Inspiration - Today's Word Take a Look Inside December 19, 2024 Banner Today's Scripture Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23, NIV Today's Word One of our main responsibilities is to keep negative emotions and attitudes out of our heart. You can’t stop offenses, disappointments, hurts, jealousy, or anger from coming. But are you going to let those negatives take root, get down in your spirit, contaminate your joy, take your energy, and open you up to sickness and defeat? No, keep your soul healthy. The Scripture says to make sure “that no root of bitterness springs up and many become defiled.” Pull up the roots of unforgiveness, insecurity, guilt, and condemnation. Don’t let your soul become poisoned. If your soul is bitter, if your emotional well-being is contaminated, it’s going to affect your physical health as well. Today, I’m asking you to look inside. Are you positive, hopeful, and grateful, or are you weighed down w...