
Showing posts from November, 2020

La Biblia en los padres de la Iglesia - Sociedad Bíblica

La Biblia en los padres de la Iglesia - Sociedad Bíblica: Seminario online impartido por Alfonso Ropero Berzosa, , ensayista, filósofo y teólogo protestante español. Pastor evangélico durante casi veinte años,  Máster en Teología por el CEIBI (Centro de Investigaciones Bíblicas) y graduado de Welwyn School of Evangelism, Herts (Inglaterra). Autor de más de 20 libros, director de publicaciones de la editorial CLIE.

John Hagee (November-30-2020) Sermon: God said: You have somthing the enemy wants!

John Hagee (November-30-2020) Sermon: God said: You have somthing the enemy wants!: John Hagee (November-30-2020) Sermon: God said: You have somthing the enemy wants!.  God said: You have somthing the enemy wants! | John Hagee Sermons 2020 (Special Message) John Hagee (born April 12, 1940) is an American pastor and televangelist. The founder of John Hagee Ministries, his ministry is telecast to the United States and Canada. Hagee is also the founder and chairman of the Christian-Zionist organization Christians United for Israel. Hagee is active politically and is known for his activism on behalf of the State of Israel.

Joyce Meyer Ministries, Enjoying Everyday Life, Everyday Answers, Todays Show

Joyce Meyer Ministries, Enjoying Everyday Life, Everyday Answers, Todays Show: NOVEMBER 30, 2020 Do Not Let Your Heart Be Troubled Get ready to love others and bring joy to your day! Joyce shares the secrets of living a meaningful life filled with joy and contentment.

(6) Being Moved by Compassion like Jesus #Encouragement #BeKind #Compassion - YouTube

(6) Being Moved by Compassion like Jesus #Encouragement #BeKind #Compassion - YouTube: If you want to know God's vision for your life, you have to make spending time with Him a priority. Let's put aside the distractions and practice sitting in ...

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria: lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2020 Dios está en control Salmo 103.19-22 En el salmo de hoy, David habla de un atributo fundamental de Dios: su soberanía. Esto significa que Dios tiene autoridad y control total sobre todos los seres humanos y cada aspecto del universo. También significa que “suerte” y “buena fortuna” no tienen nada que ver con Él. Porque Dios es bueno, podemos tener plena confianza en su absoluto y misericordioso control sobre cada aspecto de nuestra existencia. Cuando confiamos en la soberanía del Padre celestial, tenemos dos garantías. La primera es que Él está íntimamente involucrado en nuestra vida diaria. No importa lo que pase, el Señor nunca deja de proveer, proteger y cuidar a cada creyente. Él sabe lo que necesitamos para hoy y mañana. La segunda garantía es que el Señor se ocupará en cada circunstancia para nuestro beneficio, ¡sin excepción! Cuando las situaciones son más exigentes, nuestra confianza puede flaquear, pero las Sagradas Escritu...

(6) Make Time Alone With God | Victoria Osteen - YouTube

(6) Make Time Alone With God | Victoria Osteen - YouTube : VictoriaOsteen Make Time Alone With God | Victoria Osteen Victoria Osteen - Sermon: Make Time Alone With God. If you want to know God's vision for your life, you have to make spending time with Him a priority. Let's put aside the distractions and practice sitting in His presence. He wants to walk with you through every season of life!

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries: Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word.DEVOTIONAL November 30: Ignorance Can Kill You "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6 Without knowledge of the truth, we cannot be free. It is possible to have the right heart for God and yet to have things all wrong in our heads. With a wrong head, we may live in complete defeat and forfeit ground in the kingdom of God that we were never intended to lose. Our lives can be utterly destroyed because of ignorance. We are sometimes ignorant of the truth, and until we learn it, we remain in bondage to our old ways and habits. It is vital to be in a church that is preaching the whole truth and counsel of God. Then we must study the Word and make it practical and applicable to our daily lives. When we seek answers to our day to day life issues in God’s Word, our lives become so much easier. What are you...

I Hear His Whisper..."The world’s fury will not break you."

