
Showing posts from January, 2023

Day 31: How to Lead Like Jesus (Psalm 18:1-6, Matthew 21:1-17, Job 19:1-21:34)

Day 31: How to Lead Like Jesus (Psalm 18:1-6, Matthew 21:1-17, Job 19:1-21:34) : Psalm 18:1-6 For the director of music. Of David the servant of the Lord. He sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. He said:   1 I love you, Lord, my strength.   2 The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;    my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge,    my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.   3 I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise,    and I have been saved from my enemies.   4 The cords of death entangled me;    the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me.   5 The cords of the grave coiled around me;    the snares of death confronted me.   6 In my distress I called to the Lord;    I cried to my God for help.   From his temple he heard my voice;    my cry came before him, into his ...

Su devocional diario - Ver a la hormiga

Su devocional diario - Ver a la hormiga : Ver a la hormiga Dios es un creador maravilloso. January 31, 2023 Proverbios 6.6-8 Dios es un creador maravilloso. Ha integrado muchos de sus principios en la naturaleza para que podamos aprender sobre Él al observar su obra (Sal 19.1-6). Si usted desea sabiduría, busque sus lecciones en el mundo exterior. Por supuesto, lo exterior entra a veces en lo interior. Si alguna vez ha luchado contra hormigas en su cocina, es probable que la sabiduría no fuera la primera cualidad que les atribuiría; quizás elegiría determinación. Pero para la persona perezosa, Dios señala a estas pequeñas criaturas como un ejemplo de vida sabia. Basta con considerar cuántas características de la hormiga sería bueno que las personas adoptaran: preparación, cooperación, perseverancia, diligencia, unidad, y la lista continúa. Por tanto, relacionarse con personas justas no es la única manera de adquirir sabiduría. Dios también quiere que observemos a la humilde hormiga, ...

An Endless Love | Joni and Friends

An Endless Love | Joni and Friends : An Endless Love January 29, 2023 | Joni Eareckson Tada | Daily Devotional “Do you not know?      Have you not heard?  The Lord is the everlasting God,      the Creator of the ends of the earth.  He will not grow tired or weary,      and his understanding no one can fathom.  He gives strength to the weary      and increases the power of the weak.  Even youths grow tired and weary,      and young men stumble and fall;  but those who hope in the Lord      will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles;      they will run and not grow weary,      they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:28-31  It’s very difficult to move forward when you’re locked up in physical or emotional pain. In such moments, it’s a comfort to remember tha...

Daily Devotional (January-28-2023) BELIEVE IN GOD'S WORD

Daily Devotional (January-28-2023) BELIEVE IN GOD'S WORD

Su devocional diario - Las bendiciones de Dios

Su devocional diario - Las bendiciones de Dios : Las bendiciones de Dios Incluso en medio de las dificultades, recibimos los regalos de Dios; solo tenemos que abrir los ojos para verlos. January 26, 2023 Efesios 1.3-14 Todos enfrentamos momentos difíciles en los que podemos llegar a sentir que Dios no nos está bendiciendo. Pero incluso en medio de las dificultades, recibimos sus regalos; solo tenemos que abrir los ojos para verlos. A continuación, hay varios ejemplos de bendiciones que disfrutamos cada día: Tenemos la seguridad de que nuestro Dios Todopoderoso nos eligió antes de la fundación del mundo y nos predestinó a ser adoptados como sus hijos (Ef 1.4, 5). Cristo nos redimió, al salvarnos por medio de su muerte y resurrección (Ef 1.7). Como resultado, los creyentes somos perdonados y recibimos una nueva naturaleza (2 Co 5.17; 1 Jn 1.9). El Espíritu Santo habita en todos los que confiamos en el Salvador. Nos dirige, alerta y acompaña para consolarnos y aconsejarnos. Y además, no...

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word January 25: On Fire “ But His word was in my heart like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I was weary of holding it back, and I could not." Jeremiah 20:9 God’s Word is powerful, like a two-edged sword. It does not return to Him without accomplishing what it was sent out to do. God’s Word is like rain and snow, saturating the soil to produce a harvest. God’s Word created the Galaxy, the earth, the sun, and the moon. His Word is the most powerful source in the world. Jeremiah, in a plight of despair, wanted to give up. He found himself frustrated numerous times in his ministry because the people refused to listen to his words. Jeremiah took it personally when the ones who claimed to be children of Israel lived like children of Baal. Even in Jeremiah’s darkest day of discouragement, he still said God’s word was like fire ...

God-Driven Joy Is Our Strength | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

God-Driven Joy Is Our Strength | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : God-Driven Joy Is Our Strength Yael Eckstein  |  January 25, 2023 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” — Nehemiah 8:10 Today, I continue with a new devotional series on joy, simcha — the joy found in the grateful acceptance and celebration of each day God has given to us. Join me as we explore teachings on the joy found in connecting with God and with others. A friend of mine recently went skydiving. As he described the ordeal of going up in the plane, getting ready for the jump, and then actually taking the plunge, I felt my own heart racing just imagining the scenario. And then he said something that really resonated with me. He said, “I was only able to enjoy the ride because I knew that an experienced instructor was on my back. I...

