
Showing posts from August, 2023

Holy Land Moments | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

Holy Land Moments | International Fellowship of Christians and  The Miracle of Hope Yael Eckstein   |  August 30, 2023 Sarah and Hagar When the water in the skin was gone, she put the boy under one of the bushes. Then she went off and sat down about a bowshot away, for she thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she began to sob. God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.” —  Genesis 21:15-17 Miracles are central to both the Jewish and Christian faiths, and both biblical narratives are replete with miracles. Enjoy this collection of devotional teachings on the nature of God’s awe-inspiring signs and wonders. Genesis tells the dramatic story of  Hagar  and Ishmael, Abraham’s wife and son, who were sent away at Sarah’s request. They wandered through the desert until they ran out of the provisio...

Ron Carpenter Daily - Off the Bench! - YouTube

Ron Carpenter Daily - Off the Bench! - YouTube : Ron Carpenter Daily - Off the Bench! Unlisted Ron Carpenter 102K subscribers Subscribed 69 Share Download Save 664 views 16 Aug 2023 Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Today’s Devotional There is a specific assignment that is tailored just for you! You can’t look to other people to do it for you, you have to jump off the sideline and do it yourself! Today, get up and speak to your enemies. Overcome them. They will only respond to your voice in Jesus’ name! Prayer Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus with gratitude and thankfulness in my heart. I praise Your mighty name. Today, I choose to get off the sidelines of my assignment. I’m going to overcome anything in my way. Nothing will stop me from walking in what You called me to walk in. In Jesus’ name, amen!

The Thief | Joni and Friends

The Thief | Joni and Friends : The Thief By Joni Eareckson Tada | Published On: August 18, 2023 | Categories: Daily Devotional “Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free.” Ephesians 6:7-8 The iron gate clanged behind me. A flood of prison memories washed over me in my wheelchair. I smiled weakly at the guard who looked a little like the uniformed guard at my old state institution where I lived for two years. No, it wasn’t a prison. It was a rehab center. Oh, the irony. Here I was confined by my own set of bars, yet freewheeling. And these men were free to walk, yet confined behind bars. I had come to cut the ribbon at our Wheels for the World restoration center, where prisoners were refurbishing wheelchairs for our teams to deliver overseas to children and adults with disabilities. The inmates had seen the videos of children shut away in dark huts. Each chi...

Day 228: How to Raise Your Game (Proverbs 20:5-14, 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, 2 Chronicles 5:2-7:10)

Day 228: How to Raise Your Game (Proverbs 20:5-14, 1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1, 2 Chronicles 5:2-7:10) : Proverbs 20:5-14 5 The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters,    but one who has insight draws them out. 6 Many claim to have unfailing love,    but a faithful person who can find? 7 The righteous lead blameless lives;    blessed are their children after them. 8 When a king sits on his throne to judge,    he winnows out all evil with his eyes. 9 Who can say, “I have kept my heart pure;    I am clean and without sin”? 10 Differing weights and differing measures—    the Lord detests them both. 11 Even small children are known by their actions,    so is their conduct really pure and upright? 12 Ears that hear and eyes that see—    the Lord has made them both. 13 Do not love sleep or you will grow poor;    stay awake and you will have food to spare. 14 “It’s no good, it’s no good!” says the buyer—    then goes off and boasts about the purchase. Proverb Commentary Example o...

2 Corintios 1:3, 4 Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Padre de misericordias y Dios de toda consolación el cual nos consuela en todas nuestras tribulaciones, para que podamos también nosotros consolar a los que están en cualquier tribulación, por medio de la consolación con que nosotros somos consolados | Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960) | Download The Bible App Now | The Bible App |

2 Corintios 1:3, 4 Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Padre de misericordias y Dios de toda consolación el cual nos consuela en todas nuestras tribulaciones, para que podamos también nosotros consolar a los que están en cualquier tribulación, por medio de la consolación con que nosotros somos consolados | Biblia Reina Valera 1960 (RVR1960) | Download The Bible App Now | The Bible App | : 2 Corintios 1:3, 4 2 Corintios 1:3 RVR1960 Bendito sea el Dios y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, Padre de misericordias y Dios de toda consolación RVR1960: Biblia Reina Valera 1960

