
Showing posts from January, 2021

Sunday Service with Pastor Paula White Cain Streaming Live from City of Destiny - YouTube

Sunday Service with Pastor Paula White Cain Streaming Live from City of Destiny - YouTube : Paula White Ministries 119K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Streaming church from City of Destiny on Sunday, January 31st, 2021. For more information about Paula White Ministries please visit Paula White Ministries Paula White Ministries 119K subscribers SUBSCRIBED Streaming church from City of Destiny on Sunday, January 31st, 2021. For more information about Paula White Ministries please visit

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word. January 31: Words that Last “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away. " Matthew 24:35 If my thoughts, philosophies, ideas, or reason are built on anything but the Word of God, they are nothing but sinking sand. They will not last. They will not produce the promises God has guaranteed me in His Word. I must get rid of my old ways of thinking. I must build a new thought process based upon the Word of God. That means that no matter what my teachers, my doctors, my friends, my family, or even my pastor says, it is not going to matter unless it is in agreement with the Word of God. God’s Word produces God’s promises. We are to be changed from glory to glory. Paul tells us to be changed by the renewing of our minds. The word renew also can mean “renovation”. Many years ago I had a portion of m...

🔴 Joel Osteen LIVE | Lakewood Church Service | Sunday 11am - YouTube

🔴 Joel Osteen LIVE | Lakewood Church Service | Sunday 11am - YouTube: Joel Osteen will be delivering an inspirational message along with powerful worship from the Lakewood Church Worship team. You can also watch here: https://l...

The Living Prophecies [Coming to Pass This Generation] - Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show January-31-2021

The Living Prophecies [Coming to Pass This Generation] - Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show January-31-2021 : The Living Prophecies [Coming to Pass This Generation] - Sid Roth's it's supernatural! Sunday Show January-31-2021 In The Seven Living Prophecies, Pastor Larry Huch uncovers seven ancient wells of Bible truth for the soon coming outpouring of God. Larry points you directly to the Jewish roots of your faith to take hold of the unshakeable foundation you need. Larry Huch says the word of God will stand (and you will stand) even if everything else is shaken! These living truths include an appreciation for the Jewishness of Jesus and the importance of the coming restoration of God’s people immediately ahead. Key insights include: • Our Jewish Jesus • The curse of blaming • The ingathering • The turning of the heart • Signs of the Second Coming Then in his 3-CD/audio series, It’s Time for a Miracle, Larry builds on God’s truths for this emerging season. He...

How to Increase Your Faith: 7 Keys - YouTube

How to Increase Your Faith: 7 Keys - YouTube: Encounter TV 281K subscribers SUBSCRIBED You don't have to settle for wavering or inconsistent faith. You can live a faith-filled life no matter what you are facing. So whether your faith is being shaken or you just want to increase your faith to the next level, listen to this practical yet powerful message by David Diga Hernandez. In this

Kenneth Copeland (January-31-2021) Watch Sermon: The Answer Is Yes

Kenneth Copeland (January-31-2021) Watch Sermon: The Answer Is Yes: Kenneth Copeland (January-31-2021) Watch Sermon: The Answer Is Yes. God has promised healing in your covenant! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares why you can go to God regarding any of His covenant promises knowing that the answer is yes. Find out why confidence and boldness to call yourself well is the kind of faith that accesses the promise of healing!

Joseph Prince (January-31-2021) The Rapture And End-Time Tribulation Explained—Part 2

Joseph Prince (January-31-2021) The Rapture And End-Time Tribulation Explained—Part 2: Joseph Prince (January-31-2021)  The Rapture And End-Time Tribulation Explained—Part 2.  Does the Bible actually talk about the rapture of the saints? If so, will every Christian be caught up to meet the Lord, or only the “faithful” ones? Find scriptural answers to these questions and more as Joseph Prince demystifies the controversy surrounding this imminent end-time event. Discover what the Bible actually says about this subject, how it applies to all believers, and why only a revelation of the gospel of grace provides the proper perspective of the rapture and tribulation. Let this message give you the assurance of your glorious bodily redemption and renewed hope to live life unafraid in the last days!   SUBSCRIBE AND GET SERMONS AND DAILY DEVOTIONS B

Victoria Osteen - Protect Your God-Sized Promises - YouTube

Victoria Osteen - Protect Your God-Sized Promises - YouTube : You may be going through some difficult times right now, but hear this loud and clear. God says you are also blessed and highly favored. He has chosen you and put a seed of promise in you and given you an assignment that you need to protect. osen you and put a seed of promise in you and given you an assignment that you need to protect.

