Encounter God's Heart...Come

Encounter God's Heart...Come: Encounter God’s Heart... Come   First love intimacy with the Lord must continuously be cultivated. Holy zeal for the Lord doesn’t burn brightly for a season, only to be snuffed out once we become mature. We don’t forsake our relationship with him in order to work for him. Studying his Word, evangelizing, and all your godly duties are good. But there is nothing like stepping away from it all and enjoying him. Your entire life—all that you think, do, and say—must flow from a place of abundant overflow. Don’t become so busy serving that you get dull and dry. The days of overwhelming encounter should never become a faint memory. It’s your responsibility, not the church’s, to pursue God’s presence. You must stir your holy hunger and refuse to be satisfied by anything other than him. Cry out for him to come closer! God is always willing to manifest his love, but sometimes we’re too distracted to notice when it’s here. Lord, so many things fight for my attention. At times I’m pulled in so many directions that I neglect my relationship with you. Forgive me. Even in seasons of extreme busyness, may you always be my soul’s delight and profound passion. My days are so much brighter and fill


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