Todd white Sermon: A Better Covenant with Better Promises

Todd white Sermon: A Better Covenant with Better Promises: Todd white Sermon: A Better Covenant with Better A Prayer for the suffering Church Lord Jesus , Your family are hungry , They are in want of food . Father , feed them All : From Your gracious loving hand . Lord Jesus , Your family are thirsty , They are in want of refreshment . Father , give them water All : In Your abundant mercy . Lord Jesus , Your family are strangers , They are in want of acceptance . Father , give them a home All : According to Your lovingkindness . Lord Jesus , Your family are naked . They are in want of covering . Father , give them clothes All : According to the riches of Your grace . Lord Jesus , Your family are sick , They are in want of care . Father , heal them All : In Your unfailing compassion . Lord Jesus , Your family are in prison , They are in want of hope . Father , sustain them All : With Your everlasting faithfulness . Gracious and eternal God of love , hear our prayer , in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ . Amen .


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