
Showing posts from June, 2024

Jack Hibbs is Live Now (June 30, 2024) Sunday Service - Live Stream | Watch Jack Hibbs Sunday Service

Jack Hibbs is Live Now (June 30, 2024) Sunday Service - Live Stream | Watch Jack Hibbs Sunday Service

John Hagee (June-29-2024) Daily Devotional: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

John Hagee (June-29-2024) Daily Devotional: 1 Corinthians 13:4- Are You Fully Awake? Awake to righteousness, and sin not. 1 Corinthians 15:34 KJV Perhaps you find yourself under a constant siege of condemnation because you have been wrongly taught that the Holy Spirit convicts believers of their sins. You believe that the condemnation you feel is a result of the Holy Spirit’s conviction when it actually originates from the accuser. Rather than the Holy Spirit being your Helper, convicting you that you are the righteousness of God in Christ, that God will never abandon you even if you have sinned, you are left to struggle with sin, condemnation, and fear. It is time to “awake to righteousness.” As Pamela in Maryland discovered, when you do, oppression, bondage, and sin cannot maintain their hold in your life. Here is Pamela’s testimony: Dear Pastor Prince, at fifty-nine years of age, I was recovering from multiple fractures in my right ankle and fibula. In the first month, my mobility w...

Watch Creflo Dollar - Obedience is a Gift of Grace

Watch Creflo Dollar - Obedience is a Gift of Grace

John Hagee (June-28-2024) Daily Devotional: Psalm 147:13

John Hagee (June-28-2024) Daily Devotional: Psalm 147: Don’t Cover It Up June 28, 2024 Today's Scripture When I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted away, and I groaned all day long. Psalm 32:3, NLT Today's Word In today’s Scripture, David is talking about what happened to his health during the year that followed his adulterous affair with Bathsheba and the killing of her husband to cover it up. He lied to himself about what he’d done, buried the guilt and shame, and pretended that nothing was wrong. But the problem with burying negative toxins is they make your soul unhealthy and eventually come back up and poison your physical health as well. In Psalm 51, David finally got honest and said, “God, forgive and cleanse me from my sin. Create in me a clean heart.” The beauty of our God is that He’s merciful. He forgave David, restored his soul, and gave him his health back. Don’t let guilt and condemnation from something that you’ve done wrong in the past keep your soul unhea...

Sermons Online 2024, Watch Christian sermons by famous preachers - Sermons Online

Sermons Online 2024, Watch Christian sermons by famous preachers - Sermons  1 Pedro 5:8, 9 1 Pedro 5:8 RVR1960 Share Sed sobrios, y velad; porque vuestro adversario el diablo, como león rugiente, anda alrededor buscando a quien devorar RVR1960: Biblia Reina Valera 1960 Read 1 Pedro 5

Watch Sermon: Never Stop Praying - by Victoria Osteen

Watch Sermon: Never Stop Praying - by Victoria  Turn On the Light of God’s Word Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105 Derek is a successful business owner who attends our church regularly and who has an amazing testimony. Before he experienced his breakthrough though, life was harrowing for him. It all started one morning when he read a newspaper article about a man of his age who had suddenly died of a heart attack. Derek couldn’t explain it, but from that moment on, it was as if the air started to thin, and he began experiencing respiratory difficulties. Without him knowing it, fear had begun to coil itself around his heart like a python. Day by day, Derek started to experience all kinds of evil imaginations of himself getting hurt and dying while doing the simplest day-to-day activities. He suffered escalating bouts of debilitating anxiety attacks as fear tightened its grip on his heart. As his mental oppression worsened, and convinced he was sever...

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - If You See This Sign in Israel, Jesus is About to Return

Sid Roth's It's Supernatural! - If You See This Sign in Israel, Jesus is About to  26 de junio: La importancia de encontrar la quietud en él "   Estad quietos, y sabed que yo soy Dios; enaltecido seré entre las naciones, enaltecido seré en la tierra." Salmo 46:10 Respirar. ¿Con qué frecuencia nos olvidamos de hacer una pausa, respirar y quedarnos quietos? En el caos de nuestro mundo acelerado, es fácil perderse en el ajetreo y el bullicio, corriendo constantemente de una cosa a otra. Pero la Palabra de Dios nos recuerda la importancia de encontrar quietud en Él. Este llamado divino a estar quietos nos permite crear espacio en nuestras almas (mente, voluntad y emociones), para reconocer y reconocer la presencia de Dios. Es en estos momentos tranquilos de quietud que realmente podemos conectarnos con Él, escuchar Su suave susurro y recibir Su guía y revelación. Es fundamental recordar que Dios está de nuestro lado, independientemente de lo que los detractores o las circ...

