
Salmos 85:2 RVR1960; Perdonaste la iniquidad de tu pueblo; Todos los pecados de ellos cubriste. Selah

Salmos 85:2 RVR1960; Perdonaste la iniquidad de tu pueblo; Todos los pecados de ellos cubriste. Selah : Perdonaste la iniquidad de tu pueblo; Todos los pecados de ellos cubriste.  Salmos 85:2 RVR1960 Salmos 85:2 RVR1960 2 Perdonaste la iniquidad de tu pueblo;   Todos los pecados de ellos cubriste.

Encounter God's Heart...Listen to Yourself

Encounter God's Heart...Listen to Yourself : Encounter God’s Heart... Listen to Yourself   If we ever want to know what’s stirring in our heart, all we have to do is listen to what’s coming out of our mouth. What we say, especially during times of stress or when we feel comfortable enough to open up to someone, reveals our truest beliefs. Our words unveil our fears and doubts. Anger and tears are more than moments of venting; they point to areas that need the healing touch of Jesus and the truth of his Word. Even sarcasm can indicate a place of wounding. Don’t mask your true feelings. Listen to your heart and tend to your soul. Being honest about what’s going on inside of you and taking steps to find freedom is vital. Invite Jesus into every area of your life and hold nothing back. He’s able to strip away what doesn’t agree with truth when you don’t hide from your areas of frailty, unbelief, and pain. Jesus, shine your spotlight into the deepest wells of my soul. Help me to pay a...

IsraelBiblicalStudies. La sangre pura de Dios ¡Lee la Biblia en hebreo! La creación del primer Adán La magnífica historia de la creación del mundo en el Libro del Génesis culmina con la creación de los seres humanos, cuando Dios declara:  נַעֲשֶׂה אָדָם בְּצַלְמֵנוּ כִּ דְמוּתֵנוּ nasé adam be-tzalmenu ki- demutenu «¡Hagamos al hombre a nuestra imagen y  semejanza !» (Génesis 1:26). Se profanó la semejanza divina En el hebreo original, la palabra para «semejanza» es  demut  (דמות). Esta palabra se parece al nombre que Dios da al primer humano: Adán (אדם). Las dos también se asemejan mucho a otra palabra hebrea:  dam  (דם), que significa «sangre».  Cuando Adán y Eva desobedecieron a Dios en el Jardín del Edén,  profanaron su semejanza divina y desataron la maldición del pecado sobre su linaje. Profundiza en la Biblia  Gracias a la sangre ( dam ) del «último Adán» derramada en la Cruz, recuperamos la semejanza divina ( demut )  perdida en ...

Sid Roth Elvis Presley Was Jewish?! Did He Make It to Heaven?

Sid Roth Elvis Presley Was Jewish?! Did He Make It to Heaven Introduction President John F. Kennedy once remarked that ‘when written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.’ Every crisis is, at the same time, an opportunity. Crises are often caused by unexpected difficulties. All of us have problems. Many of us will face crises. How do you respond to a time of trouble, danger or unexpected difficulties in your personal life? How do we respond to unexpected difficulties in the church or in our nation? What do we do when we are ‘ at [our] wits’ end’ ? (Psalm 107:27). What do we do when the ‘ truth of the gospel ’ is at stake? (Galatians 2:5). How do we respond to ‘ a day of crisis ’ in our lives? (Isaiah 37:3, MSG). Psalm 107:23-32 23  Some went out on the sea in ships;    they were merchants on the mighty waters. 24  They saw the works of the Lord,    his wonderful deeds in the deep. 25  For ...

Watch Bill Winston Live Stream Wednesday Night Bible Study

Watch Bill Winston Live Stream Wednesday Night Bible  Introduction President John F. Kennedy once remarked that ‘when written in Chinese, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters. One represents danger, and the other represents opportunity.’ Every crisis is, at the same time, an opportunity. Crises are often caused by unexpected difficulties. All of us have problems. Many of us will face crises. How do you respond to a time of trouble, danger or unexpected difficulties in your personal life? How do we respond to unexpected difficulties in the church or in our nation? What do we do when we are ‘ at [our] wits’ end’ ? (Psalm 107:27). What do we do when the ‘ truth of the gospel ’ is at stake? (Galatians 2:5). How do we respond to ‘ a day of crisis ’ in our lives? (Isaiah 37:3, MSG). Psalm 107:23-32 23  Some went out on the sea in ships;    they were merchants on the mighty waters. 24  They saw the works of the Lord,    his wonderful deeds in the deep. 25  For he...

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word September 12: Something's Following You “ And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen." Mark 16:20 The word “confirm” in Greek means “to bring assurance, evidence, or proof of existence.” In other words, when you confirm, you remove all doubt by performing indisputable acts of authority on behalf of another. God wants to perform indisputable acts of His power and authority through you! Don’t stand idle while those you know are going to hell. Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always...

Joel Osteen (September-12-2022) Daily Devotional: What If? | Today's Word

Joel Osteen (September-12-2022) Daily Devotional: What If? | Today's Word : Joel Osteen (September-12-2022) Daily Devotional: What If? Today’s Scripture: Proverbs 10:12, NIV - Hatred stirs up conflict, but love covers over all wrongs. Today’s Word: What would happen if we had a loving attitude that covers others' wrongs and faults? When we hear juicy details about what...