
Showing posts from October, 2022

Watch Tony Evans' Sunday Service in Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship | Live Stream October 30 2022

Watch Tony Evans' Sunday Service in Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship | Live Stream October 30 2022

Day 301: Do Good (Psalm 119:113-120, Titus 3:1-15, Lamentations 1:1-2:6)

Day 301: Do Good (Psalm 119:113-120, Titus 3:1-15, Lamentations 1:1-2:6)

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : Celebrate the Good Oct 26, 2022 Today’s Scripture Jonah 2:9, NIV But I, with shouts of grateful praise, will sacrifice to you. What I have vowed I will make good. I will say, 'Salvation comes from the LORD.' Today’s Word In today's Scripture, the prophet Jonah tried to run away from God and ended up getting swallowed by a great fish. It was dark and smelly, no way out in the natural. He had plenty to complain about, but instead he was thanking God that he was still alive. He wasn't delivered, but at least he was spared. As he thanked God for the partial victory, God went to work and had that fish spit him up on dry ground. It's easy to complain about what's not working out. "God, it stinks where I work. The people aren't treating me right. Get me out of here." Complaining will only get you stuck. If you want God to turn it around, do as Jonah did and find some good things to thank Him for. Thank Him for ...

Daily Devotional (October-26-2022) Rejoicing In The Lord

Daily Devotional (October-26-2022) Rejoicing In The  Lord

GS Newsletter - Tuesday Oct. 25th, 2022

GS Newsletter - Tuesday Oct. 25th,  I JUST FEEL LIKE SOMETHING GOOD IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN - CHAPTER II - PART II by Gabriel Swaggart ISAAC ENTREATED THE LORD As Rebekah lay barren, Isaac did something that must be understood and copied by all believers—he entreated the Lord. Even though Rebekah believed that she could not conceive and that all hope was dead, the Lord wanted Isaac to continue to believe Him for the birth of a son.  To  entreat  means “to intercede,” which means that Isaac interceded, prayed, and believed that the Lord would one day grant them the birth of a son. Once again, we must understand that in order for the plan of God to be brought forth, which is God’s redemption plan, there had to be the birth of a son. THERE IS A DISTANCE BETWEEN THE PROMISE AND THE POSSESSION Believers, there are things in your lives that are imperative to your Christian walk.  The Lord has spoken things to you that will happen in the future, but you are barren, spiritua...

A Conversation about Cancer and the Road to Healing


Discipline Is the Secret | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Discipline Is the Secret | International Fellowship of Christians and  Discipline Is the Secret Yael Eckstein   |  October 21, 2022 Discipline your children, and they will give you peace;     they will bring you the delights you desire.  —Proverbs 29:17 We continue with devotional thoughts from the Book of Proverbs every Friday. One of the 11 books in the  Torah  known as the  Ketuvim,  Hebrew for “writings,” Proverbs is part of the “ wisdom tradition, ” which also includes Job and Ecclesiastes. As a mother of four, I must say that the part of parenting that I least look forward to is disciplining my children when they’ve done something wrong. Of course, when the need arises, I fulfill my parental duty and, together with my husband, I let my children know, in no uncertain terms, that there are consequences for misbehavior. But it’s just so unpleasant. This is probably stating the obvious, but I would really just rather they nev...

Jesse Duplantis - Watch Boardroom Chat: The Power Of The Lord Is Always Present…But Not Always Received!

Jesse Duplantis - Watch Boardroom Chat: The Power Of The Lord Is Always Present…But Not Always Received! : Jesse Duplantis - Watch Boardroom Chat: The Power Of The Lord Is Always Present…But Not Always Received! Jesus is ALWAYS present to heal! Get ready to RECEIVE the divine power of God as you watch this Boardroom Chat with Jesse and Cathy.

El hebreo es tu brújula bíblica

El hebreo es tu brújula bíblica : Tu encuentro íntimo con la Biblia Cambia tu forma de buscar los significados Las herramientas necesarias para descubrir las Escrituras. Descubrir estas semillas espirituales puede convertirse en su realidad si regresas a la lengua original en la que fue escrita la Biblia: El hebreo Nuestros expertos bíblicos compilaron los contenidos esenciales para que vivas una experiencia única que te sitúe en el camino correcto. Disfrutarás de un programa ideado a medida con el respaldo de más de 20 años de experiencia en la enseñanza del hebreo bíblico a estudiantes de todo el mundo. Una vez que te inscribas tendrás a tu alcance todas las herramientas necesarias para descubrir los auténticos significados de las historias bíblicas: 👉🏼 Profesores expertos: estudia hebreo con instructores que dominan el texto hebreo original. 👉🏼 Clases en vivo: un docente de hebreo guiará con paciencia y destreza tus clases paso a paso. 👉🏼 Horario flexible: adaptamos nuest...

