2024 06 09 DEVOs 4 - YouTube
The people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
Daniel 11:32
Have you ever wondered what gives a person the strength to become a champion, such as Daniel or David in the Scriptures? The book of Daniel tells us that “the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Dan. 11:32).
Daniel himself started out as a young captive taken from Jerusalem to serve in the courts of Babylonian and Medo-Persian kings. Yet Daniel stood out among his peers.
Over his lifetime he interpreted dreams by the wisdom of God and demonstrated an “excellent spirit” people around him could see (Dan. 6:3). He always found favor in the eyes of the Gentile kings he served and experienced supernatural deliverance when there seemed to be no way out. Daniel walked out of the lions’ den unharmed because he knew his God, His power, and His heart for him.
Dear reader, is this what you desire today—to walk in strength, wisdom, and favor that is undeniable and irresistible? Do you desire to see the God-kind of miracles and breakthroughs in your life?
Then I encourage you to keep hearing and growing in your knowledge of God’s grace and mercy toward you. In Daniel’s story, the Lord, through an angel, addressed him as a “man greatly beloved” (Dan. 10:11). So the more you hear about and are confident in His love for you, the more you will live life with boldness and a different, excellent spirit that sets you apart from others and testifies of His power in your life.
Consider also young David, the shepherd boy who was bold enough to challenge and take down Goliath when others were cowering in fear. David knew God as a covenant-keeping God who loved him. David would have been reminded of God’s love for him every time he heard his own name called, for David’s name means “beloved,” the beloved of t
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