Joyce Meyer (January-24-2025) Daily Devotional: Loving God with Your Words

Joyce Meyer (January-24-2025) Daily Devotional: Loving God with Your WordsToday's Word David is thought to have written Psalm 63 in the isolation of the wilderness during the difficult years when King Saul was trying to kill him. He used that time to seek God, to draw close to God with his whole being. One thing about being isolated, not having a lot of people to give your attention to, you can turn your attention toward your Heavenly Father. It’s an opportunity to learn to talk to Him and get to know Him. It’s a time to develop a deeper relationship where He’s not just a Sunday morning God, but all through the day, in your thoughts, you talk to God as you’d talk to a friend. God will be as involved in your life as much as you want Him to be. If you keep Him in a Sunday morning box, He’ll stay there. But He wants to be so much more than that. Sometimes with all the busyness of life, with all the people, the activities, we don’t make time for God. That’s a mistake. Make sure you keep Him first place. Prayer For Today “Father, thank You that I can seek You with my whole heart, knowing that I will surely find You. Thank You that I can live my life passionately, with a desire to go deeper with You. I declare that You are far more to me than a Sunday morning God. You are my God every moment of the day. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”


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