I Hear His Whisper..."The world’s fury will not break you.": View this email in your browser I Hear His Whisper . . . The world’s fury will not break you.   I remind you, my child, of what I have endured to bring you to my side. I have left all to have you. I chose you over my comforts. I gave sacred blood to redeem you and make you my very own. Have you forgotten the sufferings I endured to overcome the world? My love has surrounded you, and this is why you will not be broken by the world’s fury. I overcame so that you may overcome. You will face difficulties even as I faced the fury of hatred from those I came to save. I overcame not only for myself, but for you! Nothing can defeat you when you hide yourself in me. The strength of my love is greater than the hatred of those who are blind. You will not be defeated by the darkness. You will not be broken by the hatred of this fallen world, but you will be an agent of healing as you give your life to me. Though you share in...

(6) Pastor Otoniel Font- Ricos para con Dios - YouTube

(6) Pastor Otoniel Font- Ricos para con Dios - YouTube: Compás 2030 7A Tus emociones pueden complicar tus decisiones financieras. Pero esto no es por sentido, sino por fe y confianza. Tu confianza no debe estar pu...

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: My Favorite Scriptures - Part 1

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: My Favorite Scriptures - Part 1: Joyce Meyer - Sermon: My Favorite Scriptures - Part 1. Joyce shares scriptures that have been life-changing for her. Discover how God's Word can help and empower you to enjoy the life Christ died to give you.

Todd White (November-30-2020) on "American Gospel: Christ Alone"

Todd White (November-30-2020) on "American Gospel: Christ Alone": Todd White (November-30-2020) on "American Gospel: Christ Alone". Todd White was given a copy of “American Gospel: Christ Alone” through a mutual friend, along with a letter from Costi Hinn. We prayed that Todd’s eyes would be opened to the deception he is in. Unfortunately this is how he responded...

Charles Stanley (November-30-2020) Daily Devotion: God Is in Control

Charles Stanley (November-30-2020) Daily Devotion: God Is in Control: Charles Stanley (November-30-2020) Daily Devotion: God Is in Control. Psalm 103:19-22 - 19 The LORD has established His throne in the heavens, And His sovereignty rules over all. 20 Bless the LORD, you His angels, Mighty in strength, who perform His word, Obeying the voice of His word! 21 Bless the LORD, all you His hosts, You who serve Him, doing His will. 22 Bless the LORD, all you works of His, In all places of His dominion; Bless the LORD, O my soul! In today’s psalm, David discusses a fundamental attribute of God: His sovereignty. This means God has complete authority and control over all human beings and every aspect of the universe. It also means that “luck” and “good fortune” have no place in a discussion about Him. And because God is good, we can have full confidence in His absolute and loving control over every aspect of our existence. When we trust in the Father’s sovereignty, we...

Joyce Meyer (November-30-2020) Daily Devotion: Make a Thankful List

Joyce Meyer (November-30-2020) Daily Devotion: Make a Thankful List: Joyce Meyer (November-30-2020) Daily Devotion: Make a Thankful List.  To help you achieve and maintain a new level of contentment in your life, I encourage you to use some of your quiet time with God to make a list of everything you have to be thankful for. It should be a long list, one that includes little things as well as big things. Why should it be long? Because we all have a lot of things to be thankful for, and we’ll see them if we look for them. Get out a piece of paper and start listing things you have to be thankful for. Keep the list and add to it frequently. Make it a point to think about and thank God for the things that you’re grateful for when you’re driving the kids to an activity, or waiting in line at the post office, or whatever you might be doing throughout the day. You can only learn the power of thankfulness by practicing it intentionally. When you meditate on what you have to be grateful f...

Joel Osteen (November-30-2020) Watch Sermon: A Fresh New Attitude

Joel Osteen (November-30-2020) Watch Sermon: A Fresh New Attitude: A Fresh New Attitude - Joel Osteen (November-30-2020) Sunday Sermon.  You weren’t created to live uptight, bitter or depressed. God wants us to live with an attitude of hope. When you start believing for all the good things God has in store, you'll see Him do incredible things in your life!

Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show November-29-2020 You Can Hear God's Voice AND Prophesy!

Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show November-29-2020 You Can Hear God's Voice AND Prophesy!: Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show November-29-2020 You Can Hear God's Voice AND Prophesy!  Michael Maiden shares 100% absolute proof that EVERY believer can hear God and prophesy! Michael Maiden says we are living in the last days. Either we know how to listen to the Holy Spirit and speak forth His words—or we will simply react to our world without His leading. In his new book, What Is Heaven Saying?, Michael emphasizes the life-giving potential you carry. His prophetic handbook speaks to the critical season here NOW and helps prepare you to: ✅ Clearly hear the voice of God ✅ Pursue your prophetic potential ✅ Demonstrate God’s love and power to a hurting world ✅ Become a catalyst for physical healing ✅ Activate angelic assignments With you or without you, God fully intends to pour out His Spirit on all flesh. Michael says it is time to move. Who wants ...


enlace+: PODCASTS Mujer, Podcast 35: Pasos para Establecer un Presupuesto Familiar (Parte 2) Mi Lista Me gusta 00:30:45 30/11/2020 Te doy los pasos para tener un presupuesto y así controlar tus gastos y llegar a tus metas.   Recibe mi libro hoy:

The Number of Our Days - Holy Land Moments devotions | IFCJ

The Number of Our Days - Holy Land Moments devotions | IFCJ: The Number of Our Days “Show me, LORD, my life’s end    and the number of my days;    let me know how fleeting is my life.” — Psalm 39:4 In honor of my father, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, and his lifework helping Christians understand the Jewish roots of their faith, I offer you one of his devotional teachings from the beloved Psalms. What does the average lifespan look like? In order to answer that question one individual turned to jellybeans — 28,835 of them. Each jellybean represents a day in the average life. In a video that teaches us the value of every day, we are given a glimpse of what the length of our lives may look like as represented in jellybeans. Next, the video proceeds to take away jellybeans from the great pile that is our lives. It explains where our days go — 477 beans for sleeping; 1,635 beans for eating or drinking-related activities; and 3,202 jelly beans for ...

God's Perfect Timing |

God's Perfect Timing | Trust in the Lord Psalm 135:13–21 When your prayers don’t seem to be answered, you may be tempted to stop trusting the Lord and start chasing other ‘gods’. Trusting in the Lord may seem a little old fashioned. But the psalmist says, ‘God, your name is eternal, God, you’ll never be out-of-date’ (v.13, MSG). The great biblical truth is that you become like that in which you put your trust. If you put your trust in ‘gods’ of silver or gold, then you will be like them – spiritually lifeless, blind and deaf (vv.16–18). If you trust in God, you will be filled with life and joy as you become like him. Keep trusting God, ‘For the Lord will vindicate his people and have compassion on his servants’ (v.14). ‘God stands up for his people, God holds the hands of his people’ (v.14, MSG). Hence, you are called to praise and honour the Lord (vv.19–21). Remain totally dependent on God and look for him to vindicate you. When things aren’t working out as...

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Our Delight In The Lord Shapes Our Desires

Victoria Osteen - Watch Sermon: Our Delight In The Lord Shapes Our Desires : Victoria Osteen - Sermon: Our Delight In The Lord Shapes Our Desires. Most people have the desire to do something great in their lives. Truly, God wants to do something great in our lives as well. I find it interesting that God wants to partner with us. Scripture says that we are joint heirs in Jesus Christ. He wants to do something, but He also wants us to do something, too. Victoria Osteen - Sermon: Our Delight In The Lord Shapes Our Desires. Most people have the desire to do something great in their lives. Truly, God wants to do something great in our lives as well. I find it interesting that God wants to partner with us. Scripture says that we are joint heirs in Jesus Christ. He wants to do something, but He also wants us to do something, too.

