
Showing posts from August, 2020



Dios es capaz – Meditación Diaria - YouTube

Dios es capaz – Meditación Diaria - YouTube : Ministerios En Contacto 290K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Cuando creemos en que el Señor cumplirá sus promesas, nuestra fe se fortalece y gozamos de paz. Meditaciones diarias de los mensajes del Dr. Charles Stanley. Amenos que se indique lo contrario, las citas bíblicas son tomadas de laversión Reina Valera de 1960, Sociedades Bíblicas Unidas. ¿Desea recibir las meditaciones diarias en su buzón electrónico o en la comodidad de su hogar? Suscríbase aquí:

Dante Gebel #678 | Día D – Morir un Jueves - YouTube

Dante Gebel #678 | Día D – Morir un Jueves - YouTube : Cómo fue que Jesús, hombre manso y humilde que bendijo a los niños y era amigo de los pecadores, acabó ejecutado como enemigo del estado? ¿Quién pronunció su sentencia de muerte? Jesús significaba una amenaza para los poderes establecidos en Jerusalén porque anunció un nuevo reino, exhibió gran poder y declaró tener gran autoridad. La religión acusó a Jesús, la ley lo hizo ejecutar; pero ni los religiosos ni las autoridades romanas fueron responsables de su muerte. El día ‘D’, en el huerto de Getsemaní, Jesús tomó la decisión más importante de la historia y lo hizo por amor a nosotros, para salvarnos y ser nuestra fortaleza en la soledad de nuestro propio huerto de árboles torcidos y amigos que duermen. ¡Un mensaje imperdible!

Evangelio De Hoy Lunes 31 de Agosto del 2020 con Oracion por �� Cápsula Para el Alma Juan 12, 36-43 - YouTube

Evangelio De Hoy Lunes 31 de Agosto del 2020 con Oracion por �� Cápsula Para el Alma Juan 12, 36-43 - YouTube : Evangelio del dia Lunes 31 de Agosto del 2020 por Cápsulas Para el Alma Evangelio De Hoy Lunes 31 de Agosto del 2020 Incredulidad de los judios Juan 12:36-43 Oracion de la Mañana Lunes 31 de Agosto 2020 Oración de la noche Lunes 31 de Agosto 2020 Evangelio del dia Lunes 31 de Agosto del 2020 por Cápsulas Para el Alma Evangelio De Hoy Lunes 31 de Agosto del 2020 Incredulidad de los judios Juan 12:36 -43 Oracion de la Mañana Lunes 31 de Agosto 2020 Oración de la noche Lunes 31 de Agosto 2020

I Hear His Whisper..."Give me your weakness."

I Hear His Whisper..."Give me your weakness." : Rivers of pain and persecution will never extinguish this flame. Endless floods will be unable to quench this raging fire that burns within you. Everything will be consumed. It will stop at nothing as you yield everything to this furious fire until it won’t even seem to you like a sacrifice anymore. Song of Songs 8:7 TPT I Hear His Whisper . . . Stop for just a moment.   Beloved, on days when so many things race through your mind that you can hardly grasp one thought long enough to think it through, stop. Yes, stop. Give yourself permission to sit back and take a breath. Step away from your mental busyness and your to-do list, and find me. I’ll help you organize your day, your week, even the next hour, if you’ll step away for a moment. Sometimes, obligations feel more chaotic than they actually are, because you have other internal things vying for your attention. You have duties that must be tackled, b...