Benny Hinn Live Sermon | January-25-2023 - Deliverance From Reoccurring Sin

Benny Hinn Live Sermon | January-25-2023 - Deliverance From Reoccurring Sin : Deliverance From Reoccurring Sin - Benny Hinn Live Sermon | January-25-2023

Ron Carpenter Daily - Who’s in Your Circle? - YouTube

Ron Carpenter Daily - Who’s in Your Circle? - YouTube : 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Today’s Devotional Who is in your circle? We must examine our friendships and those who we are in relationship with. Are they holding you back? Is it wise to keep them in your life? Today, don’t compromise your future for the sake of keeping a friend. Be willing to make the hard decisions and walk away from relationships that are holding you back! Reflection Is your circle of friends taking you away from God or bringing you closer to Him 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Today’s Devotional Who is in your circle? We must examine our friendships and those who we are in relationship with. Are they holding you back? Is it wise to keep them in your life? Today, don’t compromise your future for the sake of keeping a friend. Be willing to make the hard decisions and walk away from relationships that are holding you ...

Day 24: How to Listen to God (Proverbs 3:1-10, Matthew 16:21-17:13, Genesis 47:13-48:22)

Day 24: How to Listen to God (Proverbs 3:1-10, Matthew 16:21-17:13, Genesis 47:13-48:22) : Proverbs 3:1-10 Wisdom Bestows Well-Being   3 My son, do not forget my teaching,    but keep my commands in your heart,   2 for they will prolong your life many years    and bring you peace and prosperity.   3 Let love and faithfulness never leave you;    bind them around your neck,    write them on the tablet of your heart.   4 Then you will win favour and a good name    in the sight of God and man.   5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart    and lean not on your own understanding;   6 in all your ways submit to him,    and he will make your paths straight.   7 Do not be wise in your own eyes;    fear the Lord and shun evil.   8 This will bring health to your body    and nourishment to your bones.   9 Honour the Lord with your wealth,    with the fi...

Su devocional diario - Cómo convertirse en un pródigo

Su devocional diario - Cómo convertirse en un pródigo : Cómo convertirse en un pródigo El deseo del hijo pródigo lo impulsó a pedir prematuramente su herencia y luego abandonar el hogar y todo lo que le habían enseñado. January 23, 2023 Lucas 15.11-19 ¿Cómo comenzó la vida del hijo pródigo? Tal vez quería liberarse de las restricciones que conlleva vivir bajo el techo de los padres. O tal vez quería dinero para satisfacer ciertos placeres. Cualquiera que sea el caso, el deseo del hijo pródigo lo impulsó a pedir prematuramente su herencia y luego abandonar el hogar y todo lo que le habían enseñado. Un cristiano que se ha alejado de Dios puede seguir un camino parecido. Primero, comenzamos con el deseo de tener más posesiones materiales. Cuanto más tiempo dejamos que esa idea perdure, más fuerte será nuestro deseo de tenerlo, y al final encontraremos maneras de justificar lo que queremos. Entonces, basándonos en esa mentalidad, avanzamos hacia nuestras metas egocéntricas. Al igual que ...

Ron Carpenter Daily - Let Him Ask - YouTube

Ron Carpenter Daily - Let Him Ask - YouTube : James 1:5 (NKJV) If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. Today’s Devotional There is a difference between having book smarts and having wisdom! Unless you know how to apply the knowledge that you have, how can you expect to reap the benefits of it? Today, seek knowledge and understanding. However, be sure to also ask God for wisdom so you can apply everything that He’s shown you! Reflection You may be booksmart… but do you have wisdom? God gives wisdom to all who ask. But you have to ask James 1:5 (NKJV) If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. Today’s Devotional There is a difference between having book smarts and having wisdom! Unless you know how to apply the knowledge that you have, how can you expect to reap the benefits of it? Today, seek knowledge and understandi...

Una visión a largo plazo | Fraternidad Internacional de Cristianos y Judíos

Una visión a largo plazo | Fraternidad Internacional de Cristianos y Judíos : Una visión a largo plazo Yael Eckstein  | 22 de enero de 2023 ¡No así los malvados!     Son como paja     que se lleva el viento. —Salmo 1:4 Comenzamos cada semana con una lección inspiradora de los amados Salmos. Durante siglos, estos antiguos poemas del rey David y otros han sido la base del culto judío y cristiano. ¡Disfrutar! Como madre de adolescentes, una cosa que trabajo duro para enseñarles a mis hijos es cómo tomar buenas decisiones. Y como siempre les digo a mis hijos, una de las claves para tomar decisiones saludables es pensar a largo plazo, en lugar de a corto plazo. Tantas malas decisiones son el resultado de pensar a corto plazo . Pensar a corto plazo está bien cuando se trata de cosas que realmente no importan, como qué sabor de helado comprar o qué comedia ligera ver para relajarse al final de un largo día. Pero para las decisiones importantes, como qué estudiar o qué relaciones buscar, ...

John Hagee (January-21-2023) Daily Devotional: 2 Corinthians 10:4

John Hagee (January-21-2023) Daily Devotional: 2 Corinthians 10:4

Paula Today: Why All Firsts Belong to God - Paula White Ministries

Paula Today: Why All Firsts Belong to God - Paula White Ministries : Paula Today: Why All Firsts Belong to God God's Principle fo First Fruits Compartir Give Descargar We explore Why all firsts belong to God on Paula Today! I am believing that this new year 2023 will be incredible for you- one of blessing and abundance in every area of your life! Often it's what we don't know that is preventing all the good things that God has already given us through His Son, Jesus Christ to manifest in our life. There's a principle I want to teach you on it is called The Principle of First Fruits.  Paula Today: Why All Firsts Belong to God God's Principle fo First Fruits Compartir Give Descargar We explore Why all firsts belong to God on Paula Today! I am believing that this new year 2023 will be incredible for you- one of blessing and abundance in every area of your life! Often it's what we don't know that is preventing all the good things t...