Charles Stanley (November-29-2020) Daily Devotion: Full of Grace

Charles Stanley (November-29-2020) Daily Devotion: Full of Grace: Charles Stanley (November-29-2020) Daily Devotion: Full of Grace. To get the most out of this devotion, set aside time to read the Scripture referenced throughout. When chefs season the food they’re preparing, their goal is to bring out the flavor already present in the dish without overpowering it. That requires great skill. Perhaps this is what Paul had in mind when he wrote to the Colossians. In his letter, He reminded them that when we engage with one another, and especially with those who are “outsiders,” we must have grace—“as though seasoned with salt” (Col. 4:5-6 - 5 Conduct yourselves with wisdom toward outsiders, making the most of the opportunity. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, as though seasoned with salt, so that you will know how you should respond to each person). In extending grace, we offer something that God generously gives to each of us. There are many opportunities to skillfully a...

It's Supernatural with Sid Roth (November-28-2020) Gary Whetstone - How to Make Fear Bow

It's Supernatural with Sid Roth (November-28-2020) Gary Whetstone - How to Make Fear Bow: It's Supernatural with Sid Roth (November-28-2020)  Gary Whetstone - How to Make Fear Bow . This week on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Gary Whetstone has conquered an ancient invader called Fear. It's been 10 years since he last felt it! Today his mandate is to teach you to stand before God and make fear bow.

John Hagee Sermon (November-28-2020) "Your blessings are coming, be careful!"

John Hagee Sermon (November-28-2020) "Your blessings are coming, be careful!": John Hagee Sermon (November-28-2020) "Your blessings are coming, be careful!"

(3) Maná que Desciende: Bogotá - YouTube

(3) Maná que Desciende: Bogotá - YouTube

(3) River Church | Dante Gebel | Servicio 11:00am | Quemar las naves - YouTube

(3) River Church | Dante Gebel | Servicio 11:00am | Quemar las naves - YouTube: #MiGente #TodosONadie River Church | Dante Gebel | Servicio 11:00am | Quemar las naves

(3) Acompáñanos en VIVO a nuestros Domingos de ERJ. - YouTube

(3) Acompáñanos en VIVO a nuestros Domingos de ERJ. - YouTube: #GuillermoMaldonado #AnaMaldonado #JesúsRegresaProntoLibro Acompáñanos en VIVO a nuestros Domingos de ERJ.

(3) 🔴 EN VIVO | Segundo Servicio 🌎 Centro Cristiano Soplo de Vida 🥳🥳 5to. Aniversario - YouTube

(3) 🔴 EN VIVO | Segundo Servicio 🌎 Centro Cristiano Soplo de Vida 🥳🥳 5to. Aniversario - YouTube: #TRENDING #YESENIATHEN #ENVIVO 🔴 EN VIVO | Segundo Servicio 🌎 Centro Cristiano Soplo de Vida 🥳🥳 5to. Aniversario

Números 6:24-26 RVR1960; Jehová te bendiga, y te guarde; Jehová haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ti, y tenga de ti misericordia; Jehová alce sobre ti su rostro, y ponga en ti paz.

Números 6:24-26 RVR1960; Jehová te bendiga, y te guarde; Jehová haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ti, y tenga de ti misericordia; Jehová alce sobre ti su rostro, y ponga en ti paz.: Números 6:24-26 RVR1960 Números 6:24-26 RVR1960 24Jehová te bendiga, y te guarde; 25Jehová haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ti, y tenga de ti misericordia; 26Jehová alce sobre ti su rostro, y ponga en ti paz.

Joseph Prince (November-28-2020) Daily Devotion: THANKSGIVING CAN RAISE THE DEAD!

Joseph Prince (November-28-2020) Daily Devotion: THANKSGIVING CAN RAISE THE DEAD!: Joseph Prince (November-28-2020) Daily Devotion; THANKSGIVING CAN RAISE THE DEAD!  John 11:41–42 - …And Jesus lifted up His eyes and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. And I know that You always hear Me… After Jesus had said these words, He cried with a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” And the man who had been dead for four days came out of his tomb! This is one of the greatest miracles that Jesus performed. Lazarus had been dead for four days when Jesus raised him to life. Wouldn’t you agree that death is indeed an extreme problem? Having no money in the bank, being sick and losing your job, bad as they are, are not as bad as being dead! But what I want you to see is this: If Jesus, in the most extreme of problems, shows us that the solution is still, “Father, I thank You,” then how much more should we thank God in the midst of the less serious problems we face. If th...