Media - City of Destiny

Media - City of Destiny August 31: Pray Daily "Pray without ceasing," 1 Thessalonians 5:17 The high priests of the Old Testament offered blood sacrifices daily for the people. As New Testament believers, we are to apply the blood of Jesus daily for ourselves, our children, our loved ones and all our possessions! As a parent every day before your kids go off to school, lay your hands on their heads saying, “God, in the name of Jesus, before my baby leaves this house today, I plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over my child!’ Parents, when you pray this over your children you are raising up a protective shield that surrounds them and cannot be penetrated. his is a part of your covenant right according to Psalm 91. “The family that prays together stays together."
  The Helmet of Salvation Ephesians 6:17, tells us to put on “the helmet of salvation.” In other words, think like someone who has received Jesus Christ and is renewing their mind with God’s Word (see Romans 12:2). First Corinthians 2:16 says we have been given the mind of Christ. This means we can line up our thoughts with God’s Word and think like He thinks—good, positive, hopeful,  believing  thoughts. The devil wants to fill our minds with negative, discouraging and doubting thoughts. He wants us to look around at our present circumstances and believe nothing will ever change and that nothing good will ever happen. But God wants us to think like He thinks. He desires for us to agree with Him and His Word. He wants us to be positive, hopeful, and expectant, believing that  anything  is possible with Him. This Week's Scripture: Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  Ephesians 6:17 NIV Article: The Way to Live ...


Home God Is Preparing You for More There is encouragement stirring in my heart for you and I’ll share it in a few different ways throughout this month . . . When you go through a difficult season, when something doesn’t work out, don’t get discouraged. As a child of Almighty God, I want you to hold on to this promise today: God doesn’t close a door without opening a better door of divine opportunity! Today, I want to help you see it all with new eyes: God is doing a new thing in you! He is positioning you for a brand-new season, A FRESH START! When it seems like life has been put on pause, know that God is rebooting the program and preparing you for more.  Abundance, breakthroughs, and favor are coming your way—this is for you today! I hope you’ll request the new devotional we put together to help you begin your fresh start. Thank you for reading this email, for forwarding it on, for supporting the message of HOPE. God has good things coming your way! Believing with you, Joel...

Today's Word

Today's Word DEVOTIONAL Today’s Scripture “...I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well...” (Psalm 139:14, NIV) Be Amazing Life will try to make you feel as though you’re anything but amazing. Disappointments, betrayals, and rejection will try to steal your sense of value. You may feel ordinary, but because of your Maker, there’s something about you that makes you extremely valuable. You’re an original. You can’t get any more prestigious than that. If you’re going to recognize your value, you have to see yourself as amazing, as wonderful. It’s not because of who you are, but because of who made you. You have the fingerprints of God all over you. All through the day, you need to remind yourself, “I am amazing. I am a masterpiece. I have been wonderfully made.” Don’t discount what God has created. Don’t go around feeling ordinary when in fact, you’re extraordinary. People may try to make you feel average. Are you ...

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria lunes, 31 de agosto de 2020 Dios es capaz Efesios 3.20, 21 El Señor Jesús sabía lo que era vivir con recursos limitados, ser cuestionado por sus acciones ( Mr 3.21 ) y experimentar el rechazo de aquellos a quienes buscaba servir ( Jn 6.66 ). Pero a pesar de tal oposición, Él no dejó que las circunstancias afectaran su confianza en el Padre. Estamos llamados a seguir el ejemplo del Señor con la convicción de que Dios hará lo que ha prometido. Por ejemplo,  Hebreos 7.25  asegura la salvación para quien pide perdón en el nombre Cristo, porque su muerte en la cruz satisfizo las demandas de la justicia divina por todos nuestros pecados. El Padre celestial perdonará a todos los que tengan fe en su Hijo, y hará de cada persona una nueva criatura ( 2 Co 5.17 ). No importa lo que haya hecho, el Señor invita a esa persona a acercarse con fe y recibir el regalo de la vida eterna. Dios también promete fortalecer a los que confían en Él ( Ro 16.25 ). A través de su Espír...

Global Miracle Ministry | Bible Teaching | Prayer | Evangelism | Healing

Global Miracle Ministry | Bible Teaching | Prayer | Evangelism | Healing : The Sound of Freedom with Jenny Weaver – Part 1 August 31st, 2020 Marilyn and Sarah are joined by Jenny Weaver to discuss her book, The Sound of Freedom. Through this stronghold-breaking book you will receive keys to access a deeper, more satisfying relationship with God. TODAY’S TV OFFER

�� Prayer Meetings Livestreams Everyday 9 PM EST in September #SolemnAssembly #Prayer #Awakening - YouTube

