Naso , which means “count,” from Numbers 4:21–7:89. As a mother, I put a lot of thought into teaching my children self-control. In today’s world when everyone has a smartphone and can access any entertainment they want at any moment, when we can go online and shop while sitting on the couch, kids grow up thinking that it’s normal to be able to access anything they want, quickly and easily. Needless to say, this isn’t a healthy situation. This is one of the many reasons I’m so grateful for living as an observant Jew. For example, because of the prohibition against mixing milk and meat, Jewish custom dictates that af...