Daily Devotional (May-29-2023) TAKE GOD AT HIS WORD, Part 2
Scripture Reference: 2 Corinthians 5:7, “for we walk by faith, not by sight.”
Let's look at the definition of doubt again. It is a feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction. It is a feeling of uncertainty. Very often, the reason why we doubt is because we walk by our feelings rather than the knowledge of God's word that we have. We have to understand that God's word is greater than our feelings, experiences and circumstances. Let's look at the story in Matthew 14, specifically verses 28-31.
Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water.Come," he said.Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me! Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
In the first place, Peter wasn't sure that it was Jesus walking on water, so he asked for a sign or a confirmation as it were. Jesus, being gracious gave him a word as confirmation. The word from Jesus was "come". So Peter already got a word, and remember that Jesus had already calmed the storm in Matthew 8, so really, Peter had no reason to doubt. But what happened? He saw the wind and lost sight of the word he had heard, then fear set in and he started to sink. His doubting was giving first place to what he could see. This is often how it works with us. We get a word from God concerning something, we start to see or experience something different and we totally relegate the word we heard and give first place to what we can see or experience. It's easy to forget what you heard when you're faced with things that can shake your faith, but you must insist on the word.
As believers, we hear to see! It is what we hear that informs what we see and what we declare! For instance, a believer hears and knows that he has divine health and so, he has power over sicknesses and diseases and sickness has no place in his body. This is the word. Later on, he starts to feel feverish. At this point, uncertainty might start to set in. He feels feverish quite alright, but is that his reality in Christ?
Absolutely not! It's a feeling which can be subjected to the reality of God's word!
What should he do? He should declare the word by faith, enforce his reality in Christ Jesus and cast out the sickness with boldness!
We must not let our feelings or circumstances influence our confessions. Scripture tells us that we will have whatever we say. The tongue is powerful. It is also very easy to dwell on our feelings, experiences and circumstances and sometimes we might tend to magnify them. We have to guard our hearts, shut out every form of negativity and dwell on what God's word says.
God actually keeps to His word. He actually follows through on whatever He says and He has a reputation for being trustworthy. "How good is God's word?" someone might ask. His word is so bankable that even after heaven and earth pass, it will still remain. As long as He has said it, He will do it. You can bank on the integrity of your Father.
AFFIRMATION: I affirm that I am not double minded. I walk by faith always! I give first place to God's word and I hold fast my confession. Glory!
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