�� Prayer Meetings Livestreams Everyday 9 PM EST in September #SolemnAssembly #Prayer #Awakening - YouTube : Prayer Meetings Livestreams Everyday 9 PM EST in September #SolemnAssembly #Prayer #Awakening

Fix your Eyes on the Invisible |

Fix your Eyes on the Invisible | : Do you ever get discouraged? Are you ever tempted to ‘lose heart’? If you are, you are not alone. Paul was almost certainly tempted himself to lose heart, and he wrote to other Christians who were also tempted to do so. Yet Paul wrote, ‘We do not lose heart’ (2 Corinthians 4:1,16). ‘We do not throw up our hands and walk off the job’ (v.1, MSG). Why not? Paul explains that it is because in Jesus we have received a ‘treasure’ (v.7). The treasure is the message of Jesus. It is because the message that Paul has to proclaim is so amazing that he starts and ends by saying, ‘Therefore… we do not lose heart’ (vv.1,16). Yet the treasure is inward and unseen. Paul describes it as being in ‘jars of clay’ (v.7). Our culture emphasises the outward and the seen. The media is dominated by physical beauty and outward success. The Bible stresses the importance of the inward and unseen: the beliefs, thoughts and attitudes that determine our outwa...

Fix your Eyes on the Invisible |

Fix your Eyes on the Invisible | : Do you ever get discouraged? Are you ever tempted to ‘lose heart’? If you are, you are not alone. Paul was almost certainly tempted himself to lose heart, and he wrote to other Christians who were also tempted to do so. Yet Paul wrote, ‘We do not lose heart’ (2 Corinthians 4:1,16). ‘We do not throw up our hands and walk off the job’ (v.1, MSG). Why not? Paul explains that it is because in Jesus we have received a ‘treasure’ (v.7). The treasure is the message of Jesus. It is because the message that Paul has to proclaim is so amazing that he starts and ends by saying, ‘Therefore… we do not lose heart’ (vv.1,16). Yet the treasure is inward and unseen. Paul describes it as being in ‘jars of clay’ (v.7). Our culture emphasises the outward and the seen. The media is dominated by physical beauty and outward success. The Bible stresses the importance of the inward and unseen: the beliefs, thoughts and attitudes that determine our outwa...

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries - Bible-thon

Jimmy Swaggart Ministries - Bible-thon : Bible-thon

Joyce Meyer Ministries, Enjoying Everyday Life, Everyday Answers, Todays Show

Joyce Meyer Ministries, Enjoying Everyday Life, Everyday Answers, Todays Show : AUGUST 31, 2020 Don't Blow a Fuse Ever had your power go out, spiritually speaking? Joyce shares how to fix a broken connection and get God's power flowing through you again.

Connect with Paula - Paula White Ministries

Connect with Paula - Paula White Ministries August 30: The Righteous Seed "Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice." Genesis 22:17,18 The Bible didn’t say God raised Abraham and blessed him more exceedingly than any man because Abraham was so full of faith, or because Abraham was such a fine man. The Bible said God told Abraham, “I’m going to multiply your seed like the stars in heaven for one reason. I know you are a man who will raise your family in the fear of the Lord.” God knew if He gave Isaac to Abraham, it wouldn’t be long before Abraham’s son, Isaac, would be walking with Him. If Isaac walked with Him, it wouldn’t be long before Isaac’s son, Jacob, would be walking with Him. The de...

Proverbios 3:7 RVR1960; No seas sabio en tu propia opinión; Teme a Jehová, y apártate del mal;

Proverbios 3:7 RVR1960; No seas sabio en tu propia opinión; Teme a Jehová, y apártate del mal; : Proverbios 3:7 RVR1960 Proverbios 3:7 RVR1960 7No seas sabio en tu propia opinión; Teme a Jehová, y apártate del mal;

1 Corintios 12:25-27 RVR1960; para que no haya desavenencia en el cuerpo, sino que los miembros todos se preocupen los unos por los otros. De manera que si un miembro padece, todos los miembros se duelen con él, y si un miembro recibe honra, todos los miembros con él se gozan. Vosotros, pues, sois el cuerpo de Cristo, y miembros cada uno en particular.