SBN - International Channel | Jimmy Swaggart MInistries

SBN - International Channel | Jimmy Swaggart MInistries: SonLife Broadcasting Network for Tv Network of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries SERVICION EN VIVO EN ESPANOL DESDE LUICIANA USA

Joyce Meyer (January-31-2021) Watch Sermon: Thoughts on Generosity

Joyce Meyer (January-31-2021) Watch Sermon: Thoughts on Generosity : Joyce Meyer (January-31-2021) Watch Sermon: Thoughts on Generosity. You don't have to have lots of money to be generous. Discover what it means to show others the love of God. Joyce Meyer (January-31-2021) Watch Sermon: Thoughts on Generosity. You don't have to have lots of money to be generous. Discover what it means to show others the love of God.

Stay Strong In God Through Joy | Victoria Osteen - YouTube

Stay Strong In God Through Joy | Victoria Osteen - YouTube: When the Israelites left Babylon and returned from captivity, they didn’t know all the difficult things they were going to face. But if they could go out wit...

Does God Answer All Your Prayers? |

Does God Answer All Your Prayers? | God says ‘yes’ Psalm 17:13-15 What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? David sets us a great example: ‘As for me… I shall be fully satisfied when I awake to find myself beholding your form and having sweet communion with you’ (v.15, AMP). Start each day seeking God’s presence and finding satisfaction in him. This is the heart of what prayer is all about. It is not just about asking for things; it is about seeking God’s face and enjoying ‘sweet communion with him’. This is the context of David’s request. He cried out to God for help in the face of his enemies (vv.13–14). God heard and answered his prayers with a positive response, ‘Yes’. Lord, each day, when I awake, may I enjoy sweet communion with you and ‘be satisfied with seeing your likeness’ (v.15b).

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word. January 30: First Place “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. " Matthew 6:33 Everything operates under either the world’s system or God’s system. Our marriages, our relationships, our cares, our ministries, our finances – are all operating in one system or the other. If we want “all these things” – the promises of God – added to our life, we must seek the kingdom of God first. That is not as easily done as said, because seeking, in itself, can be very frustrating. Nobody seeks just for the sake of seeking. There must be a good deal of desperation to push us through the seeking process. Once we are determined to seek, what is it that we are seeking? “Seek first the kingdom of God.” Simply put, it is God’s way of doing things. If we want the promises of God r...

Meditación Diaria

Meditación Diaria: viernes, 29 de enero de 2021 Cómo usar la Palabra de Dios correctamente 2 Timoteo 2.14, 15 La Biblia es un libro asombroso porque son las palabras de Dios dadas a la humanidad en forma escrita. No obstante, muchas personas la malinterpretan. En lugar de estudiar con diligencia las Sagradas Escrituras para descubrir lo que el Señor quiere decir y cómo quiere que vivamos, algunas personas buscan en la Biblia pasajes que apoyen sus ideas preconcebidas o el estilo de vida que han elegido. El pasaje de hoy fue escrito a un joven pastor llamado Timoteo. De todos los deberes que tiene un pastor, el principal es presentar la Palabra de Dios a la Iglesia. Pero eso no significa que nadie más pueda hacerlo; saber interpretar de manera apropiada la Biblia es una destreza que todo creyente debe desarrollar. Considere la diligencia de las personas de Berea, que fueron elogiadas por examinar a menudo las Sagradas Escrituras para evaluar veracidad de los mensajes que les eran pred...

Prophecy: Isaiah 50:4-10 | Messianic Bible

Prophecy: Isaiah 50:4-10 | Messianic Bible: 4 The Sovereign LORD has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like …

The Chat with Priscilla (January-29-2021) Girls Like Us (Part Two)

The Chat with Priscilla (January-29-2021) Girls Like Us (Part Two): The Chat with Priscilla  (January-29-2021)  Girls Like Us (Part Two

(2) Dr Charles Stanley Sermons ༺ Molded by the Master༻ ❣ In Touch Ministries - YouTube

(2) Dr Charles Stanley Sermons ༺ Molded by the Master༻ ❣ In Touch Ministries - YouTube: © Copyright by ~SD Team~ Production ☞ Do not Reup© Copyright all rights reserved#charlesstanleylovers ,#charlesstanleyenespanol2020 ,#charlesstanleyenespañol...

