Day 169: Your Prayers Make a Difference (Proverbs 15:1-10, Acts 11:19-12:19a, 1 Kings 2:13-3:15)

Day 169: Your Prayers Make a Difference (Proverbs 15:1-10, Acts 11:19-12:19a, 1 Kings 2:13-3:15Day 169: Your Prayers Make a Difference
(Proverbs 15:1-10, Acts 11:19-12:19a, 1 Kings 2:13-3:15)


Saint John Chrysostom (349–407) wrote, ‘Prayer… is the root, the fountain, the mother of a thousand blessings… The potency of prayer has subdued the strength of fire, it has bridled the rage of lions… extinguished wars, appeased the elements, expelled demons, burst the chains of death, expanded the gates of heaven, assuaged diseases… rescued cities from destruction… and arrested the progress of the thunderbolt.’

We have a 24-7 Prayer Room on our church site at HTB. It was one of the highlights of my week to go into the room and spend time alone with God. Prayer really is the root and fountain of all that we do at HTB. It is such an encouragement to know that every hour, day and night, there is someone praying in that room.


Proverbs 15:1–10

15 A gentle answer turns away wrath,
   but a harsh word stirs up anger.

2 The tongue of the wise adorns knowledge,
   but the mouth of the fool gushes folly.

3 The eyes of the LORD are everywhere,
   keeping watch on the wicked and the good.

4 The soothing tongue is a tree of life,
   but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit.

5 A fool spurns a parent’s discipline,
   but whoever heeds correction shows prudence.

6 The house of the righteous contains great treasure,
   but the income of the wicked brings ruin.

7 The lips of the wise spread knowledge,
   but the hearts of fools are not upright.

8 The Lord detests the sacrifice of the wicked,
   but the prayer of the upright pleases him.

9 The LORD detests the way of the wicked,
   but he loves those who pursue righteousness.

10 Stern discipline awaits anyone who leaves the path;
   the one who hates correction will die.


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