GS Newsletter- August 15th, 2023

GS Newsletter- August 15th, 2023 : Why The Cross Is The Answer - Part I by Gabriel Swaggart I Cor. 1:17 – “For the preaching of the Cross is to them who perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved, it is the power of God” THE CROSS Some people often wonder, How is it that the Cross of Christ is the answer? They have heard us declare that the only means to have victory in one’s life is by and through the finished work of Christ and our faith in that great work. Still, they wonder to themselves or others, How could that be possible? It is possible for the following reasons: when Christ died upon the Cross, He atoned for all sin—past, present, and future—for all who would simply believe. This means that when the individual comes to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ by simple faith that all of their sins have been atoned. This means that the Cross settled the sin debt that hung over mankind. This sin debt could not be assuaged by the means of self-effort or by the means of entitleme...

A Place of Humility | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews

A Place of Humility | International Fellowship of Christians and Jews : A Place of Humility Yael Eckstein  |  August 14, 2023 God shows Moses the Promised Land. Engraving by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld At that time I pleaded with the LORD. — Deuteronomy 3:23 Prayer in Judaism is defined as “the work of the heart,” which profoundly changes the nature of prayer from one of entreating God to an act that transforms who we are—not what God does. These devotions focus on different facets of prayer and what lessons we can learn about the power of our prayers. As a mother, I’m used to being asked for things, from ice cream and a new toy to just one more bedtime story. These pleas come from many different places. Sometimes, my children feel they deserve something and are asking with a sense of justice. Sometimes, they are jealous of their siblings and want me to make things fair. Sometimes, they know there is no justification, but they’re appealing to my sense of generosity. These types o...

IsraelBiblicalStudies. The Anointing of Jesus Learn to Hear the Music of Biblical Hebrew A Ritual of Devotion Biblical readers are familiar with the term Messiah (the Savior or Redeemer). However, not everyone knows that this word is of Hebrew origin. In Ancient Israel, the kings were crowned by oil being poured over their heads. This sacred ritual was called  meshicha  משיחה or “anointing”.  Because of this, the king was then called the  mashiach  משיח or the “anointed one.”   Preparing for the King’s Arrival Like all Jews, Mary passionately waited for the promised arrival of the redeemer king from the line of David. When Jesus was eating dinner at the house of the Leper Simon, in Bethany, she poured an entire jar of expensive perfumed oil over his head.  Mary knew this needed to be done   so His Messianic destiny could be fulfilled.  Only the most precious oil perfumed with nard would be suitable to anoint the Son of God. Return to the True...

Joel Osteen (August-14-2023) Daily Devotional: The “No Sweat Anointing”

Joel Osteen (August-14-2023) Daily Devotional: The “No Sweat Anointing Ron Carpenter Daily - Persuaded Unlisted Ron Carpenter 101K subscribers <__slot-el> Subscribed 107 Share Download Save 1,394 views 10 Aug 2023 Romans 8:38 For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, Today’s Devotional When your marriage is falling apart, your kids won’t come home, and there is tribulation surrounding you, will you choose to not be moved by what’s around you? As believers, we have to stay in faith when these things take place. You have to know that EVERYTHING is well taken care of because it’s in the Lord’s hands! Prayer Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus with thanksgiving and love in my heart. Today, I will not be moved despite the things I’m experiencing and feeling. Nothing will shake me. Nothing can take me away from You. I will have victory over my troubles. in Jesus’ name, amen! Reflecti...


