
Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: Right and Wrong Mindsets - Part 2

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: Right and Wrong Mindsets - Part 2: because God has good things waiting for you!

Todd White (April-20-2021) Watch Sermon: Leaving A Legacy for God

Todd White (April-20-2021) Watch Sermon: Leaving A Legacy for God: Todd White (April-20-2021) Watch Sermon:  Leaving A Legacy for God

Filipenses 2:3 RVR1960; Nada hagáis por contienda o por vanagloria; antes bien con humildad, estimando cada uno a los demás como superiores a él mismo;

Filipenses 2:3 RVR1960; Nada hagáis por contienda o por vanagloria; antes bien con humildad, estimando cada uno a los demás como superiores a él mismo;: Filipenses 2:3 RVR1960 Filipenses 2:3 RVR1960 3Nada hagáis por contienda o por vanagloria; antes bien con humildad, estimando cada uno a los demás como superiores a él mismo;

Hello God! |

Hello God! | Life beyond the grave Psalm 49:1-20 There is a stark contrast between life without God, and life with God. Life without God Those who live without God tend to end up trusting in either wealth (v.6a) or themselves (v.13a). This trust is characterised by a search for status. The wealthy may ‘boast of their great riches’ (v.6b) and use money to impress others with their possessions (v.16). They may even name lands after themselves (v.11a). They enjoy the praise of others (v.18b) and they count ‘themselves blessed’ (v.18a). They may try to use their wealth to ‘buy off’ their own death (v.7). Yet no amount of money is ever enough (v.8). In the end, it is all futile as wealth gets left to others (v.10b). ‘So don’t be impressed with those who get rich and pile up fame and fortune. They can’t take it with them’ (vv.16–17a, MSG). What is this all worth if we ‘decay in the grave?’ (v.14). Life with God By contrast, if you live a life with God there is no need ...

The Victory Channel (April-21-2021) LIVE with Victory News!

The Victory Channel (April-21-2021) LIVE with Victory News!: The Victory Channel (April-21-2021) LIVE with Victory News! We are LIVE for Victory News at 4pm CT! Join us for news coverage in the spirit of faith!

Five Ways God Guides You |

Five Ways God Guides You | Promise of guidance Psalm 48:9-14 God promises to guide us all the way through our lives: ‘he will be our guide even to the end’ (v.14). But how do you receive this guidance? The secret is a close relationship with God. It involves spending time in his presence meditating on his ‘unfailing love’ (v.9). Counsel of the Saints Guidance is not an individual activity. It is significant that the psalmist says, ‘Within your temple... we meditate on your unfailing love’ (v.9). The temple was where the people of God came together to worship God. We receive guidance in the context of community. On our own, we can sometimes get things very wrong (Proverbs 12:15). God can speak to others, as well as to us, and it is always wise to seek advice about major decisions. Lord, thank you for your promise to be my guide and that you guide me in the context of the community of your people.

John Hagee (April-20-2021) Daily Devotional: Romans 4:7

John Hagee (April-20-2021) Daily Devotional: Romans 4:7: John Hagee (April-20-2021) Daily Devotional: Romans 4:7 - Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, And whose sins are covered. Three days after the crucifixion, when the women went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’s body with special oils, they found an angel instead of a body. The angel said to them, “But go, tell His disciples—and Peter—that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you” (Mark 16:7, NKJV). Tell His disciples — and Peter. Why the emphasis on Peter? Because prior to the crucifixion, Peter denied Jesus three times. Peter, who liked to make grandiose statements that he couldn’t back up, said to Jesus in the Upper Room, “Even if everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you” (Matthew 26:33, NLT). Peter then falls asleep while he’s supposed to be praying for Jesus, reacts impulsively cutting off Malchus’s ear, and then denies Jesus three times. Well done, Peter. Let’s ta...