Priscilla Shirer - Watch Message: Great Awakening
Please sign your name right now! We are urgently requesting your signature, your voice, and your commitment—to be presented to the President of Israel and the Jewish people to let them know Christians will not be silent.
Thank you.
The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
“Your people will be my people and your God my God.” (Ruth 1:16)
In the Bible, Ruth—a Gentile woman—spoke these words to her Jewish loved ones.
During the Holocaust, Righteous Gentiles like Oskar Schindler and Corrie ten Boom stood with God’s beloved people.
Today, God’s people once again need faithful friends to stand with them—in prayer and in action.
As a Christian I am letting the Jewish people know they are not alone. By signing this pledge, I will:
- Like Ruth, stand with God’s people in their time of need.
- Like Righteous Gentiles throughout history, put my faith into action.
- Raise my voice against anti-Semitic hatred and violence.
- Lift my prayers for my Jewish brothers and sisters.
- Use my actions to ensure the safety and security of the Jewish state and its people.
Along with millions of Christians who stand with the Jewish people, I will share this with my church, my community, my family, and my friends. I sign this pledge to show my unwavering support and love for my Jewish brothers and sisters.
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