(4) Know Your Enemy - Mark Greenwood - 27th November 2020 - YouTube

(4) Know Your Enemy - Mark Greenwood - 27th November 2020 - YouTube: Know Your Enemy - Mark Greenwood - 27th November 2020

Joyce Meyer (November-28-2020) Watch Sermon: Is Jesus First Thing In Your Life?

Joyce Meyer (November-28-2020) Watch Sermon: Is Jesus First Thing In Your Life?: Joyce Meyer (November-28-2020) Watch Sermon: Is Jesus First Thing In Your Life? What are you desiring today? Is it a relationship, finances, or spiritual growth? Sometimes we can get our priorities out of order and begin putting things ahead Jesus in our life. Joyce reminds why it's important to keep Him first.

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries : God has created you to be a victor, not a victim. Jump-start your day by celebrating the very best that God has for you! Today's Scripture Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. (Ephesians 6:11, NIV) Power Up When you get out of bed in the morning, the first thing you should do is power up. Get your mind going in the right direction. Remind yourself: “I’m ready for this day. I am equipped. I am empowered. I have my armor on. I have my shoes of peace. I’m not going to get upset. I’m not going to let people steal my joy. I’m not going to fight battles that aren’t between me and my destiny. I have my helmet of salvation. I know I am forgiven. I am redeemed. I am approved by Almighty God. I’ve been handpicked by the Creator of the universe. I have my shield of faith. I’m expecting great things. I have my sword of the Spirit; I’m speaking God’s Word. I know every enemy is under my feet. I’ve ...

John Hagee (November-27-2020) Show the enemy that you’re more determined than he is!

John Hagee (November-27-2020) Show the enemy that you’re more determined than he is!: John Hagee (November-27-2020) Show the enemy that you’re more determined than he is!

Joyce Meyer (November-27-2020) Daily Devotion: The God Who Waits

Joyce Meyer (November-27-2020) Daily Devotion: The God Who Waits : Joyce Meyer (November-27-2020) Daily Devotion: The God Who Waits.  This verse has become one of my favorites, and it has often been a source of encouragement to me when I’ve had hard times. The Living Bible paraphrases the verse like this: Yet the Lord still waits for you to come to him, so he can show you his love; he will conquer you to bless you, just as he said. For the Lord is faithful to his promises. Blessed are all those who wait for him to help them. Let’s think about the staggering implication of that promise: God waits for us. The Creator of the universe and the Giver of all life has chosen to wait for us—waits for us to come to our senses, waits for us to respond to His love, waits for us to turn to Him for help. That’s an overwhelming thought. God wants to show us love. Perhaps as much as anywhere else, Satan attempts to build a mental stronghold right there to block that promise. When we contempla...

Write Kindness on Your Heart - Holy Land Moments devotions | IFCJ

Write Kindness on Your Heart - Holy Land Moments devotions | IFCJ: Write Kindness on Your Heart Credit:© 2020 IFCJ/Arik Shraga Do not let kindness and truth leave you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. — Proverbs 3:3 NASB Hello readers! Thanks for your many responses as to what devotional materials you would like to read. We’re going to start exploring other books of the Bible, beginning with weekly devotions from the Book of Proverbs. Enjoy! There was once a man who wrote a letter to his rabbi because he was unhappy and needed guidance in getting his life on track. The letter read, “I need your help. I wake up every day sad and anxious. I have difficulty concentrating. I find it hard to pray. I feel that life has lost its joy and meaning. I need help.” The rabbi delivered his reply without writing a single word. Instead, he took a red pen and circled the first word of every sentence, the word “I.” The rabbi’s message was that the man’s problems ...

