Daily Devotional (May-24-2023) CONQUERING THE FLESH - Part 4
Scripture Reference: James, Chapter 1 - 13-15. Let no one say when he is tempted, “I am being tempted by God,” for God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempts no one. But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.
In enforcing victory over bad habits, we must understand that we war in the Spirit and by the Spirit, hence our reliance should primarily be on the Spirit and not physical means.
We walk by faith, right? Start to act and talk like someone who is free. Start speaking about that addiction using the past tense. Start sharing the testimony that you've been delivered . This is prophecy already! If you find yourself falling again, rather than saying "I'm struggling with..."say"l used to struggle with...." You're bringing your mind to the consciousness of your new status. It might sound extremely weird at first, but with time you will get conditioned to what you're saying, after all, Scripture tells us that we will have what we say.
There's a reason we didn't confess our sins to get saved, we confessed someone with a power higher than our sins; Jesus. The confession of our sins couldn't save us, if anything, it made us more conscious of the fact that we were sinners. Receiving the gift of salvation by confessing Jesus Christ as Lord and savior and then believing and affirming that we were saved was what got us saved, and even now that we are saved, if we find ourselves occasionally falling into wrongdoing, we confess that we are saved and forgiven. The confession of our sins can't help. In the same vein, you don't confess your bad habits to get out of them, you confess that you're free from them and that's how you get free from them!
We respond to invitations to sin with the word. We will always be tempted. Always. That habit is going to try to come back again. Don't give in. Respond with the word. Declare your identity and rejoice! Say things like" I'm too high above in Christ to stoop low to sin!", "Sin is way beneath my league and class!" "I'm free from sin and it has no power over me, I have power over it"! The weapon of our warfare is the word of God! We build up our arsenal by giving our hearts to God's word, so that in the day of adversity and temptation, we will have bullets to fight with. Notice how Jesus resisted temptations. He responded with the truth of the word!
As those urges or invitations come as thoughts, immediately, you rise up and pray in the Spirit and then you rejoice! Laugh! Rejoice because the devil has tried and failed!
AFFIRMATION: I affirm that I am victorious through Christ and in Christ. Sin has no hold over me. I walk in victory! Amen.
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