Proverbios 27:17 Hierro con hierro se aguza; Y así el hombre aguza el rostro de su amigo. | Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960) | Download The Bible App Now

Proverbios 27:17 Hierro con hierro se aguza; Y así el hombre aguza el rostro de su amigo. | Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960) | Download The Bible App Now 31 DAYS OF WISDOM OF GOD PROVERBS 27;17 17;Iron sharpens iron; So a man sharpens his friend's face. 31 DAYS OF WISDOM OF GOD Proverbs 27;17 FROM A PRACTICAL POINT OF VIEW, iron can sharpen another piece of iron. But for this sharpening to occur, there must be friction between the two pieces of metal. This means that there will be some sparks when one piece rubs against the other, which produces a mutual benefit for the two pieces of iron. The benefit is that each piece of metal will be sharpened, which in turn makes them more effective. If the blades of two separate knives are dull, then the knives will not work the way they were designed to. But they are still knives, nonetheless. For knives to be effective, each needs to be sharpened constantly. In the same way, this process is considered positive for our fellow man. It is good for us to have that friend who challenges us, improves us, or even helps us develop. 31 DAYS OF WISDOM FROM GOD Understand that along with this process, there may be some friction between the two of you; it might really challenge your way of thinking. But if it is done from a biblical standpoint, it will end up being a positive thing. It is the influence we have on our friends, and vice versa. It really takes a person who is godly, with conviction and anointing to be that kind of person we need to affect our own personal lives. Personally, outside of my family, there are only three people I consider my closest friends, and each has played an integral role in the development of my personal and spiritual life. Each of these men has challenged me, pushed me, comforted me, and been a godly influence in my life. In other words, they have affected me or sharpened me to be the person I need to be. I feel like I do the same for them as well. None of them have been shy about offering a little constructive criticism or an idea from a different point of view, which has made me rethink some things at times. All three of them have always been there for me, and I hope they can say the same about me. It is having these kinds of people in your life that will affect your life in a positive way. If the people you consider close to you do not Proverbs 27;17 sharpen you spiritually, mentally, physically, or emotionally, then you need to ask yourself if they are the kind of people you really want to have in your life. Find that person, that iron that truly sharpens iron, that will walk with you through all of life's problems and be that true friend who is honest and kind. RUBÉN REFLECTIONS: 117


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