Proverbios 23:30-32 Para los que se detienen mucho en el vino, Para los que van buscando la mistura. No mires al vino cuando rojea, Cuando resplandece su color en la copa. Se entra suavemente; Mas al fin como serpiente m | Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960) | Descarga La Biblia App ahora
Proverbios 23:30-32 Para los que se detienen mucho en el vino, Para los que van buscando la mistura. No mires al vino cuando rojea, Cuando resplandece su color en la copa. Se entra suavemente; Mas al fin como serpiente m | Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960)
| Descarga La Biblia App ahora31 DAYS OF WISDOM OF GOD
PROVERBS 23;30-31-32
30;For those who dwell long on wine,
For those who go seeking the mixture.
31;Do not look upon the wine when it is red,
When its color shines in the cup.
It goes down smoothly;
32;But in the end it bites like a serpent,
And it stings like an adder.
Proverbs 23;30-31-32
SOLOMON WARNS US about the dangers of alcohol and drunkenness. Yes, there is an appeal in the idea of drinking alcohol, and Hollywood has made it a glamorous lifestyle choice, meaning it is presented to our society, and especially our youth, as saying that you are nothing without a drink in your hand. The media presents the idea that with alcohol, you can enhance yourself with a drink in your hand. As a pastor, I often speak about the trap that alcohol can cause a young person and the dangers it leads to. Let me explain.
I do not believe for a second that alcoholism is a disease, but rather a sin. If it is a disease, as the world wants you to believe, then it is the only disease you can buy at a local convenience store. It is the only disease that is
It is contracted by free will. It is the only disease that requires a license for distribution and is bottled and sold. It is the only disease I know of that produces revenue for the federal government, promotes crime, is completely addictive, and is spread through mass marketing. Because of the avenue of television and social media commercials, it is believed that the average child will see alcohol consumption over seventy-five thousand times before they reach the legal drinking age. Alcohol is also the cause of over forty thousand deaths each year in this nation alone, with over one million people injured in alcohol-related incidents.
According to some statistics, there are about twenty million alcoholics in America, and for every ten vehicles on the road, one of those ten drivers is technically drunk. About fifteen hundred people a day suffer injuries from alcohol. The side effects of alcohol are equally damaging: homes disintegrate because of alcohol, and alcohol causes parents to abuse their children. Any preacher who proclaims that alcohol is okay as long as it is consumed in moderation is sorely mistaken. Solomon warns us:
Proverbs 23;30-31-32
It is very important, by the Holy Spirit, that we stay away from the dangers of alcohol. It is not for the believer to get involved with it in any way, shape, or form. As Christians, we must not get involved with the sin of alcohol, because the Bible declares that it brings affliction, sadness, strife, babbling, and causeless wounds, and it harms the physical body along with mental abilities. There is nothing attractive about alcohol for the believer, and we must adhere to the Word of God and stay away from it.
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