Paula White Ministries
Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word. October 28: Yes and Amen "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. " 2 Corinthians 1:20 “ Yes and Amen literally means “So be it”. When you read the Bible and find so many precious promises, realize that if you are in Christ, those promises cry out, “Yes! You see me! Claim me for Your own! So be it!” You could read the scripture this way; “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes” in Christ. And so, through Christ, “So be it”, is spoken by believers to the glory of God.” It is pivotal to understand that the Holy Spirit must have revealed the promise to you before you say, “So be it.” Many times the Word is veiled to you for a season. You can read a verse or chapter in the Bible over, and over, and over again. Then one day as you read it one more...