Proverbios 12 | RVR1960 Bible | YouVersion

Proverbios 12 | RVR1960 Bible | YouVersion 31 DAYS OF WISDOM FROM GOD Proverbs 12:5 5; The thoughts of the righteous are righteousness, but the counsels of the wicked are deceit. DECEPTION. THIS ONE word has plagued the human race from the beginning. Eve was deceived by the serpent, who lent her faculties to Satan, to disobey God’s Word by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Eve failed through deception while Adam sinned with his eyes wide open, knowing what he was doing was wrong (1 Tim. 2:14). Deception did not end with the serpent deceiving Eve; it is a tool used by Satan that has led millions of people to an eternal hell. Satan, being deceived himself, has been successful in leading people away from God and onto a false path of redemption, primarily self-sufficiency. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard the statement, “I need” God; “I am my savior.” That person is deceived, and if he refuses to repent, he will spend eternity in the devil’s hell. 31 DAYS OF WISDOM FROM GOD The word deceit in this proverb means “fraud or master.” Solomon is saying that what comes from the world is not only evil, but is riddled with fraud and treachery. Jesus said that “the thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy” (John 10:10), which speaks indirectly of Satan, but more directly of his minions, who promote a false path of salvation. The message of the day is self-improvement, but the truth is that the self, as much as it needs improvement, cannot be improved by one’s own efforts. Yet many are pushing the self-help agenda, even though it is leading people to hell. People have been deceived. Regardless of what is being promoted, the result will always be theft, murder, and destruction. The message of the day is self-improvement. The self cannot improve itself, but the self cannot improve itself. The opposite of deceit, however, is righteousness, which should characterize followers of Christ. Righteous means “just,” and that is exactly what has happened to every person who has ever accepted Christ as Savior: they were declared righteous. The only way anyone can be declared righteous is through faith in Christ and the cross, which means there is no other way to salvation, no other Proverbs 12.5 It is the way to experience life and live. Any other way is deceit. There is nothing man can do that can produce righteousness, for righteousness comes from above, and through Christ there is no such thing as righteousness. By accepting Christ as the Savior of the world, God declares us not guilty, innocent as if we had never sinned in our lives. Of course, this is something we could accomplish on our own, but only through faith in Christ on the cross. Jesus Christ is the source of all blessings. Loss is how we receive those blessings. Faith is the key that opens the door. And the Holy Spirit oversees it all. RUBEN REFLECTIONS:


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