Benny Hinn Live Stream - A New Anointing is Coming!
Benny Hinn Live Stream - A New Anointing is ComingForgiveness will set you free
APRIL 19, 2024
Today's Scripture
John 20:23, NIV
“If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; If you retain the sins of anyone, they are retained.”
Today's word
After Jesus rose from the dead, he spoke today's Scriptures to his disciples. When you hold on to someone's sin, you hold on to it. God was saying that when you hold on to the evils that people have done to you, the poison defiles you. When you don't forgive, the sin you held onto that hurt you (that bitterness, anger, hatred, or criticism) can produce the same results in you.
It can be very difficult to forgive, especially when someone has hurt you, but you don't have to forgive them for their sake; You forgive for your own good. Forgiveness does not mean excusing anyone or diminishing the offense. Forgiveness keeps their poison out of your life and takes away their power to continue hurting you. Forgiveness is about choosing to release the pain and trust that God will make it up to you, so you can claim the wonderful future that awaits you. When you forgive someone, you free the prisoner from the chains of anger and bitterness. That prisoner is not the person who hurt you; the prisoner is you.
Prayer for today
“Father, thank you that I can forgive other people for their sins and remain free from the poison they contain. Thank you that I can turn to You to heal my wounds and correct the mistakes that have been done to me. I declare that I will not allow bitterness, anger, or offense to control my life. In the name of Jesus, amen".
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