(2) You Are A Child Of Promise | Victoria Osteen - YouTube

(2) You Are A Child Of Promise | Victoria Osteen - YouTube: VictoriaOsteen You Are A Child Of Promise | Victoria Osteen 4,375 views•27 Nov 2020 622 5 SHARE SAVE Joel Osteen 1.71M subscribers SUBSCRIBED When negative feelings come, you have to remind yourself that God knows you. He sees you, and He cares for you. With God on your side, you can do anything but fail! Follow #VictoriaOsteen on Social

SHOULD YOU BE VACCINATED?  Covid-19 Vaccine vs 666| Tonight at 9PM BST

SHOULD YOU BE VACCINATED?  Covid-19 Vaccine vs 666| Tonight at 9PM BST : SHOULD YOU BE VACCINATED?  Covid-19 Vaccine vs 666| Tonight at 9PM BST - Description THIS REVELATION IS FOR YOU & YOUR LOVED ONES SHOULD YOU BE VACCINATED?  Is there a link between the  VACCINE  and the  MARK OF THE BEAST ? Are they the same? Are we not being lied to? Is this Vaccine the solution? WHAT IS GOD saying about this vaccine? MEET Prophet Angel THIS FRIDAY at 9PM (GMT) sharp. THIS IS CRUCIAL so don’t miss it Just like in the days of old, God selected HIS prophets that he sends with a message, to deliver to his people, NOAH, JONAH, MOSES, ELIJAH, ELISHA etc. IN THIS DISPENSATION, GOD IS USING PROPHET ANGEL TO COMMUNICATE WITH YOU, DELI

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries

Today's Word | Joel Osteen Ministries: Today’s Scripture Psalm 100:4, NIV Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. Today’s Word What an amazing privilege we have to serve a personal God who desires a relationship with us. But notice that today's Scripture tells us that we shouldn't come empty-handed to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. What do we have to give that's worthy of Almighty God? Our praise. Our thanksgiving. Our worship. We should always enter His gates with an offering of thanksgiving from our hearts. Praise isn't just about singing songs in church. Praise is the expression of gratefulness to God for Who He is and all that He has done. Praise gets God's attention. Praise is a powerful tool in our life because God inhabits the praises of His people! When we enter His presence the right way, He enters our circumstances; and when God shows up, the enemy must flee! Today, enter into His...

Pastor Otoniel Font - Gracias, en medio de Todo - YouTube

Pastor Otoniel Font - Gracias, en medio de Todo - YouTube: Especial Thanksgiving 1 En estos días de festividad y siempre, demos gracias a Dios, en medio de todo. Compartamos en familia, y si como muchos, te entristec...

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: How Do I Overcome Depression?

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: How Do I Overcome Depression?: Joyce Meyer  - How Do I Overcome Depression? - sermon online. Joyce: just because my getup and go has got up and gone, that doesn't mean that i have to lay down with it. I have greater power than how i feel. I can actually say, "i am going to get up off of this couch, and i'm going to do something with my life." Ginger: as we walk through each new day, we all have questions. They're just part of life, but did you know there are answers for you? God says when we look, we'll find him, he's not trying to hide anything. So together, we are discovering life's everyday answers. Ginger: our show today on "everyday answers" is a very important one. It's a topic that we take very seriously, so if you or someone you know and love has been dealing with depression, get them in front of this program. In fact, we did a twitter poll and we asked the question, "do you know someone who is de...

Have you ever felt "God when will it come to pass?" - City of Destiny

Have you ever felt "God when will it come to pass?" - City of Destiny Happy Thanksgiving Dear ALEXANDRA , I want to wish you a Very  Happy Thanksgiving   from my family to yours ! Gratefulness means “Great-Fullness!” Get ready to be “full,” in your heart, spirit, your dream, purpose, in your home and provision! When we appreciate what we already have,  we will find ourselves having more to appreciate! Every year around this time, I like to look at  Psalm 116 : “I love the LORD, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. The cords of death entangled me, …The LORD is gracious and righteous; …I will fulfill my vows to the LORD, In the presence of all his people …You have freed me from my chains. I will sacrifice a thank offering to you. And call on the name of the LORD. I will fulfill my vows to the LORD, In the presence of all his people, In the courts of the house of the LORD- In your midst,...