Scripture Reference: Nehemiah 8:10 - "He continued, “Go home and prepare a feast, holiday food and drink; and share with those who don't have anything: This day is holy to God. Don't feel bad. The Joy of God is your Strength!”.
The Lord God Almighty designed man to be a social and relational being with inherent emotions. The Bible makes us understand that man is essentially a tripartite being i.e., he is a spirit possessing a soul and living in a body (1Thess. 5:23). People act the way they do because they are spirits but rather because they have souls. In other words, our emotional expressions are primarily from our souls and not our spirits.
Just like the total man, the soul is also tripartite in nature, having three dimensions:
(1.) The Mind: This is the thinking faculty which is the base of reason. Simply put, the mind is the thinker of man (Isa. 26:3).
(2.) The Will: This is the decision making faculty which is the base of choice. Simply put, the will is the chooser of man (Phil. 2:13).
(3.) The Emotions: This is the sentimental faculty which is the base of feelings. Simply put, the emotion is the feeler of man (Ex. 32:19). This third dimension of the soul is source of a diverse spectrum of the emotions we experience as human beings. Various toxic emotions such as lust, envy and anger proceed from the soul of every man who is still controlled by the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21).
As stated earlier, man is a social and relational being who is designed for emotional bonding and interaction with others. It takes the Influence of the Holy Spirit to cultivate wholesome emotions hence the importance of true Christian believers to switch over to Spirit controlled emotions (Gal. 5:16). Negative emotions are overwhelmed by the Fruit of the Spirit which is powered by the Atmosphere of God's Presence. One major distinction between the spirit and soul is that the former is the seat of man's identity while the latter is the seat of man's personality. In other words, what makes you a person is your HAVING a soul rather than your BEING a spirit. The onus therefore lies upon us to become better people by submitting our emotions under the Leading of the Spirit. May we never forget that "God has not given us a spirit of fear but of Power and of Love and of a Sound Mind" (2Tim. 1:7).
CONTROLLED EMOTIONSPRAYER: Heavenly Father, we magnify You for Who You are and for all You do for us. O Lord, please help us subdue and cultivate our emotions by the Unction and Power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus' Mighty Name. Amen.
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