1 Corintios 12:25-27 RVR1960; para que no haya desavenencia en el cuerpo, sino que los miembros todos se preocupen los unos por los otros. De manera que si un miembro padece, todos los miembros se duelen con él, y si un miembro recibe honra, todos los miembros con él se gozan. Vosotros, pues, sois el cuerpo de Cristo, y miembros cada uno en particular. : 1 Corintios 12:25-27 RVR1960 1 Corintios 12:25-27 RVR1960 25para que no haya desavenencia en el cuerpo, sino que los miembros todos se preocupen los unos por los otros. 26De manera que si un miembro padece, todos los miembros se duelen con él, y si un miembro recibe honra, todos los miembros con él se gozan. 27Vosotros, pues, sois el cuerpo de Cristo, y miembros cada uno en particular.

The Miracle of Provision - YouTube

The Miracle of Provision - YouTube : Hagee Ministries 198K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Christianity began with a fish story. The disciples had fished all night when Jesus got into the boat, telling them to cast their nets in the deep. Experienced fishermen said, “Nevertheless, at Your word…” They forsook ALL and followed him. Their success began with a failure. Are you frustrated with your

Mateo 6:3 RVA2015; Pero cuando tú hagas obras de misericordia, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha,

Mateo 6:3 RVA2015; Pero cuando tú hagas obras de misericordia, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha, : Mateo 6:3 RVA2015 Mateo 6:3 RVA2015 3Pero cuando tú hagas obras de misericordia, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha,

Mateo 6:3 RVA2015; Pero cuando tú hagas obras de misericordia, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha,

Mateo 6:3 RVA2015; Pero cuando tú hagas obras de misericordia, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha, : Mateo 6:3 RVA2015 Mateo 6:3 RVA2015 3Pero cuando tú hagas obras de misericordia, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha,

Joel Osteen | Lakewood Church | Sunday Service 11am - YouTube

Joel Osteen | Lakewood Church | Sunday Service 11am - YouTube : Joel Osteen will be delivering an inspirational message along with powerful worship from the Lakewood Church Worship team.

How to abide in the presence: The Presence of God Revealed. - YouTube

How to abide in the presence: The Presence of God Revealed. - YouTube : Apostle Guillermo Maldonado 107K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Your miracle begins in the presence of God. The best place we could be in days of trouble and crisis, is His presence. Where we have fullness of all things, where we find rest and joy. In Sunday's message I touch on these points and more: 1. What is the presence of God? 2. The purpose of the presence of God? 3. When is it manifested/revealed? 4. What do we do when His presence comes? Watch the full message on KINGJESUS.TV. Don't miss a moment of what God is doing and saying. My new book "Jesus is coming soon" is available for preorder:

Paula White Cain - Paradigm Shift 2020 Conference - August 29, 2020 - YouTube

Paula White Cain - Paradigm Shift 2020 Conference - August 29, 2020 - YouTube : For more information about Paula White Ministries please visit

Hope For The Future - Sarah Bowling

Hope For The Future - Sarah Bowling : Hope For The Future When we get discouraged, receive bad news, feel panic, or experience anxiety, reading and praying Jeremiah 29 can stabilize our heart. Hope for the Future, Sarah’s DVD teaching on Jeremiah 29, gives us three keys to help us through rough times:• Get permanent and settled in to your new normal• Start […]

Dios quiere el 100% de ti - Gloriana Montero | Reflexiones Cristianas Cortas - YouTube

Dios quiere el 100% de ti - Gloriana Montero | Reflexiones Cristianas Cortas - YouTube : Dios quiere el 100% de ti - Gloriana Montero | Reflexiones Cristianas Cortas

¿Cómo confrontar a alguien que está en pecado? (A la Luz de la Palabra) #13 |► Pastora Yesenia Then - YouTube

¿Cómo confrontar a alguien que está en pecado? (A la Luz de la Palabra) #13 |► Pastora Yesenia Then - YouTube : Predica Cristiana Para Mujeres Suscribete ❤️❤️❤️

Instagram Live "Reconstruye con los Pedazos & Te Desafío a Crecer" ►Pastora Yesenia Then & Andrea P. - YouTube

Instagram Live "Reconstruye con los Pedazos & Te Desafío a Crecer" ►Pastora Yesenia Then & Andrea P. - YouTube : #TRENDING #YESENIATHEN #ENVIVO Instagram Live "Reconstruye con los Pedazos & Te Desafío a Crecer" ►Pastora Yesenia Then & Andrea P.

