
Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word. October 28: Yes and Amen "For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us. " 2 Corinthians 1:20 “ Yes and Amen literally means “So be it”. When you read the Bible and find so many precious promises, realize that if you are in Christ, those promises cry out, “Yes! You see me! Claim me for Your own! So be it!” You could read the scripture this way; “For no matter how many promises God has made, they are ‘Yes” in Christ. And so, through Christ, “So be it”, is spoken by believers to the glory of God.” It is pivotal to understand that the Holy Spirit must have revealed the promise to you before you say, “So be it.” Many times the Word is veiled to you for a season. You can read a verse or chapter in the Bible over, and over, and over again. Then one day as you read it one more...

Building Towers to 'Hold Up the Sky' -Holy Land Moments devotions | IFCJ

Building Towers to 'Hold Up the Sky' -Holy Land Moments devotions | IFCJ : Building Towers to ‘Hold Up the Sky’ Credit:Pieter Bruegel Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves; otherwise we will be scattered over the face of the whole earth.” — Genesis 11:4 Each week in synagogue, Jews read through the Torah from Genesis to Deuteronomy. The Torah portion for this week is Noach, from the name of the main character, Noah. It is from Genesis 6:9 –11:32. When I was studying the Bible story of the Tower of Babel, which is found in this week’s Torah portion, I came across this intriguing statement from the Jewish sages: “One third of the tower was burned, one third is buried, and one third still stands.” The comment, of course, is meant to be insightful, not literal. As I learned, it refers to the three different motivations for building the tower. For some people, the purpose of the ...

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria : jueves, 22 de octubre de 2020 Confianza en cuanto al juicio 2 Corintios 5.6-10 La Biblia describe dos clases de juicios: uno para quienes no tienen una relación con Jesucristo, y otro para quienes sí la tienen. Para los creyentes, el juicio es una evaluación de la vida de la persona. Si bien eso puede sonar alarmante, podemos encontrar consuelo en estas verdades sobre nuestro juez: SU IDENTIDAD. Según Juan 5.22, nuestro juez será Jesucristo. Podemos confiar en Aquel que dio su vida por nosotros, que nos trajo a formar parte de la familia de Dios, que habla con el Padre a nuestro favor y que intercede por nosotros. SU CARÁCTER. La naturaleza santa de Cristo asegura que será justo. Su omnisciencia significa que no puede tomar decisiones basadas en información inadecuada o defectuosa. Y por ser perfecto, no cometerá errores ni tratará a ciertas personas de manera más favorable que a otras. SU PROPÓSITO. Jesucristo evaluará nuestra vida de acuerdo con lo que hayamos...

Your Most Important Task |

Your Most Important Task | : The right foundation for the next generation Psalm 119:81-88 This psalm is both a personal reflection on life and also a resource produced by the psalmist to help others build their lives and leadership on the right foundation. In particular, he sets an example of faith in God’s word: ‘I have put my hope in your word… All your commands are trustworthy… I have not forsaken your precepts’ (vv.81b,86a,87b). Lord, help me to be faithful in spite of all the ‘pitfalls’ (v.85) and persecutions (v.86). Help me to do all I can to train up the next generation of leaders.

IsraelBiblicalStudies Singing to victory Learn the Meaning of the Hebrew Text The Unlikely Response to an Existential Threat In the face of fierce enemy armies, King Jehoshaphat chose a seemingly suicidal response:  sending Levite singers into battle ahead of his warriors . The amazing thing is that this tactic worked above and beyond any normal military response: “As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set an ambush against the Ammonites, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah, so that they were routed” (2 Chronicles 20:22).  The Amazing Double Meaning “Out of the mouths of babes and infants you have founded a bulwark because of your foes, to silence the enemy and the avenger” (Psalm 8:2). This verse, quoted later by Jesus, contains a fascinating play on words. The word  עֹז (ʽOz)  – translated as “bulwark” here – has the primary meaning of strength and valor, with a secondary meaning of praise.  This one Hebrew word captures the essence of the en...

I Hear His Whisper..."Walk in unity with me."

I Hear His Whisper..."Walk in unity with me." : I Hear His Whisper . . . Walk in unity with me.   Let your life illustrate the glory of my presence within you. You are a conduit of my Holy Spirit, a releaser of heaven to earth. Don’t allow yourself to become stagnant by resisting what I want to do through you. You are meant to flow with me, to do the impossible by the limitless power of my Spirit alive inside of you. My nature has become your nature. When you live in harmonious union with me, continually aware of my voice within you, you do things many others neglect to do. Sometimes, I remind you of someone you normally don’t think about, because they need prayer or a friend to reach out to them. Other times, you’ll see an unfamiliar face somewhere and be drawn to them, even though you don’t know them. Let my compassion flow through you. They may need prayer, a smiling face, or a moment to connect to someone. When you make yourself available to me, paying attention to the t...

Pastor Otoniel Font - Tu Corazón y tu Abundancia - YouTube

Pastor Otoniel Font - Tu Corazón y tu Abundancia - YouTube : Pastor Otoniel Font - Tu Corazón y tu Abundancia