
Showing posts from May, 2024

The Chat with Priscilla Faith, Legacy and Duck Calls (Part Two)

The Chat with Priscilla Faith, Legacy and Duck Calls (Part Two Cree conmigo ESTE MES por 3 milagros  para ti  ! Estimado Rubén, A medida que nos acercamos a estos meses de verano,  Dios está despertando algo  ... Hay una palabra en mi Espíritu ahora mismo:  ¡SOSTENIMIENTO  ! ¡Nos acercamos a Shavuot, la Fiesta de las Semanas (del 11 al 13 de junio)! ¡Esto celebra la entrega de la Torá en el Monte Sanai!  Y también estamos en el año 40 de mi ministerio personal  . 40 significa “  ¡AVIVAMIENTO y RENOVACIÓN!  “¡¡Simboliza  la salida del desierto hacia la Tierra Prometida  !! ¡Este es un momento de Dios! Él ha abierto una puerta de oportunidades para su pueblo... en los últimos años hemos visto milagros increíbles a medida que damos un paso de fe cuando Dios nos instruye... y lo necesitamos más que nunca. Muchas personas necesitan un milagro ahora mismo. Entré en oración y Dios me reveló cómo está a punto de cambiar las cosas para ...

John Hagee (May-30-2024) Daily Devotional: Ephesians 5:1-2

John Hagee (May-30-2024) Daily Devotional: Ephesians 5:1- Victoria Osteen Victoria Osteen (born March 28, 1961) is the co-pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas, an author, the wife of Joel Osteen, and the daughter-in-law of John Osteen.Victoria Osteen was born Victoria Iloff in Huntsville, Alabama. She lived near Marshall Space Flight Center where her father, Donald Iloff – a mathematician with General Electric – was a member of GE’s Saturn rocket project team led by German rocket scientist Wernher von Braun. In 1963, at the age of two, Osteen moved with her family to Houston, Texas when her father took a position with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). She grew up in a southern suburb of Houston, near the Manned Spacecraft Center (now known as the Johnson Space Center). Growing up, Osteen attended the Church of Christ, a relatively conservative church, where her mother, Georgine Iloff, taught Sunday school and her father served as a deacon. Osteen…

Watch Robert Morris Sunday Sermon - Peter

Watch Robert Morris Sunday Sermon -  30 de mayo: Discernimiento y La Verdad "   La discreción te cuidará, la comprensión y el discernimiento te guardarán.   " Proverbios 2:11 El discernimiento surge del temor del Señor. Las personas que no caminan en el temor del Señor se vuelven insensibles en su capacidad de discernir. ¿Qué es el discernimiento? El Diccionario Webster de 1828 lo define como “el poder o facultad de la mente, por el cual distingue una cosa de otra, como la verdad de la falsedad, la virtud del vicio; agudeza de juicio; poder de percibir diferencias de cosas o ideas, y sus relaciones y tendencias”. El discernimiento y la discreción están estrechamente ligados. Discreción es tener o mostrar discernimiento o buen juicio en la conducta. Es la capacidad de tomar decisiones responsables. Juntos, el discernimiento y la discreción le ayudan a comprender una intención, pensamiento o motivo. Le ayudan a ir más allá de lo obvio para escuchar el espíritu detrás de las...

Overcoming Mental Strongholds // Lana Savchuk

Overcoming Mental Strongholds / / Lana Savchuk 737K subscribers HungryGeneration Overcoming Mental Strongholds / / Lana Savchuk __________ 📽 We are streaming every Sunday🔥 📲 Text "HUNGRYGEN" to 97000 to get text alerts of when we go LIVE!40,463 views 14 May 2024 #deliverance #hungrygen #pastorvlad

Dave Roever, Gateway Church - From Tragedy to Triumph

Dave Roever, Gateway Church - From Tragedy to Triumph

(12) 2024 05 19 DEVOs 1 - YouTube

(12) 2024 05 19 DEVOs 1 -  He Is with You “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 If you are facing a medical challenge today, I pray the Lord will impart hope, life, and strength to you. Maybe you have gathered the Communion elements and have started to partake of them. If so, praise the Lord! Keep persevering till you receive your breakthrough. But maybe you are thinking,  I have read so many testimonies, and it feels like everyone else has received their breakthroughs and are experiencing their mountaintops. But where is God in my situation? Am I going to stay in this valley forever? Beloved, I want you to know He never leaves you nor forsakes you. He is near to those who are brokenhearted (Ps. 34:18), and right now He is drawn to you in your situation as you cry out to Him. He is both the God of the mountaintops and the God of the valleys (1 Kings 20:28). He is with you even in the valley, and because of that, you can have the confidence that you  will ...