Joel Osteen (October-20-2022) Today's Word: Overcoming Weariness - Daily Devotional

Joel Osteen (October-20-2022) Today's Word: Overcoming Weariness - Daily  138: ¿Si pudieras elegir, elegirías el éxito? Parte 2 Mi Lista Me gusta 00:19:32 17/10/2022 En este episodio te hablo sobre; Si pudieras elegir, ¿Elegirías el éxito? Parte 2. Regístrate en mi seminario Obtén cualquiera de mis libros gratis: Instagram: Telegram:

Training Prophetic Messengers To Prepare a People - School of Messengers

Training Prophetic Messengers To Prepare a People - School of Messengers : When John the Baptist was revealed, His light shone brightly as a “burning and shining lamp,” preparing a nation, a generation, for the first coming of Jesus the Messiah (John 5:35). As confusion and darkness increase in the present day, the need for voices of truth like John the Baptist is greater than ever before. [… Training Prophetic Messengers To Prepare a People When John the Baptist was revealed, His light shone brightly as a “burning and shining lamp,” preparing a nation, a generation, for the first coming of Jesus the Messiah (John 5:35). As confusion and darkness increase in the present day, the need for voices of truth like John the Baptist is greater than ever before. Who will then tell the nations, the generations, our communities, and families about this message? God is raising up prophetic voices like John the Baptist, messengers who are deeply acquainted with the prophetic Scriptures which descri...

A Powerful Connection to God | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

A Powerful Connection to God | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : A Powerful Connection to God Yael Eckstein  |  October 18, 2022 I delight in your decrees;     I will not neglect your word. — Psalm 119:16 Today, my family and I mark the observance of Simchat Torah, a celebration of the completion of the annual Torah readings and the immediate beginning of the new year of Torah readings. Imagine you were transported to a different time period in a different part of the world. Imagine how foreign everything would be. You might not understand the language being spoken. You would certainly have a different set of cultural norms and customs from everyone else around you. If you then walked into a church for worship, how different would it be from what you are used to? Now imagine if you walked in and everything was familiar and exactly as you observed and practiced. One of the most inspiring aspects of my life as a Jew is that I practi...

Ron Carpenter Daily - Make Him Mad! - YouTube

Ron Carpenter Daily - Make Him Mad! - YouTube : Luke 10:19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Today’s Devotional You are the devil’s worst nightmare. He’s done everything he could to take you out. But you’re still here! Today, remember that there’s no reason to be afraid of the devil. He’s the one that’s scared of you! Let’s push back the kingdom of darkness! Reflection Keep praising. Keep jumping for the Lord. Let’s keep making the devil mad Luke 10:19 Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Today’s Devotional You are the devil’s worst nightmare. He’s done everything he could to take you out. But you’re still here! Today, remember that there’s no reason to be afraid of the devil. He’s the one that’s scared of you! Let’s push back the kingdom of darkness! Reflection Keep praising. Ke...

Pastor Otoniel Font - Dios pondrá orden sobre tu vida - YouTube

Pastor Otoniel Font - Dios pondrá orden sobre tu vida - YouTube : El Señor declara que se acabó la oscuridad y el caos, porque la luz llegará a tu vida. Él quiere que prosperes y que tu vida esté guiada por el buen camino.E...

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you Planted and Flourishing Oct 17, 2022 Today’s Scripture Psalm 92:13, NKJV Those who are planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God. Today’s Word The Scripture says that when you're plugged into a community of faith, there is a blessing on your life that will cause you to bloom, to blossom, and to flourish. You will reach levels that you couldn't reach on your own. This is true because Jesus says, "Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them." How about when one hundred are gathered, or one thousand? We each bring God with us. In His presence is healing and the fullness of joy. Together, our faith and strength are multiplied. Given so much trouble in the world today, more than ever we need to plant ourselves in the house of the Lord to dra...

Joseph Prince October 16 2022 Live Stream - English Sunday Service Online at New Creation Church

Joseph Prince October 16 2022 Live Stream - English Sunday Service Online at New Creation Church : JOIN New Creation Church Sunday Service with Joseph Prince, Live Stream October 16 2022.• 11.30am SGT | 3.30am GMT• 2.30pm SGT | 6.30am GMT• 5.30pm SGT | 9.30am GMT JOSEPH PRINCE LIVE STREAM - ENGLISH SUNDAY SERVICE ONLINE AT NEW CREATION CHURCH The parable of the sower gives various reasons why som...