Todd White (January-29-2021) Watch Message: Is the Miraculous for Today

Todd White (January-29-2021) Watch Message: Is the Miraculous for Today: Todd White (January-29-2021) Watch Message: Is the Miraculous for Today

Sarah Jakes Roberts (January-29-2021) Watch Sermon: Now Won't Let Go

Sarah Jakes Roberts (January-29-2021) Watch Sermon: Now Won't Let Go: Sarah Jakes Roberts (January-29-2021) Watch Sermon: Now Won't Let Go

Joyce Meyer (January-29-2021) Watch Sermon: Wisdom Releases Power

Joyce Meyer (January-29-2021) Watch Sermon: Wisdom Releases Power: Joyce Meyer (January-29-2021) Watch Sermon: Wisdom Releases Power. A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God's Word to everyday life.

(2) Pastor Otoniel Font - 7 Condiciones para tu Avance Empresarial - YouTube

(2) Pastor Otoniel Font - 7 Condiciones para tu Avance Empresarial - YouTube: Pastor Otoniel Font - 7 Condiciones para tu Avance Empresarial

Kenneth Copeland (January-28-2021) Watch Sermon: Faith Doesn’t Skip the Listening Part of Prayer

Kenneth Copeland (January-28-2021) Watch Sermon: Faith Doesn’t Skip the Listening Part of Prayer: Kenneth Copeland (January-28-2021) Watch Sermon: Faith Doesn’t Skip the Listening Part of Prayer. Are you listening? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches why you haven’t finished praying until you listen. Learn how faith doesn’t skip the listening part of prayer and how to quicken hearing from The LORD. When you open your heart and spirit to hear from Him, you will always know what to do!

(2) Victoria Osteen: Letting Go of Offenses | Praise on TBN - YouTube

(2) Victoria Osteen: Letting Go of Offenses | Praise on TBN - YouTube: Christine Caine and Victoria Osteen join Laurie Crouch on TBN's Praise to discuss letting go of past offenses. Listen as they discuss that God wants us to mo...

(1) Break Through the Barriers of the Past | Victoria Osteen - YouTube

(1) Break Through the Barriers of the Past | Victoria Osteen - YouTube : Are you allowing the pain of your past to affect your hope for the future? When we allow past wounds to cause us to shrink back in fear, we limit what God ca... Watch Victoria Osteen - Sunday Sermon: Break Through the Barriers of the Past. Are you allowing the pain of your past to affect your hope for the future? When we allow past wounds to cause us to shrink back in fear, we limit what God can do in our lives. Remember today that God is the mender of broken hearts. He wants to restore you so you can reach the fullness of your destiny!

COVID deaths in Havering rise, and rapid testing is now available for everyone.

COVID deaths in Havering rise, and rapid testing is now available for everyone.

S. Mateo 5:7 RVR1960; Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia.

S. Mateo 5:7 RVR1960; Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia.: S. Mateo 5:7 RVR1960 S. Mateo 5:7 RVR1960 7Bienaventurados los misericordiosos, porque ellos alcanzarán misericordia.

(1) Victoria Osteen - Creating a Winning Atmosphere for Your Family - YouTube

(1) Victoria Osteen - Creating a Winning Atmosphere for Your Family - YouTube : Victoria Osteen - Creating a Winning Atmosphere for Your Family t us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds” (Hebrews 10:24). If we’re going to create the life that we want to live with our family, we have to keep the tone of a winner. We’re going to celebrate in the good times, and we’re going to keep that winning spirit in the difficult times. I believe that if we will maintain that consistent tone, we’re going to have a great life not only for ourselves but for our families!

Joseph Prince (January-27-2021) Special Highlights - TBN Grace 2016 Israel Tour (Archive)

Joseph Prince (January-27-2021) Special Highlights - TBN Grace 2016 Israel Tour (Archive): Joseph Prince  (January-27-2021)  Special Highlights - TBN Grace 2016 Israel Tour (Archive).