Andrew Wommack (May-28-2024) Christian Survival Kit - Week 4, Day 3 - The Gospel Truth

Andrew Wommack (May-28-2024) Christian Survival Kit - Week 4, Day 3 - The Gospel  28 de mayo: Jesús pagó nuestra deuda "   Pero cada uno es tentado cuando es arrastrado y seducido por sus propias concupiscencias. Luego, cuando la concupiscencia ha concebido, engendra el pecado; y el pecado, cuando ya ha crecido, engendra la muerte.   " Santiago 1:14-15 Hay una distinción en las Escrituras entre pecado (singular) y pecados (plural). No se trata únicamente de cantidad. Los pecados (plural) se refieren a los actos pecaminosos que hemos cometido. El pecado (singular) es el poder o naturaleza maligno que nos hace cometer pecados. Hasta que no hayamos lidiado con el poder/naturaleza maligna, nuestra liberación no será completa. Habrá una batalla constante con los pecados (las acciones). Es por eso que algunas personas luchan con los mismos problemas o ciclos año tras año. Aunque puedan estar tristes por sus acciones y arrepentidos, no han lidiado con su naturaleza pecaminosa tr...

Jesse Duplantis - Faith the Facts: Worried About Inflation? Get Inflated!

Jesse Duplantis - Faith the Facts: Worried About Inflation? Get Inflated!

Watch Today’s Enjoying Everyday Life Show with Joyce Meyer!

Watch Today’s Enjoying Everyday Life Show with Joyce Meyer May 27: Get grounded in the truth of God " So faith comes by hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the preaching [of the message that came from the lips] of Christ (the Messiah Himself). " Romans 10:17 Do you know what I did for years and years and years? Honestly, I still do it. Every single day of my life. I listen to the Word. I read the Word. I listen to two to three sermons, many of my own as well as other people’s. But for years, I listened to the Word of God continually. I wanted to always get it in me because I knew that faith was produced by hearing the Word. When that Word gets inside of you, it begins to bring revelation, an extraordinary unveiling, and a removing of the blinders. If you’re listening to the Word, then it’s NOT easy to be led by what the world is saying, what the “experts” are saying, and more. These days there are a number of audio versions of the Bible available for free on va...

Watch Tony Evans - God Wants You to Pursue Your Purpose

Watch Tony Evans - God Wants You to Pursue Your  May 27: Get grounded in the truth of God " So faith comes by hearing [what is told], and what is heard comes by the preaching [of the message that came from the lips] of Christ (the Messiah Himself). " Romans 10:17 Do you know what I did for years and years and years? Honestly, I still do it. Every single day of my life. I listen to the Word. I read the Word. I listen to two to three sermons, many of my own as well as other people’s. But for years, I listened to the Word of God continually. I wanted to always get it in me because I knew that faith was produced by hearing the Word. When that Word gets inside of you, it begins to bring revelation, an extraordinary unveiling, and a removing of the blinders. If you’re listening to the Word, then it’s NOT easy to be led by what the world is saying, what the “experts” are saying, and more. These days there are a number of audio versions of the Bible available for free on various apps...

Robert Morris' Sunday Service at Gateway Church Live May 25-26, 2024

Robert Morris' Sunday Service at Gateway Church Live May 25-26,  Wisdom Psalm 68:1–6 For the director of music. Of David. A psalm. A song. 1  May God arise, may his enemies be scattered;    may his foes flee before him. 2  May you blow them away like smoke—    as wax melts before the fire,    may the wicked perish before God. 3  But may the righteous be glad    and rejoice before God;    may they be happy and joyful. 4  Sing to God, sing in praise of his name,    extol him who rides on the clouds ;    rejoice before him—his name is the LORD. 5  A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows,    is God in his holy dwelling. 6  God sets the lonely in families,    he leads out the prisoners with singing;    but the rebellious live in a sun-scorched land. Commentary Praise the name of the Lord David urges: ‘sing to God,  sing praise to his name , exto...

Watch Steven Furtick - Sunday Sermon: God’s Got Your Back Part 2

Watch Steven Furtick - Sunday Sermon: God’s Got Your Back Part  Psalm 67:1–7 For the director of music. With stringed instruments. A psalm. A song. 1  May God be gracious to us and bless us    and make his face shine on us— 2  so that your ways may be known on earth,    your salvation among all nations. 3  May the peoples praise you, God;    may all the peoples praise you. 4  May the nations be glad and sing for joy,    for you rule the peoples with equity    and guide the nations of the earth. 5  May the peoples praise you, God;    may all the peoples praise you. 6  The land yields its harvest;    God, our God, blesses us. 7  May God bless us still,    so that all the ends of the earth will fear him. Commentary Think global God loves the entire world. He wants all nations and peoples to know him, worship and love him. The psalmist prayed for God’s blessing on his peop...