Charles Stanley (October-15-2022) Daily Devotional: How to Build True Friendships

Charles Stanley (October-15-2022) Daily Devotional: How to Build True  Joel Osteen (October-15-2022) Daily Devotion: Choose Joy. TODAY'S SCRIPTURE: This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24, ESV TODAY'S WORD: Did you make up your mind to be happy this morning? It's important to be on the offensive when it comes to your happiness. If you don't set the tone early in the day, the enemy will start reminding you of all your problems and everything that's wrong in your life. Before long, you'll be negative and discouraged. Notice that the Scripture doesn't say, "I might be glad today if everything goes well, if I don't get stuck in traffic, if my boss doesn't yell at me, or if it doesn't rain on my new hairdo." No, the psalmist says, "I will rejoice and be glad." No matter what kind of difficulties I face today—no matter who tries to make me upset—I choose to be happy.  Happiness is a dec...

Su devocional diario - El gozo de la amistad

Su devocional diario - El gozo de la  El gozo de la amistad ¿Cuántos amigos verdaderos tiene usted? October 14, 2022 Proverbios 18.24 ¿Cuántos amigos verdaderos tiene usted? Al principio, es posible que le vengan muchos nombres a la mente, pero cuanto más tiempo considere la pregunta, es más probable que el número disminuya. La realidad es que no tenemos muchos amigos auténticos; en otras palabras, a quienes permanecen fieles sin importar las circunstancias que surjan. La mayoría de las personas anhelan tener amistades íntimas. De hecho, Dios nos creó para que necesitemos tener relaciones entre nosotros. Sin ellas, podemos sufrir de soledad y depresión. No obstante, las amistades saludables no se dan por casualidad. Requieren un esfuerzo intencional. Para los cristianos, la meta es elegir amigos piadosos que compartan nuestra fe y busquen caminar en obediencia con el Señor. Nuestros compañeros más cercanos deben ser personas en las que podamos confiar para recibir buenos consejos, ...

Watch Bill Winston's Sunday Service Live Stream - Living Word Christian Center October-16-2022

Watch Bill Winston's Sunday Service Live Stream - Living Word Christian Center October-16-2022

La noche en la cual Dios se me apareció - Ana Olondo


Watch Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - Listen! This Christmas Music Has an Anointing On It!

Watch Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - Listen! This Christmas Music Has an Anointing On It! : Watch Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - Listen! This Christmas Music Has an Anointing On It! It’s the Season of Christmas Joy!Sing along with James Goll! Eleven songs of Christmas Joy that will warm your heart! 1. Winter Wonderland2. Let It Snow3. White Christmas4. Cozy Tonight5. It’s Beginnin...

Day 280: New Clothes (Proverbs 24:15-22, Colossians 3:1-4:1, Jeremiah 14:1-15:21)

Day 280: New Clothes (Proverbs 24:15-22, Colossians 3:1-4:1, Jeremiah 14:1-15:21) : Proverbs 24:15-22 Saying 27 15 Do not lurk like a thief near the house of the righteous, do not plunder their dwelling place; 16 for though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes. Saying 28 17 Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice, 18 or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from them. Saying 29 19 Do not fret because of evildoers or be envious of the wicked, 20 for the evildoer has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out. Saying 30 21 Fear the Lord and the king, my son, and do not join with rebellious officials, 22 for those two will send sudden destruction on them, and who knows what calamities they can bring? Commentary Control your heart and mind about other people Have you been wronged or hurt in some way by someone and then found out that they got into...

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you Grace Abounds Oct 06, 2022 Today’s Scripture Romans 5:20, NKJV But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more... Today’s Word God has made us a new creation in Christ, but He doesn't take away every negative desire, where you're never tempted to be impatient, critical, rude, angry, jealous, or to compromise again. Some people let the same personal enemies the sour attitude, the addiction, the un-forgiveness hold them back for years. Everybody struggles with some wrong desires, but don't excuse them and allow them to stay. That's why the apostle Paul says, "I die daily." He was saying, "When that temptation rises up inside again, I put it straight back in the grave." This is where the abounding grace of God shows up. You have the grace to overcome. The temptation may not ever totally go a...