Daily Devotional (August-13-2023) THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SPIRIT Daily Devotional (August-13-2023) THE SIGNIFICANCE OF SPIRIT CONTROLLED EMOTIONS. Scripture Reference: Nehemiah 8:10 - "He continued, “Go home and prepare a feast, holiday food and drink; and share with those who don't have anything: This day is holy to God. Don't feel bad. The Joy of God is your Strength!”. The Lord God Almighty designed man to be a social and relational being with inherent emotions. The Bible makes us understand that man is essentially a tripartite being i.e., he is a spirit possessing a soul and living in a body (1Thess. 5:23). People act the way they do because they are spirits but rather because they have souls. In other words, our emotional expressions are primarily from our souls and not our spirits. Just like the total man, the soul is also tripartite in nature, having three dimensions: (1.) The Mind: This is the thinking faculty which is the base of reason. Simply put, the mind is the th...

Differences between Holy Spirit’s Presence and Your Emotions - YouTube

Differences between Holy Spirit’s Presence and Your Emotions - YouTube : Differences between Holy Spirit’s Presence and Your Emotions David Diga Hernandez 1.42M subscribers Join Subscribed 9.5K Share Download Thanks 161,213 views Streamed live on 9 Aug 2023 #DavidDigaHernandez #ViralRevival #TheHolySpirit Every true believer desires to experience the Holy Spirit’s presence, but how can we discern if we are sensing His presence or our own emotions? In this livestream teaching, David Diga Hernandez reveals the differences between the Holy Spirit’s presence and your emotions.

Charles Stanley Daily Devotional (August-10-2023) A Book Full of Treasure

Charles Stanley Daily Devotional (August-10-2023) A Book Full of Treasure

Week 32| Everyday Study - Joyce Meyer Ministries

Week 32| Everyday Study - Joyce Meyer  August 7: Victory "O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?" 1 Corinthians 15:55 Paul told the Corinthians that an evil lifestyle would corrupt a man (1 Corinthians 15:33) and eventually a life of sin would lead to death. But when you live righteously before God, Satan has no right to your soul. The devil will attempt to kill you. He has been a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). He will try to kill your friends, your family, your joy, and even your soul. Christ came to give us power over death. Jesus defeated the grave, and it has no victory. God wants His people to be full of joy – the kind the devil can’t steal and discouragement can’t dampen. The joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). There is no joy in hell, but in heaven there is joy unspeakable and full of glory. Jesus is your victory.  

Joyce Meyer (August-04-2023) Daily Devotional: No Condemnation

Joyce Meyer (August-04-2023) Daily Devotional: No  Joyce Meyer (August-04-2023) Daily Devotional: No Condemnation “I should have known better,” Cindy cried out to me. “All the signs were there that he wasn’t the man for me.” She had gone through two years of a painful marriage of verbal and finally physical abuse. Then her husband left her for another woman. Now she felt doubly condemned—condemned for marrying him in the first place and condemned that she couldn’t hold the marriage together. “If I had been a good Christian, I could have changed him,” she moaned. I could have confronted her and said, “Yes, you did see the signs and you ignored them. You opened yourself up to this kind of treatment.” I didn’t say those words and wouldn’t. They would not have helped Cindy. What she needed right then was for me to stretch out my hand and comfort her. She was so self-condemned that she finally asked, “Will God forgive me?” At first, her words disturbed me. The Bible is clear that God fo...

Joel Osteen (August-03-2023) Daily Devotional: Giants on Your Land

Joel Osteen (August-03-2023) Daily Devotional: Giants on Your  Joel Osteen (August-03-2023) Daily Devotional: Giants on Your Land. Today's Scripture: And Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “Surely, let us go up and let us take possession of it because surely we will be able to prevail over it.” Numbers 13:30, LEB Today's Word: when Moses sent twelve men to spy out the Promised Land, ten spies came back saying though it was more than they ever dreamed, the inhabitants were too big, too strong, and the cities too fortified. They were fully persuaded that they couldn’t defeat the opposition. The two other spies, Joshua and Caleb, came back fully persuaded that they could “surely” overcome and take the land. They had a “surely” mentality. “Surely we will defeat these enemies, overcome this trouble, and live in the Promised Land.” What’s interesting is they were the only two Israelites of that generation who made it into the Promised Land. Don’t get talked out of your ...