Evangelio De Hoy Sabado 29 de Agosto del 2020 con Oracion por �� Cápsula Para el Alma Juan 12:20-26 - YouTube

Evangelio De Hoy Sabado 29 de Agosto del 2020 con Oracion por �� Cápsula Para el Alma Juan 12:20-26 - YouTube : Evangelio del dia Sabado 29 de Agosto del 2020 por Cápsulas Para el Alma Evangelio De Hoy Sabado 29 de Agosto del 2020 Unos griegos buscan a Jesús Juan 12:20-26 Oracion de la Mañana Sabado 29 de Agosto 2020 Oración de la noche Sabado 29 de Agosto 2020

Para superar los obstáculos – Meditación Diaria - YouTube

Para superar los obstáculos – Meditación Diaria - YouTube : La parte más importante de cada día es el tiempo que pase a solas con el Señor. Él le alentará con su amor y su guía.

Cómo andar en el favor de Dios, Pt. 1 – Dr. Charles Stanley - YouTube

Cómo andar en el favor de Dios, Pt. 1 – Dr. Charles Stanley - YouTube : El mundo era un lugar pecaminoso y malvado, y esto apenó tanto a Dios que se arrepintió de haber creado a la humanidad. Sin embargo, Noé halló el favor a los ojos de Dios (Génesis 6.5-7). En esta serie de tres partes, el Dr. Stanley utiliza tanto la historia de la obediencia de Noé a Dios, como

Dream about California : Huge Wave and the Proud Being Judged #propheticdreams - YouTube

Dream about California : Huge Wave and the Proud Being Judged #propheticdreams - YouTube : Dream about California : Huge Wave and the Proud Being Judged #propheticdreams

Symbols of the Holy Spirit: Wine - YouTube

Symbols of the Holy Spirit: Wine - YouTube : As a Spirit-filled believer, you are to walk in boldness and joy, both of which come from the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. Receive a new boldness and a joy overflowing today! Be sure to watch this final installment of David's unique series, Symbols of the Holy Spirit.

S. Mateo 6:3 RVR1960; Mas cuando tú des limosna, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha,

S. Mateo 6:3 RVR1960; Mas cuando tú des limosna, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha, : S. Mateo 6:3 RVR1960 S. Mateo 6:3 RVR1960 3Mas cuando tú des limosna, no sepa tu izquierda lo que hace tu derecha,

When the Holy Spirit Comes |

When the Holy Spirit Comes | : I remember the first time I prayed ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ on an Alpha Weekend. I knew that the Holy Spirit had ‘come’ every time those who had led the Alpha Weekends before me had asked him to come. Even so, I did not think he would come in answer to my prayers – as I prayed ‘Come, Holy Spirit’ I shut my eyes, because I did not want to see him ‘not coming’! When I opened my eyes, there was an amazing sight. The Holy Spirit had come in a powerful way – people were being filled. He was changing people’s lives. This was the ministry of the Holy Spirit. That is why at some point in virtually every one of our services we pray ‘Come, Holy Spirit.’ We always try to leave time for ‘ministry’ – for the Holy Spirit to minister to us. We often associate the word ‘minister’ with leadership, whether by government ministers or by church ministers. In fact, the word really means ‘to serve’. Politicians are called to serve their countries. Pastors are...

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria : sábado, 29 de agosto de 2020 Para superar los obstáculos Josué 6.1-5 Nos enfrentaremos a muchos tipos de obstáculos en la vida, algunas veces serán seres queridos problemáticos y, otras veces, crisis físicas o económicas. Pero recuerde que nada puede pasarnos sin el consentimiento de Dios.