Joyce Meyer (January-27-2021) Watch Sermon: Making Right Choices - Part 3

Joyce Meyer (January-27-2021) Watch Sermon: Making Right Choices - Part 3: Joyce Meyer (January-27-2021) Watch Sermon: Making Right Choices - Part 3. A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God's Word to everyday life.

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: Soul Poisons and Antidotes

Joyce Meyer - Watch Sermon: Soul Poisons and Antidotes : Joyce Meyer - Sermon: Soul Poisons and Antidotes - Part 1. In this video Joyce Meyer talks about soul poisons and antidotes. She says that whatever is ailing your soul, God’s Word has the cure. Joyce shows you the healing power in God’s prescription plan. Joyce explains how God heals our souls and shares one woman's powerful story about overcoming the pain and trauma caused by sexual assault. Joyce Meyer - Sermon: Soul Poisons and Antidotes - Part 1. In this video Joyce Meyer talks about soul poisons and antidotes. She says that whatever is ailing your soul, God’s Word has the cure. Joyce shows you the healing power in God’s prescription plan. Joyce explains how God heals our souls and shares one woman's powerful story about overcoming the pain and trauma caused by sexual assault.

(1) Break Through the Barriers of the Past | Victoria Osteen - YouTube

(1) Break Through the Barriers of the Past | Victoria Osteen - YouTube: #VictoriaOsteen Break Through the Barriers of the Past | Victoria Osteen

It's Supernatural with Sid Roth (January-26-2021) How To Hear God Speak! -Richard Mull

It's Supernatural with Sid Roth (January-26-2021) How To Hear God Speak! -Richard Mull: It's Supernatural with Sid Roth (January-26-2021) How To Hear God Speak! -Richard Mull. This week on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, Richard Mull learned to hear God at seminary. But it wasn't in the classroom! He's also learned most of us don't hear God much. Are you ready for that to change?

Partner With Us | Joseph Prince Ministries

Partner With Us | Joseph Prince Ministries: Be a blessing to someone today You are KEY to sharing the good news of Jesus with the world! When you partner with Joseph Prince Ministries, you are taking the love of Jesus and gospel of grace into homes everywhere. Whether it's through the television broadcast, online channels, or humanitarian outreaches—real lives will be transformed by the love of Jesus, and because of your faithful generosity! Join us today. Advance the gospel of grace. Together, let's make an eternal impact!

2 Corintios 4:18 RVR1960; no mirando nosotros las cosas que se ven, sino las que no se ven; pues las cosas que se ven son temporales, pero las que no se ven son eternas.

2 Corintios 4:18 RVR1960; no mirando nosotros las cosas que se ven, sino las que no se ven; pues las cosas que se ven son temporales, pero las que no se ven son eternas.: 2 Corintios 4:18 RVR1960 2 Corintios 4:18 RVR1960 18no mirando nosotros las cosas que se ven, sino las que no se ven; pues las cosas que se ven son temporales, pero las que no se ven son eternas.


enlace+: Mujer, Podcast 45: 3 Escenciales para el 2021 Mi Lista Me gusta 00:13:36 25/01/2021 Te comparto 3 escenciales para este año 2021 y así que puedas lograr todo lo que te propongas con éxito.   Registrate en mi webinar:

Paula White Ministries

Paula White Ministries : Pastor Paula White-Cain is a celebrated author and teacher, beloved grandmother, mother and mentor, and spirit-led preacher of God’s Word. 26 de enero: Fe de la viuda “¿Y no vengará Dios a sus escogidos, que claman a él día y noche, aunque sea paciente con ellos?   " Lucas 18: 7 Jesús explicó que la parábola de la viuda persistente tenía el propósito de animar a los creyentes a orar siempre y no desanimarse. A veces, cuando le pedimos algo a Dios, la respuesta no siempre se manifiesta en treinta segundos. Como la viuda, debemos tener fe. Debemos estar seguros de que Aquel a quien vamos en busca de ayuda puede cumplir con lo que le pedimos. Estaba segura de que el juez era quien podía cambiar su mala situación. Ella siguió pidiendo ayuda hasta que actuó en su nombre. A veces puede parecer que Dios no escucha su llanto. Puede parecer que sus oraciones rebotan en las puertas del cielo. Cuando Dios parezca estar completamente oculto, ¿todavía te aferrarás a Él...