Donate to Joni and Friends Ministry

Donate to Joni and Friends  25 de junio: Tu corazón tiene que ser puesto a prueba "   Examinaos a vosotros mismos si estáis en la fe; probados a vosotros mismos. ¿No os dais cuenta de que Cristo Jesús está en vosotros, a menos, por supuesto, que no paséis la prueba?" 2 Corintios 13:5 ¿Estás en la fe? Pruébate. ¿Cómo sabes que estás en la fe? Crees en la Palabra de Dios, no en tu mente, sino en tu corazón. ¿Está tu corazón completamente persuadido de que lo que Dios dice es verdad? Si estás dispuesto a apostar tu vida en ello, estás en la fe. Todos tenemos diferentes desafíos. Sepa esto: no es su desafío sino lo que está haciendo con su desafío. Dios quiere hacer una obra en usted para finalmente hacer una obra a través de usted. Debido a que es tan importante, quiero que lo leas nuevamente: Dios quiere hacer una obra en ti para finalmente hacer una obra a través de ti. Por eso la Palabra te dice que te examines a ti mismo para ver si estás en la fe; Pruébate. ¡Cristo Jesús es...

Priscilla Shirer, CeCe Winans, Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: YOU Can Hear From God

Priscilla Shirer, CeCe Winans, Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: YOU Can Hear From  24 de junio: Reflexiona sobre tu sed espiritual "   Como el ciervo brama por las corrientes de agua, así clama por ti, Dios mío, el alma mía." Salmo 42:1 Así como un ciervo busca desesperadamente agua para saciar su sed, nuestras almas deberían anhelar la presencia de Dios. Este versículo ilustra maravillosamente la profunda sed que debemos tener de una relación cercana e íntima con Dios. Es un recordatorio de que nuestras almas encuentran verdadera satisfacción y plenitud sólo en Él. En nuestras vidas ocupadas, es fácil quedar atrapados en distracciones mundanas y perder de vista nuestra sed espiritual. Pero este versículo nos llama a reenfocar nuestras prioridades. Nos anima a buscar a Dios con pasión, a perseguir su presencia con la misma intensidad que un ciervo deshidratado busca agua. Como creyentes, debemos esforzarnos por cultivar un hambre y una sed de Dios que nos impulse a dedicar tiempo ...

Pastor Jack Hibbs is Live Now (June 23, 2024) Sunday Service - Live Stream | Watch Jack Hibbs Sunday Service

Pastor Jack Hibbs is Live Now (June 23, 2024) Sunday Service - Live Stream | Watch Jack Hibbs Sunday Service

Day 174: When Life is Difficult (Psalm 77:1–9, Acts 15:1–21, 1 Kings 9:10–11:13)

Day 174: When Life is Difficult (Psalm 77:1–9, Acts 15:1–21, 1 Kings 9:10–11:13 published in 1678. Pilgrim’s Progress  is an allegory which tells the story of a person called ‘Christian’ on a journey from his hometown to the Celestial City. On the way he faces many difficulties, challenges and obstacles, yet he perseveres faithfully to the end. A Christian life is not easy. You will face many difficulties along the way. But these need not derail you. In fact, as you go through difficult times staying close to Jesus, you will emerge stronger, wiser and more Christ-like. Wisdom Psalm 77:1–9 Bible For the director of music. For Jeduthun. Of Asaph. A psalm. 1  I cried out to God for help;    I cried out to God to hear me. 2  When I was in distress, I sought the LORD;    at night I stretched out untiring hands,    and I would not be comforted. 3  I remembered you, God, and I groaned;    I meditated, and my spirit grew faint. 4 ...