Daily Devotional (October-06-2022) Growing in the Knowledge of Him

Daily Devotional (October-06-2022) Growing in the Knowledge of  The Power of Saying ‘I’m Sorry’ Yael Eckstein   |  October 4, 2022 (Photo: IFCJ) It’s been said that two of the hardest words for people to say are “I’m sorry.” Can you relate? Have you ever needed to apologize and dreaded doing it? Or maybe, have you been hurt by someone who won’t apologize to you? As the Jewish people prepare to observe  Yom Kippur , the Day of Atonement,  Yael looks at how those two words relate to the holiest day on the Jewish calendar . Admitting our wrongdoings, committing to making changes, and moving forward is what the Jewish holiday of  Yom Kippur  is all about. When we do this with sincerity, our merciful God forgives us. And those words — “I’m sorry” — have the power to heal relationships and change our future for the better. Listen now to this reflection on the power of an apology

Day 278: What Is the Meaning of Life? (Psalm 117:1-2, Colossians 1:24-2:5, Jeremiah 9:17-11:17)

Day 278: What Is the Meaning of Life? (Psalm 117:1-2, Colossians 1:24-2:5, Jeremiah 9:17-11:17) : Psalm 117:1-2 Psalm 117 1 Praise the Lord, all you nations; extol him, all you peoples. 2 For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever. Praise the Lord. Commentary Life is about love and worship This short psalm says so much about what life is all about. The key is your relationship with God. You should ‘praise’ and ‘extol’ the Lord (v.1) because of his great ‘love’ for you and ‘faithfulness’ towards you (v.2). The psalmist gives us a beautiful summary of God’s attitude to you, and what your attitude to him should be. Prayer Lord, thank you that Jesus laid down his life for me. Thank you that I am a child of God. Thank you that the love of God is poured into my heart by the Holy Spirit who has been given to me (Romans 5:5). Thank you, Lord, that through an experience of your love for me, I find the very meaning of my life.

Billy Graham - Watch Sermon: The Power of Forgiveness

Billy Graham - Watch Sermon: The Power of  El Arca de la Salvación Aprende Hebreo Bíblico online La historia de la redención de Noé El diluvio y el arca son grandes símbolos de salvación para aquellos que confían en Dios. Para comprender plenamente esta idea es necesario profundizar en su significado hebreo. En el texto original encontramos  un verbo particular:  כפר, «kafar» (expiar), que comparte la misma raíz de la palabra utilizada para «Yom Kipur», el Día de la Expiación.  Este mismo verbo se utiliza para expresar tanto la idea de «cubrir con brea» como la de «expiar el pecado». En hebreo, este simple mandamiento práctico hecho por Dios suena casi como una declaración teológica. Al comprender hebreo, de inmediato es claro que  la historia de Noé es esencialmente una historia de red ención y expiación. Para descubrir los significados más profundos de casi todas las historias bíblicas necesitas entender el hebreo de la Biblia original. Inscríbete hoy en nuest...

The Global Prayer Room–IHOPKC

The Global Prayer Room–IHOPKC : Join us live on our prayer room webstream that streams 24/7, 365 days a year to intercede for the nations and proclaim the beauty of Jesus What Is the Prayer Room? Central to the work of the missions base is our  24/7 prayer room , inspired by David's tabernacle ( 1 Chr. 23:5 ;  25:7 ), where 288 singers and 4,000 musicians were employed as their full-time occupation to minister to the Lord and serve the community. We divide the 24/7 schedule into twelve worship-based prayer meetings a day, each lasting two hours. Scripture teaches that night-and-day prayer is deeply connected to the fullness of God's power and purpose being released ( Lk. 18:7–8 ; cf.  Isa. 62:6–7 ). We are offering Jesus unceasing worship, while contending for justice and for the power of the Holy Spirit to be manifest and bring transformation in every sphere of society. IHOPKC is partnering with Every Home For Christ to reach every home on the earth with the Gospel....

Your Greater is Coming with Joel & Victoria, LIVE Monday, October 3rd at 1:00 PM CT - YouTube

Your Greater is Coming with Joel & Victoria, LIVE Monday, October 3rd at 1:00 PM CT - YouTube : En esta oportunidad, mi esposa Omayra y yo les contamos un poco de nuestra historia y por qué nuestra familia ha tenido que estar separada por tanto tiempo. ...

Cathy Duplantis How To Supercharge Your Life, Part 4

Cathy Duplantis How To Supercharge Your Life, Part 4 : How To Supercharge Your Life, Part 4 - Cathy Duplantis. In this Glorious Conference with Cathy Duplantis, you'll learn to supercharge your life with God!